
Wednesday, April 4, 2018

Chronological History of Legal Notices


Legal Notice January 13, 2014 – Public Announcement About Kamehameha III’s Descendants Existing

January 13, 2014

Amelia Gora
5:39 AM (1 minute ago)

to president, comments, john.maguire, Switzerland, Irish, info, Governor, mayor, mayor, mayor, mayor, Office, bcc: Panos, bcc: me, bcc: aumakua, bcc: Michael, bcc: Tom, bcc: pilipo, bcc: Aran, bcc: Leon, bcc: Law, bcc: Alika, bcc: Melissa, bcc: Kelii, bcc: bkgora


[Kanaka Maoli flag]
U.S. President Barack Obama
Congressmen and Congresswomen
Friendly Nations,
Interested Others
Greetings Everyone,
                        Re:  Hawaiian Kingdom/Ko Hawaii Pae Aina Record No. 2014-0113 Announcing Kamehameha III’s Descendants Exists through two (2) genealogy lines – from Amelia Gora, Royal Person, Acting Liaison of Foreign Affairs
This is an public announcement that I, Amelia Gora, am one of the descendants of Kauikeouli/Kamehameha III through intense genealogy research for more than 25 years.
It was our families research projects which included researching all the hidden lines, the families of our Royal Families, Alii, et. als. and many loyal to the Alii.
Research included the History, Genealogies, and Legal research.
The following is a recent article publicly posted:
 Updating Kauikeouli/Kamehameha III’s Families With Ongoing Issues Affecting the Hawaiian Islands, etc. Today

                                                           Review and Compilation

                                                                                   by Amelia Gora (2014)

Am a descendant of Kauikeouli/Kamehameha III in two (2) lines.

Opunui’s mother was the hanai daughter of Queen Liliuokalani who was given the task of taking care of the Queen’s Trust.

Am a descendant of Kauikeouli/Kamehameha III’s hanai children – two of them.


The Land owners, the Land Title owners exists and I, Amelia Gora, am one of them.
*Kamehameha III’s descendants exists………..which means that the True Crown Land owners exists.

*Kamehameha III’s descendants inherited the Royal person status, including sovereignty.

* Kamehameha III’s hanai/adopted children was known as “hanai hookama” also “inherited sovereignty as documented in a Probate with testimonies from Samuel Kamakau, historian and writer of the book RULING CHIEFS.
*  The Treaty of 1849 continues which locks in the contract between the Kamehameha’s and the U.S. President locking in the U.S. Constitution, Section VI,

*  Opunui’s mother was designated the True Trustee of Queen Liliuokalani’s Trust, and Not the Bank of Hawaii.

*  Bernice Pauahi/Pauahi also married Keawe and became the hanai/adopted parents of Opunui.

* Keawe was married to Peke Davis before she married Antone Sylva/Akoni/Antonio Silva.

* David Keawe/Davis Keawe was Keawe’s and Peke Davis son.  Peke Davis daughter was Wahinekipi with George Humehume son of Kaumualii of Kauai.  Peke Davis had a son with Antone Sylva/Akoni/Antonio Silva/Antone Silva Mason  named George D. Sylva/Silva.

* Peke Davis left her two sons as her heirs, with her husband as caretaker.  Her last husband was left with a life interest.

* George D. Sylva died and he left no children and his father as heir.  David Keawe/Davis Sylva/David Silva married and had descendants.

*David Keawe/Davis Sylva/David Silva’s hanai brother (a true cousin) Opunui also married and had descendants.

*Both David Keawe/Davis Sylva/David Silva and Opunui are ancestors of ours.

* The Cartwright genealogies shows only Wahinekipi as the child of Peke Davis, which is contrary to research.

*Pauahi/Bernice Pauahi had a documented hanai/adopted son, and our families descend from him.

* Bernice Pauahi/Pauahi was Not the last of the Kamehameha’s.

*Sanford B. Dole wrote an article saying that Bernice Pauahi was the last of the Kamehameha’s.

* The Judges declared that the rules that they made became laws.  This is documented as treasonous activities.

*  Bernice Pauahi Bishop’s next of kin documented in Probate was Kalola, another ancestor of ours.

* Kalola’s grandson Ioela married Kapooloku/Kapoolohu/Princess Poomaikelani and had my Paternal great grandmother named Haili/Kaili/Kalama.  She married Kaluakini.

* Kalola’s grandson Ioela/JW Kauwahi married Keaka /Keaka Kaholoaunui whose names appeared in Bernice Pauahi’s Will.  Keaka/Keaka Kaholoaunui is my maternal ancestor.
In other words, both are my ancestors.

*Lots of Frauds, Defrauding issues, identity thefts, Piracy, Privateer Issues, Genocide, Premeditation Evidence discovered and posted all over the internet, in articles, pamphlets, and books.

*  Queen Liliuokalani destroyed the Constitution which returned the Hawaiian Kingdom to a Constitutional Monarchy.

*  The Constitution filed by attorneys Kinney, et. als. was filed in Congress with a statement that it was a “purported” Constitution.

*  The Court of Claims heard Queen Liliuokalani’s case and the presiding Judge was a Booth who declared that the Crown Lands did not belong to the Queen, et. als.

Note:  The Booth’s, ancestors of  Obama, the Pfluegers, et. als. are problematic in the Hawaiian Islands.  The descendants also operate the Bank of Hawaii, criminally claim Queen Liliuokalani’s Trust, etc.

The Bank of Hawaii is one of the largest banks in the U.S. operating on criminal, Piracy(ies), Racketeering, Privateer issues.

There was a John Booth who went missing during U.S. President Lincoln’s assassination and his widow was Wahinealoha who married hanai /adopted son of David Keawe, a relative of ours.
Research incomplete.

*George Macy, one of the owners of Macy Stores, and investments made by the Bernice Pauahi Bishop Estates/KSBE/Kamehameha Schools Bishop Estates with investments in Goldman and Sachs Wallstreet Bankers claimed our Kamehameha descendant families.  The dates are highly questionable.
George Macy assisted in dethroning Queen Liliuokalani and became the first U.S. Internal Revenue Service Head in the Hawaiian Islands, wrongfully, criminally taxing the people.
Research incomplete.

* Prince Kuhio and Kalanianaole tried to declare Queen Liliuokalani incompetent in Court.

*Prince Kuhio and Kalanianaole did file Queen Kapiolani’s deed which was contrary to her instructions.

*Queen Kapiolani publicly opposed her nephews and took them to court saying that they were to file the deed After she died.

*Queen Kapiolani was the sister of Princess Poomaikelani, my great great great grandmother.

* Queen Kapiolani was also hanai/adopted daughter of Kaluakini/Luakini the son in law of Princess Poomaikelani.

* Queen Kapiolani became the hanai sister of my paternal grandmother.

*  Queen Kapiolani was the administrator of Princess Poomaikelani my paternal great great great grandmother.

* Queen Liliuokalani denied that she signed a Trust Deed with Samuel Damon, et. als.

*Queen Liliuokalani documented in her Will that she did not sign a Trust Deed with Samuel Damon, et. als.  She left it up to Colburn to make corrections.

*Colburn agreed with Prince Kuhio to not pursue Queen Liliuokalani’s request after she died.

*  Prince Kuhio took an out of court settlement to the claims of Queen Liliuokalani and he accepted a home in Waikiki in trade off.

2011 – Tane Inciong:
Reasons Why We Are Not Part of the United States of America…
Using their own U.S. and fake-State of Hawaii constitutions and laws and their Apology Bill, we can see where they “shoot themselves in their feet”. Add to that the much discounted and over-looked Ku’e Petitions against annexation (Sept. 1897) whereby approximately 96% of the bona fide subjects of the Kingdom of Hawai’i responded against it which can be considered a plebiscite of its citizens. This Ku’e Petitions answers the Turpie Resolution of 31 May 1894.
The fact that U.S. Secretary James L. Blaine’s advice, supported later by then U.S. President Benjamin Harrison and others within the U.S. government and community, was to destabilize the Kingdom of Hawaii without setting international precedent culminated in 1887 and conspired to overthrow and take control of the Kingdom of Hawaii for the purpose of annexing its territory to the United States of America for dominance within the Pacific Ocean for its Imperialism and Expansionism. This led to the active invasion and belligerent occupation unlawfully executed in 1893 by settting up a puppet “Provisional Government”/Republic of Hawai’i.
After the Treaty of Annexation was twice rejected, first withdrawn by newly-elected President Cleveland from U.S.. Congress and Executive Agreement established; then another treaty that was rejected by U.S. Congress, The Presidential-successor, McKinley allowed Congress to internally create the unlawful Newlands Resolution to annex Hawaii on 12 August 1898. This blatantly ignored the Presidential Agreement and the contested Ku’e Petitions of September 1897 and continued setting precedence in the international arena and double-standard justice.
It is noteworthy to review the Organic Act of 30 April 1900:
Section 4. Citizenship. That all persons who were citizens of the Republic of Hawaii on August 12 , 1898 are hereby declared (!) to be citizens of the U.S. and citizens of the Territory of Hawai’i. -U.S. citizens that reside in Territory of Hawaii for one year on or since 12 August 1898 shall be citizens of the Territory of Hawaii. (This secured U.S. citizens who came to tip the population count for U.S. control to remain as permanent residence without losing their nationality and freedom to travel between the U.S. and Hawaii without a passport. The Ku’e Petitions of 1897 confirms that the bona fide subjects of the Kingdom of Hawaii did not support the Republic of Hawaii and therefore not citizens of the ipso facto government.)
– Chinese Ban was applied.
– Puerto Rican did not lose political status by removing to Hawaii in 1901 but became U.S. citizens, hence, entitled to vote in Hawaii.
-24 March 1934 – Filipino placed on quota basis as aliens. Specifically inapplicable in Hawaii and immigration is determined by the Department of the Interior on basis of industrial needs. Filipino national in Hawaii became alien by proclamation of Philippine Independence.
– A person born in the Kingdom of Hawaii of British parents domiciled there was held to be a citizen of the Republic of Hawaii although he was registered at birth at the British consulate and had never renounced allegiance to the British Crown nor sworn allegiance to the Hawaiian government. (you can see U.S. preference for caucasians.)
The Admission Act (18 March 1959):
Section 19. Nothing contained in this Act shall operate to confer United States nationality nor to terminate nationality heretofore lawfully acquired, or restore nationality heretofore lost under any law of the (U.S.) or under any treaty to which the (U.S.) is or was a party.
(Since we were never lawfully citizens of the Republic of Hawaii as deemed by the Ku’e Petitions, U.S. belligerent occupation and never relinquished our rights as Hawaiian subjects, the U.S. breaches of the treaties, the U.S. violation of the law of occupation, law of neutrality, violations of the U.S. Constitution’s First Amendment , the Constitution and Laws of the Kingdom of Hawaii, and the treaties between both countries; we are still Hawaiian subjects of the Kingdom of Hawaii.)
A Hawaii patriot,

1993 – Admission of some of the criminal acts were made and signed into law by U.S. President William Clinton as P.L. 103-150.
International Attorneys documented the wrongs:
1. Dr. Boyle
The United States of America is “…admitting that the invasion, overthrow, occupation, annexation, starting in 1893, on up, violated all the treaties, violated basic norms of international law, and the United States Constitution… the overthrow of a lawful government… Under international law when you have a violation of treaties of this magnitude, the World Court has ruled that the only appropriate remedy is restitution.”
“…now the United States government, after one hundred years, has finally and officially conceded, as a matter of United States law, that Native Hawaiian people have the right to restore the Independent Nation State that you had in 1893 when the United States government came and destroyed it. And also then that as a matter of international law the Native Hawaiian people have the right to go out now and certainly proclaim the restoration of that State… this resolution clears up all these matters… You don’t need to petition Congress to do it. Congress has given you everything you need right here to do it, if that’s what you want to do. The United Nations Charter provides the rest of the authority to do it.”
“Congress is effectively conceding now that the (1959 statehood) vote is meaningless, as a matter of international law and United States domestic law. So you’re not bound by it. Rather I’m suggesting you’re now free to determine your own fate pursuant to the principal of self-determination.”
“The State of Hawai’i, the federal government, are… the civilian arms of the military occupation authority, and… do not have sovereign powers. The sovereignty resides in the people.”
“Who’s land is it? Well, from what Congress seems to be saying, it’s the land of the Native Hawaiians. The Native Hawaiian people still have sovereignty… You can’t trespass on your own land. The trespassers then become the State of Hawai’i, and the land developers, and the golf courses, and the resorts. You are simply the Native Hawaiians asserting your rights under international law… this reversal of positions, between who is the criminal and who is the victim, who is asserting their rights and who is violating their rights, has been effectively conceded by Congress.”
“… these are official findings of fact and law, by the Congress of the United States. These findings bind all state and federal courts here in Hawai’i.”
“As a litigator before the International Court of Justice, I would be able to take this law to the World Court, and say, ‘The United States government has now officially conceded that it illegally invaded and occupied the Kingdom of Hawai’i, and for this reason the native people of Hawai’i would be entitled to a restoration of their independent status as a sovereign nation state.'”
“I could not predict how long this would take, what would be the consequences, how many states will recognize you, but I take it that the plight of the Hawaiian people is generally well known in the world, and there’s a great deal sympathy …it might be that you would be able to obtain recognition quickly. And especially if you pursue this process in accordance with principals of peaceful, non-violent struggle. And I submit that’s the most effective technique you have today… Gandhi threw the mighty British Empire out of India without using force. People power, what we call it today. And I submit that the Native Hawaiian people would be able to do the same thing, moving in this direction and adopting the techniques of peaceful, non-violent action, which is what Gandhi called for.”
“I would certainly caution you against trying to seek the same type of treatment that the federal government has doled out to the Native Americans. Moreover, on the basis of this statute, you’re entitled to a lot more…”
“…an Independent Sovereign Nation State is one way a people who are threatened with extermination by means of genocide can attempt to protect themselves… What is the best way to protect the existence of your people, as a people? …to proclaim your own State, and then ultimately seek international recognition and finally UN membership…”
“…it’s your future and that of your children and your children’s children that is at stake.”
What are the Criteria … How can it be done?
“First, a fixed territory, and clearly we have the Hawaiian Archipelago… Who’s land is it? Well, from what congress seems to be saying, it’s the land of the Native Hawaiians. The Native Hawaiian people still have sovereignty. The sovereignty inheres in you. And now it is for you to decide what to do with this sovereignty… the title to the land rested and still rests, under international law, with the Native Hawaiian people.”
“Second, a population, a distinguishable population of people, the Native Hawaiians, those who would trace their ancestry back before the appearance of Europeans on these lands… Certainly the Hawaiian state could take the position that you’ll set up a procedure to provide citizenship to all people who are habitual residents of the new State of Hawaii as of a certain date… on a level of equality with everyone else.”
“Third, a government, and here you have … the Kupuna (Elders) Council, that you’ve traditionally had. You don’t need a government along the lines of the federal government of the United States or the State of Hawai’i to have a government. Rather what you need is a way to organize your people to govern your relations among each other, and clearly you have that.”
International Relations
“And fourth, the capacity to enter into international relations, to deal with other states, and to keep your commitments. As I understand it, there are already states in the Western Pacific region that support the Native Hawaiian people and probably would be prepared to give you diplomatic recognition as an independent state… You would probably obtain recognition in that capacity from a fairly large number of states.”

See Full text of Boyle’s testimony
2. Dr. Matthew Craven
1998 – In Williamson B. C. Chang’s brief in Civ. No. 98-0559-02 (Condemnation) dated July 29, 1998 on page 2 with Affidavit:
” Hawaii and the United States were separate and independent nations prior to July 7 , 1898. This Court may take judicial notice of that fact. No act of Congress, no Act of the Congress of the United States, no act of any Congress in the world can, without more, result in the incorporation of the territory of another nation.” 1
1 See Exchange of remarks, Senators Allen and Stewart, 55th Cong. 2 d Session. 31 Cong. Rec. 6369 (Senator Stewart taking the position that the resolution was mere “puffing,” in that the United States can “annex the world” if Congress so chose.) No nation has that power and not nation ever will have that power. Equally true, no nation can suffer the loss of its lands by ” joint resolution .” It is not simply an illegal act – it is an impossible act. See Statement of Senator Foraker admitting Joint Resolution cannot annex Hawaii. 55th Cong. 2d Sess. 31 Cong. Rec. 6585.
Page 5: “No one claimed that Congress had power beyond the boundaries of the United States”.
The following is regarding “The legislative history is more than clear: Congress deliberately sought to deny the Courts of the State of hawaii in rem jurisdiction.”3 ” Public Law 86-3 is the sole basis by which this Court derives its very existence, let alone its powers.”
“3 Leaders of both the Republic of Hawaii and the United States were well aware of this fact. See Correspondence of Sanford Dole, President of Hawaii to A. Hartwell, dated November 15 , 1899 from the State Archives of Hawaii (“A reference to the joint resolution of annexation and …

*Gold Bullions, Gold coins stolen/missing and must be returned.
* Gold Coins, jewelry, valuables removed from Kawaiahao Church cemetery and must be returned.
*  Land owners exists,  the Kamehameha Schools/Bernice Pauahi Bishop Estates, other Alii Estates are being operated by treasonous, conspirators, pirates, privateers, Masons, Freemasons, etc.

Amelia Gora, a Royal person, member of the House of Nobles, Acting Liaison of Foreign Affairs with three (3) forms of immunities and inherited sovereignty

Note:  Rents, Leases, etc. due … As a result of this document, I would no longer be eligible for some of the benefits from the entity State of Hawaii, etc.

We look forward to a meeting with your Representative, et. als. because we are the true owners of the Crown Lands, wrongfully claimed “ceded lands”, Private Property owners that criminal Kamehameha Schools/KSBE/Kamehameha Schools Bishop Estates, and other Alii Estates claim, etc.

My contact e-mail:
mail through the Post office of which our Treaties are in place with:

P.O. Box 861781
Wahiawa, Oahu, Hawaiian Islands  96786

References:  PIRATES OF THE PACIFIC:  Charles Reed Bishop and Friends, other books by Amelia Gora
see also



Exposing U.S. President Obama via article from Hawaii: Charles Reed Bishop, Husband of Bernice Pauahi Bishop, And His Wicked Family (includes your President Barack H. Obama)

January 9, 2015

researched, compiled by Amelia Gora (2015)
This is the story of a criminal deviant, a PIRATE OF THE PACIFIC, pillager, parasite named Charles Reed Bishop and His Wicked Family:
Charles Reed Bishop
Minister of Foreign Affairs
In office
January 10, 1873 – February 17, 1874
Monarch Lunalilo
Preceded by Ferdinand W. Hutchinson
Succeeded by William Lowthian Green
Personal details
Born January 25, 1822
Glens Falls, New York, United States
Died June 7, 1915 (aged 93)
San Francisco, California,United States
Resting place Royal Mausoleum of Hawaii
Spouse(s) Bernice Pauahi Pākī
Children Keolaokalani Davis (hānai)
Occupation Businessman, Banker, Politician
1822 – January 25 Charles Reed Bishop was born.
1831 – December 31. Bernice Pauahi Bishop was born.
Bernice Pauahi Bishop
Spouse Charles Reed Bishop
Issue Keolaokalani Davis (hānai)
Full name
Bernice Pauahi Pākī Bishop
Father Abner Pākī
Kekūanāoʻa (hānai)
Mother Laura Kōnia
Kīnaʻu (hānai)
Born December 19, 1831
ʻAikupika, Haleākala, Honolulu,Oʻahu, Hawaii
Died October 16, 1884 (aged 52)
Keōua Hale, Honolulu, Oʻahu,Hawaii
November 2, 1884
Mauna ʻAla Royal Mausoleum,Oʻahu, Hawaii
1846 – Harvard educated William Lee and his lover Charles Reed Bishop made their way to the Hawaiian Islands to work for the American Consulate. Consulate members were spies for their government. Lee worked as a Judge for the Hawaiian Kingdom and married a woman. Saddened, Charles Reed Bishop married Bernice Pauahi Bishop.
1850. May 5 – Charles Reed Bishop married Bernice Pauahi Bishop, one of the many Kamehameha’s.
1858 – Charles Reed Bishop founded a bank named Bishop & Co.
1884 – October 16. Bernice Pauahi Bishop died of breast cancer and probably due to the heavy use of opium for pain.
The Will of Bernice Pauahi Bishop left the following on payroll for the Bernice Pauahi Bishop Estates, the Will appears to have been carefully worded by attorney, banker, plantation owner, Pacific Cable Company investor Charles Reed Bishop.
The Will included Charles Reed Bishop’s family members:
1. E. Bernice Bishop Dunham – niece, daughter of his sister.
2. Mrs. William F. Allen – his cousin.
3. Hoopii/Maria Kaia married to Kaluna – his niece, daughter of his brother Henry Bishop.
The following are excerpts of the Will of Bernice Pauahi Bishop:
“First. I give and bequeath unto my namesakes, E. Bernice Bishop Dunham, niece of my husband, now residing in San Joaquim County, California, Bernice Parke, daughter of W. C. Parke Esq., of Honolulu, Bernice Bishop Barnard, daughter of the late John E. Barnard Esq. of Honolulu, Bernice Bates, daughter of Mr. Dudley C. Bates, of San Francisco, California, Annie Pauahi Cleghorn of Honolulu, Lilah Bernice Wodehouse, daughter of Major J. H. Wodehouse, of Honolulu, and Pauahi Judd the daughter of Col. Charles H. Judd of Honolulu, the sum of Two hundred Dollars ($200.) each.
Second. I give and bequeath unto Mrs. William F. Allen, Mrs. Amoe Haalelea, Mrs. Antone Rosa, and Mrs. Nancy Ellis, the sum of Two Hundred Dollars ($200.) each.
Third. I give and bequeath unto Mrs. Caroline Bush, widow of A .W. Bush, Mrs. Sarah Parmenter, wife of Gilbert Parmenter Mrs. Keomailani Taylor, wife of Mr. Wray Taylor, to their sole and separate use free from the control of their husbands, and to Mrs. Emma Barnard, widow of the late John E Barnard Esq. the sum of Five hundred dollars ($500.) each.”
1st Codicil:
“5th. I give, devise and bequeath unto Kaluna (k) and Hoopii(also known as Kaia/Maria Kaia), his wife, those premises now occupied and cultivated by them in Kauluwela, Liliha Street, Honolulu; to have and to hold for and during the terms of their natural lives and that of the survivor of them; remainder to my trustees upon the trusts named in my said will.”
See Discussion below for the three (3) relatives of Charles Reed Bishop.
1889 – Charles Reed Bishop founded the Bishop Museum for his wife.
1894 – Charles Reed Bishop sold his interest/conveyed his “life interest” to the Trustees of the Bernice Pauahi Bishop Estate in the Hawaiian Islands and joined the Bank of California until his death.
1915 – June 7. Charles Reed Bishop died.
1) E. Bernice Bishop Dunham – niece, daughter of Charles Reed Bishop’s sister.
“First. I give and bequeath unto my namesakes, E. Bernice Bishop Dunham, niece of my husband, now residing in San Joaquim County, California
E. Bernice Bishop Dunham married James Skiff Dunham
children: Edna Lucille, June 27, 1883;
Charles Bishop, January 28, 1886;
Leland L., April 7, 1889 married Hazel Payne/Madelyn Payne (part Black)
Stanley Ann Payne Dunham married Barack Obama Sr.
Barack Obama Jr.
2) Mrs. William F. Allen – Charles Reed Bishop’s cousin.
“Elisha Hunt Allen’s son William Fessenden Allen married his cousin Cordelia Church.”
Elisha Hunt Allen was the American consul in Hawaii – a gifted Consulate position by President Zachary Taylor because as an American lawyer, he had nominated Taylor for President. President Taylor had signed the 1850 Treaty of the Hawaiian Kingdom and the United States of America. Allen moved towards a revolution and planning the annexation of Hawaii to the United States. He was a conspirator, a treasonous person. Allen became the first “Hawaiian Minister to the United States” and continued to work on the 1876 Treaty Renewal until his death at a White House reception in 1883. His son was William F. Allen married Charles Reed Bishop’s cousin
Cordelia Church. Mrs. William F. Allen is listed in the Bernice Pauahi Will:
“Second. I give and bequeath unto Mrs. William F. Allen,”
3) Hoopii/Maria Kaia married to Kaluna – his niece, daughter of his brother Henry Bishop.
“5th. I give, devise and bequeath unto Kaluna (k) and Hoopii(also known as Kaia/Maria Kaia), his wife, ”
Hoopii/Kaia/Maria Kaia was Charles Reed Bishop’s niece.
Charles Reed Bishop brother of
Henry Bishop married Kala (w)
Hoopii/Kaia/Maria Kaia married Kaluna (k) doorman of Charles Reed Bishop’s bank
Note: both were parties to the Frauds in the Will of Akahi (w), claimed aunt of Bernice Pauahi Bishop and were the witnesses to her Will. Issues of Frauds were presented and the Probate case ended in 1894, after the criminal dethronement of Queen Liliuokalani in 1893.
Note also that Akahi (w) was the step mother of all of Kalaniopuu’s, Kamehameha’s, Kaumualii’s, Hoapilikane’s, Charles Kanaina’s child(ren), step children, hanai/adopted children because her husband Kalaimoku/Kalanimoku married Kamehameha’s widow Keopuolani.
Charles Reed Bishop, banker, lawyer, plantation owner, Pacific Cable Company investor, treasonous activist, conspirator, pirate, pillager, Mason/Freemason, along with his Wicked, Criminal Family members were listed as heirs in the Will of Bernice Pauahi Bishop.
In noting their connections to him, only one member was part Hawaiian named Hoopii/Kaia/Maria Kaia who had a kanaka maoli mother and Charles Reed Bishop’s blood. It was she and her husband who assisted in supporting his criminal claims in assuming an elderly ancestor named Akahi who was also a step mother to all of Kalaniopuu’s, Kamehameha’s, Kaumualii’s, Hoapilikane’s, Charles Kanaina’s children, step children, hanai/adopted children.
The non kanaka maoli were conveyed money amounts without an ending clause, which means they have been enjoying regular compensation at the expense of the true heirs, the families of Kalaniopuu, Kamehameha, Kaumualii, et. als.
The research is incomplete but much has been found on Obama’s connections to the Bankers, the Wall Street Bankers, the Bank of England/World Bank because Obama was also found to be an heir of Robert E. Lee who was an heir of George Washington/President George Washington and his wife Martha who owned shares in the Bank of England. George Washington was a descendant of the Royal Families of England.
The research and evidence also shows that Obama is part of the Bank of Hawaii, which holds on to the monies of the Queen Liliuokalani Trust, and other Trusts illegally, and through his Booth Family genealogy line and other members of that line are directly connected to the banks, the air lines, the car companies (Pflugers), the food chain – Foodland (Walls) and also the drug store chain (Longs), investors in the GMO/ Genetic Modification Organisms, such as Monsanto, and other companies used to pollute, destroy lands, water, etc.
Note: Do you see some of the New World Order/One World Order activists who are and have been actively reaping monies off of funds that don’t belong to them and moving to destroy, kill, maim, decimate the world’s populations now discovered through genealogies, history, and legal works……remember the faggot Charles Reed Bishop was a lawyer, a Mason/Freemason, Pirate, Parasite, Racketeer, killer, thief, fraudulent, deceptive American agent/spy, banker who borrowed millions of dollars from the Hawaiian Kingdom and did not pay it back, etc. who could not father a child but managed to kill one of the Kamehameha’s who also happened to be a John Young, Isaac Davis descendant.
Therefore, the corruption, fraud, criminal deceit, racketeering shows that Charles Reed Bishop’s families out of the Hawaiian Islands have been operating with monies, finances that are stolen from the true heirs and have been documented as Pirates, Pillagers and have been documented so in the Judicial Tribunal lists since August 2014 under Charles Reed Bishop as charged utilizing the 1850 Treaty of the Hawaiian Kingdom and the United States of America, Article XIV.
The 1850 Treaty of the Hawaiian Kingdom and the United States of America is a permanent friendship Treaty which was ratified by Congress of the United States of America in 1850 is Only between Kamehameha III – Kauikeaouli, his Heirs and successors. Kamehameha III – Kauikeaouli’s Heirs exists, and I, Amelia Gora, am one of them.
The vast amounts of monies, wealth ill gotten by Charles Reed Bishop and His Wicked Family, including Barack Obama Jr. current U.S. President.
Monies conveyed out by Charles Reed Bishop who had only a life interest and secured funds for his own relatives at our families expense is not o.k.
Charles Reed Bishop and his Families and Friends played a large role conspiring, plotting against the Royal Families as shown, supported by those who conspired against Queen Liliuokalani as well.
Utilization of monies ill gotten through the Bernice Pauahi Estates who was not the last of the Kamehameha’s is a major thorn for all the bankers, et. als. who deliberately War for the business of War, making blood monies off of Innocents in the World today.
As one of the true family members of Kalaniopuu, Kamehameha, Kaumualii, et. als. heirs/descendants, We continue to maintain a neutral, friendly, non violent nation continue to support and defend the U.S. Constitution, the first one, and declare that the above statements, research, etc. to be true, correct, and stand along with the historical whistle blowers including Queen Liliuokalani (who named some of the Pirates, Pillagers), Kiliwehi Kekumano, Vladimir Putin who blew the whistle on the U.S. and stated that the Americans were usurped, whistle blower Karen Hudes who said that the bankers made a secret Second Constitution, an illegal Constitution, in 1871 which made everyone into slaves, etc., Leuren Moret who exposes the criminal use of depleted uranium, radiation etc. with the intent to poison, destroy, decimate the populations in the World including Americans, Paul Craig Roberts, Stephen Gowans, John Kaminski, David Icke, Greg Wongham, Bobby Harmon, Tane Inciong, Pono Kealoha, Pilipo Souza, Stephen Kinzer, Howard Zinn, Judson Witham, Wisdom Fund, Democracy Now, Joseph Rodrigues, Robert Ebanez, Thomas Ah Yee, Russell Means, Alan Ackerman, Williamson Chang, Rob Kall, Hank Fergerstrom, Ehu Cardwell, Eric Poohina, Herbert Pratt, John Nelson who prepared the historical moves against the American people – see at , Michael Lee, Louis Farrakhan, Phil Donahue, Noam Chompsky, Alayne Fleischmann, William Colby, “The Saker”, Christine Hahn, Chelsea/Bradley Manning, Edward Snowden, many kanaka maoli who have passed including many of Kalaniopuu’s, Kamehameha’s, Kaumualii’s, heirs/descendants, those named at and the countless others not listed.
Pirates, pillagers, thieves, racketeers have been uncovered in the Hawaiian Islands which greatly affects all in the U.S.A……….Americans, Families, Friends…….Please Take Back Your Government Now…..and do whatever is necessary to maintain Peace, Harmony, Love in a World at the edge of destruction due to Charles Reed Bishop and His Wicked Lot/His Wicked Family and Friends.
Ooklah The Moc – Hell Fire – Rearrange Your Positive
by Alaagi
7 years ago
Ooklah The Moc, Hell fire from Rearrange your positive album. Roots Reggae Music. Hawaii.
The Prayer
by carl garver
7 months ago
This video is for private use only, there is no copy right infringement intended. this song is done by the group Ho’okena for …
News from the Hawaiian Kingdom, a Neutral, Friendly, Non-Violent Nation
Vol 1 No. 1 January 2015: One World Order Background…
Pauahi’s Will | Kamehameha Schools
Kamehameha Schools
I give and bequeath unto my namesakes, E. Bernice Bishop Dunham, niece of my husband, now residing in San Joaquim County, California, Bernice Parke, …
Missing: genealogy
You visited this page on 12/31/14.
Bernice Pauahi Bishop – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Bernice Pauahi Bishop (December 19, 1831–October 16, 1884), born Bernice Pauahi Pākī, was a philanthropist and aliʻi. At her death, her estate was the …
You’ve visited this page 3 times. Last visit: 12/31/14
Traces Of Royal Lineage Games: Hawaii Connections | The ……/traces-of-royal-lineage-games-hawai
Oct 26, 2014 – Chas(e)ing Freeborn Dunham Bells And Vietnam With A Side Order Of Oily … And Emma Bernice Bishop Dunham is named in Bernice Pauahi …
You visited this page on 1/3/15.
Charles Reed Bishop (January 25, 1822 – June 7, 1915 … › Topics › Obituaries (2)
Jun 17, 2009 – Obituaries (2) – Family History & Genealogy Message Board … He was the husband of Bernice Pauahi Bishop, descendant of the royal Kamehameha line. ….He becomes a partner in Henry A. Peirce and Company (Lihu’e Plantation) to buy, cultivate …. He deeds it to niece Emma Bernice Bishop Dunham.
EXPOSING THE CORRUPTION/GENOCIDE ACTIVISM ……/exposing-the-corruption-genocide-activism-terr
Aug 8, 2012 – The King/Monarch – defined through genealogical, direct/lineal descendant of … hanai/adopted daughter: Bernice Pauahi Bishop; stepsiblings: …… I give and bequeath unto my namesakes, E. Bernice Bishop Dunham, niece …
Batshirt Award Winner(Updated!) – Obama Conspiracy …
Oct 21, 2009 – The E. Bernice Bishop Dunham mentioned in the linked will of Hawaiian… The Princess whose will you quoted, Bernice Pauahi Bishop, rejected … Neither her, nor her husband shows up in Stanley Ann Dunham’s family tree.
Traces Of Royal Lineage Games In Hawaii (Part 2) | The ……/traces-of-royal-lineage-g……
Nov 11, 2014 – heir(s) Joseph Booth – ancestor of the Dunham family, was a member of the crew … the home of Bernice Pauahi Bishop which was later converted into the Arlington Hotel. … The starting point of this genealogy can be located in the Kumulipo…..–
The Sandy Monocle | Every writer I know has trouble writing …
Nov 29, 2014 – heir(s) Joseph Booth – ancestor of the Dunham family, was a member of the crew … the home of Bernice Pauahi Bishop which was later converted into the Arlington Hotel. … The starting point of this genealogy can be located in the Kumulipo …..–
IOLANI – The Royal Hawk: IOLANI
Sep 17, 2011 – Because we are a genealogy based society, Hawaiian genealogicalrecords are ….. (Seven Pines) on the 31st of May 1862, and General Robert E. Lee was….. Stanley Ann DUNHAM was born on 27 November 1942 in Wichita, Kansas …. The Kamehameha Schools Bishop Estates/Bernice Pauahi Bishop …
Bernice Bishop –
I give and bequeath unto my namesakes, E. Bernice Bishop Dunham, niece of my husband, now … Bernice Pauahi Bishop (Pākī) (1831 – 1884) – Genealogy.
E. Bernice Pauahi Bishop:
It is James Skiff Dunham’s
Emma Bernice Bishop Dunham. PARENTS to Leland
Stanford Dunham…
Transcribed by: Jeanne Sturgis Taylor.
An Illustrated History of San Joaquin County, California, Page 619. Lewis Pub. Co. Chicago, Illinois 1890.
AND the Bush name is in her will:
Third. I give and bequeath unto Mrs. Caroline Bush, widow of A .W. Bush, Mrs. Sarah Parmenter, wife of Gilbert Parmenter Mrs. Keomailani Taylor, wife of Mr. Wray Taylor, to their sole and separate use free from the control of their husbands, and to Mrs. Emma Barnard, widow of the late John E Barnard Esq. the sum of Five hundred dollars ($500.) each.
Fourth. I give, devise and bequeath unto H. R. H. Liliuokalani, the wife of Gov. John O. Dominis, all of those tracts of land known as the “Ahupuaa of Lumahai,” situated on the Island of Kauai, and the “Ahupuaa of Kealia”, situated in South Kona Island of Hawaii; to have and to hold for and during the term of her natural life; and after her decease to my trustees upon the trusts below expressed.
And this bit h/t Zen:
Born: Jan. 17, 1639 or 1640 in Newbury, Mass.
He is the Eldest Son… of Richard Singletary & Susannah.
Married Mary Bloomfield: …. About 1657 in Haverill, Mass.
Died: ….. Before Sept. 6, 1706 in Woodbridge, N.J.
In 1664, Obama’s great- great- great- great- great- great- great- great grandfather Jonathan Singletary ……. was found Guilty of Slander & defamation in a colonial Massachusetts court for ACCUSINGJohn Godfrey of Witchcraft.
*NOTE* All of our president but two are related. I posted this in work 5 years ago. The other two probably married in..Barack Obama is related to George W. Bush and Vice President Dick Cheney thru Samuel Hinckley & Sarah Soole Hinckley of 17th century ….Massachusetts.
1910. He purchases the El Granada apartments in Berkeley, California that he has lived in since moving from San Francisco after the fire in 1906. He deeds it to niece Emma Bernice Bishop Dunham. He moves to the Shattuck Hotel in Berkeley.
1911 October 9. In a letter to Trustee Samuel M. Damon, Bishop discusses how he and Mrs. Bishop decided that the lands of the Kamehamehas should be used for the education of Hawaiians.
1912 January 25. Bishop celebrates his ninetieth birthday at the El Granada Hotel in Berkeley with friends and relatives. In Honolulu, a grand celebration is held at the roof garden of the Alexander Young Hotel (the former site of Haleakala, the Bishops’ home). Speeches are given and a tribute(pdf) is printed. Hawaii schools hold their own celebrations. Bishop sends thank you letters.
Bishop/Walker/Davis/ Bush:…
Bishop,Charles Reed Index (rev. 2004)
1912. In
correspondence with Annie Walker
Bishop, wife of cousin, E. Faxon Bishop,…
*From link above note: Miss Jean Dunham marries Jackson Grey Dorn*
Leland Dunham married Hazel Payne, right?…
Well, those links don’t list her parents, but here they are:…
Here is her father, Fred Payne:
Check out the race of the family: Negro.
Interesting indeed!
Home in 1940
864 71st Avenue
Alameda, California
Household Members Age
Head FredPayne 59
Wife Gertrude Payne 50
Daughter Janice Payne 20
Daughter Betty Payne 16
Son Fred Payne 13
Daughter Payne Hazel Payne 27
Daughter Scott Midred Payne 36
…and 1 others (view record).
Stanley Armour Dunham (March 23, 1918 – February 8, 1992) was the maternal grandfather of U.S. President Barack Obama. He and his wife Madelyn Payne Dunhamraised Obama from the age of 10 in Honolulu, Hawaii
Madelyn Payne Dunham:
Occupation Vice President at the Bank of Hawaii
NOTE* Emma Bernice Bishop Dunham’s son…..Leland Stanford Dunham…married to Hazel Payne* hummm..DUNHAM, PAYNE..…
How Can History Help Us in the Future? Howard Zinn on A People’s Hi…
by The Film Archives
1 year ago
Zinn was professor of history at Spelman College in Atlanta from 1956 to 1963, and visiting professor at both the University of …
Tags: Bernice, Bishop, Charles, Exposing, Obama, Pauahi, Pillagers, Pirates, Racketeers, Reed, More…
********************** Redemption Song

Thursday, November 12, 2015

Legal Notice - Reminders and Opposition to the U.S. set up of Nai/Na'i Aupuni

Hawaiian Kingdom/Kingdom of Hawaii Record No. 2015-1112 Reminders and Opposition to the U.S. set up of a government to be recognized based on the occupation of our neutral nation from Amelia Gora, a Royal Person, Acting Liaison of Foreign Affairs, Judicial Tribunal member, House of Nobles member, Konohiki,


Amelia Gora

2:41 AM (0 minutes ago)
to presidentcommentsjohn.maguireSwitzerlandIrishinfoinfoTransnationalOfficeShan.Tsutsuimayor
Inline image 1   
[Kanaka Maoli flag]


President Barack Obama
Secretary of State - John Kerry
Judges, et. als. in the Hawaiian Islands
Many Interested others


The following are friendly reminders:

1)  I, Amelia Gora, am one of Kamehameha's heirs and successors through four (4) of his children; six (6) of his step children; and two (2) of his adopted children.

2)  I, Amelia Gora, am also a descendant/heir/successor/land owner of the following ancestors: Kauikeaouli/ Kamehameha III - one of    Kalaimoku, Akahi (female), Miriam Kekauonohi (female), Grace Kamaikui - daughter of John Young, counselor of Kamehameha III - Kauikeaouli, Kamehameha III - Kauikeaouli, Mataio Kekuanaoa/Kekuanaoa, Nuuanu, Nahuina, Kaaha, Kalola (female) -next of kin to Bernice Pauahi Bishop who was NOT the "last of the Kamehameha's" in Probate, Luluhiwalani - land owner whose lands the GMO /Monsanto, etc. are using without approval, Nauahi/Nauwahi, Kuanohua, Princess Poomaikelani,  David Keawe/David Pauahi, et. als. 

3)  I, Amelia Gora, am also one of the heirs of Grace Kamaikui whose lands are being claimed by Non Royal Family members or Corporations not related to our Royal Families.  Our ownership affects the following Trusts who are in violation of the Treaty of 1849/50 - Hawaiian Kingdom and the U.S.A., Article XIV - Piracy(ies), Pillaging, etc.:

- Queen's Hospital
- Bernice Pauahi Bishop Estates/Kamehameha Schools
- King Lunalilo Trust
- King Kalakaua's Trust
- Queen Liliuokalani's Trust
- Queen Kapiolani's Trust
- others

4)  I, Amelia Gora, am one of the heirs and successors of the Crown Lands belonging to Kamehameha III - Kauikeaouli "himself, his heirs and successors.....exclusively" documented.....information found in research.

5)  Rents and Leases for land use, minerals, water, etc. are due as documented in Billings to Presidents William Clinton, George Bush, and numerous letters to you Mr. Obama because these are Private Properties of our Royal Families.

6)  Return of all of our Hawaiian Kingdom Records, Files from the First Laws/Kamehameha's period through Queen Liliuokalani's decease November 11, 1917 requests continued.

7)  Return of monies, assets of the Hawaiian Kingdom.  More than $2 miillion loans by banker Charles Reed Bishop was forgiven by pirates, pillagers, and Not forgiven by our Royal Families, the Hawaiian Kingdom/Kingdom of Hawaii.

8)  Return of valuables removed from the Kawaiahao Church Cemetery which added up to more than $2 million dollars from the removal of Alii, ancestral burials buried with some of their wealth:  gold coins, gold jewelry, pearls, jade, diamonds, watches, engraved jewelry pieces, etc.

9)  Removal of personnel, articles, furniture other than those belonging to the Royal Families, Governmental buildings built prior to 1893. Example:  The Supreme Court building, The Palace was funded by Hawaiian Kingdom monies, Buildings on our Royal Families lands to be evaluated, such as Ruth Keelikolani building, Kamamalu building, etc.

10)  As Acting Liaison of Foreign Affairs, Billings are due for the use of the government lands of our neutral, friendly, non - violent nation, along with shipping, taxes wrongfully charged to our subjects/citizens, those loyal to our Queen /Queen Liliuokalani who was under stress, duress, usurpation, coercion, intimidation, etc.

11)  We have an alodio/ano alodial land system which is not the same as the American land system.

12)  556 Persons/entities have been listed affecting Article XIV of the 1849/50 Treaty of the Hawaiian Kingdom and the United States of America.  Those deemed guilty by our Judicial Tribunal members/Judges have been dispossessed legally, lawfully, and according to the Rule of Law.

       Those who have deceased are no longer the owners and have been dispossessed.  Their heirs/successors have no claims to those deceased persons who had the initial deed.  

13)  The Governor, Judges of the entity State of Hawaii have been deemed illegal and have failed to follow Rule of Law disregarding the Treaty which supersedes State, Federal laws, and is the supreme law of the land according to the U.S. Constitution.  The Oath of Loyalty of the Judges also shows their acceptance of the U.S. Constitution and are in violation, etc.

14)  Opposition to Annexation was made by Queen Liliuokalani, approximately 40,000 subjects, and Royal Family members who did oppose the illegal Statehood etc.

15)  Opposition to OHA/Office of Hawaiian Affairs and all entities including Hawaiian Homelands, DLNR - Department of Land and Natural Resources, Kanaiolowalu, Kau Inoa, the Akaka Bill, Nai Aupuni/Na'i Aupuni, etc. continues from the Royal Families who are Kamehameha's Heirs and Successors, as a Representative of our Royal Families, and as the Acting Liaison of Foreign Affairs.

and, the following:

Opposition to the U.S. set up of a government to "recognize":

President Obama, Mr. Vladimir Putin, Neutral Nations:  Hawaiian Kingdom/Kingdom of Hawaii, Switzerland, Austria, Costa Rico, Finland, Liechstenstein, Malta, Panama, San Marino, Sweden, Turkmenistan, Vatican City, Ghana, Maldova,  Mexico, Serbia:  Opposition to the U.S. set up of a government to be recognized based on the occupation of our neutral nation is hereby documented. 

The following article was prepared by one of Kamehameha III's heirs, and successors who signed a contractual agreement,  a permanent Treaty with the President of the United States of America in 1849/50.  The people, subjects are Not parties to this particular Treaty.  The Hawaiian Kingdom/Kingdom of Hawaii continues on with occupiers who are Not welcomed.  There's much evidence of Premeditation uncovered by many researchers, references shown below:

       Royal Families, Kamehameha's Heirs and Descendants Exists

                    Opposing the Illegal Nai Aupuni/Na'i Aupuni, etc.

                                                                               by Amelia Gora (2015)

The people /kanaka maoli remain under stress, duress, usurpation, coercion, intimidation since the criminal dethronement of our Queen Liliuokalani who was wrongfully dethroned in 1893.   Do you know that the United States actively engage in psyops in many other nations....Hawaii included/the Hawaiian Kingdom/ Kingdom of Hawaii ....let us start with the missionaries who were really mercenaries after Kamehameha died in 1819...then add the American Consulate spies Charles Reed Bishop, William Lee....then add the American Civil War Generals who were on assignment after 1865 included CC Harris et. als......they were all operatives engaged in criminally assuming our lands, assets, resources.... then add son of a bitch S.B. Dole/Sanford B. Dole who began the indoctrination /lies claiming that Kamehameha V was the last of the Kamehameha's which was perpetuated by a concerted effort of treasonous people who were Americans operating as subjects of the Hawaiian Kingdom.....They all belonged to the Masons/Freemasons who defend the One World Order since the 1822 Secret Treaty of Verona with moves to break down monarchical/monarchy governments worldwide.  These people fear Monarchy/Constitutional Monarchy governments because of greed, etc.  Wars were started over the decimation of Monarchy governments, into the Hawaiian Kingdom, and continues today in the Middle East, etc.  The documented culprits are those who signed into the 1822 Secret Treaty... and recently Russia bowed out from that conspirator, terrorist entity....manned mainly by the U.S., England, and the bankers - includes JP Morgan and the World Bank (see Vladimir Putin, Karen Hudes, and Alana Fleischmann, whistleblowers who stated that the U.S. Constitution was changed by the bankers and made the people slaves in 1871).  The Hawaiian Kingdom remains a nation because the Royal Families exists with stories of evils, including beheadings of 800 Hawaiians, the cutting out/pulling out of tongues for those who spoke.  Kamehameha III's heirs and successors exists from his own children, his stepchildren, and adopted children.  There are 34+ lines which equates to many owners of the Crown Lands because we found the deeds showing that it was for himself, his heirs and successors ....exclusively.  The 1850 Treaty of the Hawaiian Kingdom and the U.S.A. (not the U.S. and the American Empire which became a substitute of the U.S.A. apparently resulted from the 1871 secret bankers Constitution but is recorded in a case in Hawaii in the year 1899 (Peacock case)).  The true Crown Land owners are Kamehameha III's families also known as the Royal Families and we can prosecute pirates, pillagers, treasonous persons under Article XIV according to the date 556 have been dispossessed. see for more information...The U.S. , illegal State /foreigners owns Nothing in the Hawaiian Islands and are illegally collecting taxes...we are surrounded by pirates, criminals, deviants, thieves, scoundrels who are now being challenged by facts, issues, Rule of Laws from our ongoing neutral, friendly, non- violent nation since the time of Kamehameha III - Kauikeaouli.  The Royal Families exists supporting all non treasonous kanaka maoli claims to their alodio/alodial lands......the Pirates have been caught in our candy store and all in the World are watching.....We continue on legally, lawfully, by Rule of Law since the time that the Hawaiian Kingdom /Kingdom of Hawaii was recognized as a Monarchy/ Monarchical Government since 1810.   aloha.

Wiki Leakey from Hawaii

Premeditation by the U.S. President Harrison Proven Through Telegrams 8/`1892! out of Buzzy Agard's book


Additional Article/Reference posted at Aljazeera:

Amelia Gora shared Williamson Chang's post.
19 hrs ·
important .-a keeper

Williamson Chang
20 hrs ·
Aloha--some corrections:
In the article: Occupation Denial and Cognitive Dissonance of Al Jazeera America, of November 9, 2015, that article states:
“The only claim that the United States has ever made to Hawaiian sovereignty is through the joint resolution of 1898. In a secret debate of the U.S. Senate in 1898, which was kept secret until 1969 (71 years), only two of the 90 senators claimed that annexation by joint resolution was constitutional. The rest stated that it was unlawful, unconstitutional, and logically impossible.”
Some small correction of facts:
Debates on the Treaty of Annexation of June 16, 1897 are regularly held in secret, executive session. There were no votes held in the winter of 1897-1898 on the Treaty of Annexation since it was clear the administration could not garner the two-thirds majority needed to achieve ratification.
When it came to the Joint Resolution Providing for the Annexing of the Hawaiian Islands to the United States [the Newlands Resolution] which was introduced in the Spring of 1898, after the beginning of the Spanish American War, and was NOT a treaty, but a bill, it was debated in public in both the House of Representatives and the Senate of the United States.
The complete records of those debates are available publicly, including at Hamilton Library, and in my collection.
It is correct that only two Senators, Senators Foraker and Stewart made an attempt to explain how a joint resolution could acquire Hawaii. Other Senators did speak in favor of the Joint Resolution but did not attempt to explain how it could acquire Hawaii---they spoke to the military advantages of acquiring Hawaii and such topics.
One should not assume that all the rest of the Senators went on record as opposed to the Joint Resolution, particularly on the ground that it lacked the capacity to acquire Hawaii---the large majority were simply silent--and supported the President's joint resolution simply because it would help the war effort in the Philippines.
Senator Foraker and Senator Stewarts' attempted explanation of how the joint resolution could acquire Hawaii were ridiculed and Senator Foraker eventually admitted that a joint resolution could not acquire the Hawaiian Islands, see 31 Congressional Record at 6369 [Senator Stewart] and 31 Congressional Record 6336 [Senator Foraker's admission of defeat]
So what is called the "legislative history" of the Joint Resolution shows no evidence of support for the proposition that the Joint Resolution acquired Hawaii.
Indeed, the title of the Joint Resolution indicates what is was believed to do: it is titled the "Joint Resolution Providing for the Annexing of the Hawaiian Islands"---that is, the Joint Resolution was merely to pave the way, or provide for the "later” annexation of Hawaii---which was supposedly by the 1900 Organic Act creating a Government for the Territory of Hawaii.
But that bill could not acquire Hawaii as, it too, was merely a bill or act of Congress. Nonetheless, a second ceremony of annexation was held in Honolulu after the Organic Act passed on June 14, 1900. Of course, the Organic Act did not acquire the Hawaiian Islands because its description of what it acquired ---in Section Two of that act --- was "the islands acquired by the Joint Resolution".
Since the joint resolution of 1898 1) did not have the capacity to acquire Hawaii and 2) was not intended by Congress to acquire Hawaii means that no islands or waters were acquired by the Organic Act either--meaning the United States never acquired the Hawaiian Islands or the Crown and Government Lands.
Neither the Treaty of 1897, The Joint Resolution of 1898, the Organic Act of 1900, or the Act of Admission as a State in 1959 acquired the Hawaiian Islands as territory of the United States.
The United States does not have territorial jurisdiction over the Hawaiian Islands. The Crown and Government lands never passed or were conveyed to the Territory, State or United States.
Some small correction of facts:
Debates on the Treaty of Annexation of June 16, 1897 are regularly held in secret, executive session. There were no votes held in the winter of 1897-1898 on the Treaty of Annexation since it was clear the administration could not garner the two-thirds majority needed to achieve ratification.
When it came to the Joint Resolution Providing for the Annexing of the Hawaiian Islands to the United States [the Newlands Resolution] which was introduced in the Spring of 1898, after the beginning of the Spanish American War, and was NOT a treaty, but a bill, it was debated in public in both the House of Representatives and the Senate of the United States.
The complete records of those debates are available publicly, including at Hamilton Library, and in my collection.
It is correct that only two Senators, Senators Foraker and Stewart made an attempt to explain how a joint resolution could acquire Hawaii. Other Senators did speak in favor of the Joint Resolution but did not attempt to explain how it could acquire Hawaii---they spoke to the military advantages of acquiring Hawaii and such topics.
One should not assume that all the rest of the Senators went on record as opposed to the Joint Resolution, particularly on the ground that it lacked the capacity to acquire Hawaii---the large majority were simply silent--and supported the President's joint resolution simply because it would help the war effort in the Philippines.
Senator Foraker and Senator Stewarts' attempted explanation of how the joint resolution could acquire Hawaii were ridiculed and Senator Foraker eventually admitted that a joint resolution could not acquire the Hawaiian Islands, see 31 Congressional Record at 6369 [Senator Stewart] and 31 Congressional Record 6336 [Senator Foraker's admission of defeat]
So what is called the "legislative history" of the Joint Resolution shows no evidence of support for the proposition that the Joint Resolution acquired Hawaii.
Indeed, the title of the Joint Resolution indicates what is was believed to do: it is titled the "Joint Resolution Providing for the Annexing of the Hawaiian Islands"---that is, the Joint Resolution was merely to pave the way, or provide for the "later” annexation of Hawaii---which was supposedly by the 1900 Organic Act creating a Government for the Territory of Hawaii.
But that bill could not acquire Hawaii as, it too, was merely a bill or act of Congress. Nonetheless, a second ceremony of annexation was held in Honolulu after the Organic Act passed on June 14, 1900. Of course, the Organic Act did not acquire the Hawaiian Islands because its description of what it acquired ---in Section Two of that act --- was "the islands acquired by the Joint Resolution".
Since the joint resolution of 1898 1) did not have the capacity to acquire Hawaii and 2) was not intended by Congress to acquire Hawaii means that no islands or waters were acquired by the Organic Act either--meaning the United States never acquired the Hawaiian Islands or the Crown and Government Lands.
Neither the Treaty of 1897, The Joint Resolution of 1898, the Organic Act of 1900, or the Act of Admission as a State in 1959 acquired the Hawaiian Islands as territory of the United States.
The United States does not have territorial jurisdiction over the Hawaiian Islands. The Crown and Government lands never passed or conveyed to the Territory, State or United States of America
Professor Williamson B.C. Chang
University of Hawaii at Manoa
Speaking in his own capacity Note from A.Gora: The U.S. is an illegal alien nation not welcomed in the Hawaiian Islands due to issues....athe 1850 Treaty continues on based a permanent treaty from a neutral friendly non violent nation whose Royal Families exists even today...aloha.

                                                                     Sincerely and Thank you,

                                                                    Amelia Gora

                                                                   A Royal person, Acting Liaison of Foreign Affairs, Judicial Tribunal Judge/Member,

                                                                  Konohiki, House of Nobles Member, Hawaiian Genealogical Society Representative,

                                                                  Royal Family Representative, Supporter of Kanaka Maoli, Representatives Against

                                                                  The Mauna Kea Project, Haleakala, Halawa Jet Fuel Storage, Ewa Marina, GMO/

                                                                   Monsanto, Evil Projects including the Rail, the Drone Program in Honouliuli, etc.

Letters to the U.S. President(s) - Clinton, Bush, and Obama

Thursday, September 22, 2016

Legal Notice - Rents Due for Pearl Harbor, Iolani Palace, etc.

Image result for hawaiian flag - red stripe first 



U.S. President Barrack Obama

Secretary of State  
Judges, et. als. in the Hawaiian Islands
Many Interested others

Re:  Kingdom of Hawaii Rents Due to Landlords No. 2016-0921  Rents for the following Properties are due:  Pehu's (2 parcels), Abner Paki's, Kekualoa's and Kamehameha III's, Victoria Kamamalu, Kekauonohi, Mataio Kekuanaoa, William Charles Lunalilo, Laanui, Honokaupu, Keolewa, Niau, John Young Jr./Keoni Ana, James Young Kanehoa, Nauwahi/Nauahi, Kanepilau parcels Macy's, Alexander and Baldwin properties, etc. for two (2) reasons:  (1)  Alodio, Superior Title Owner, and (2) Dispossession made based on Article XIV of the 1849/1850 Treaty
The following was posted as a Legal Notice:

I, Amelia Gora, am one of the Superior alodio land owners under our ancestor:

1)  Pehu's parcels - lands that you are sitting on.
                             lands that the Macy family claimed- Walmart is on it, formerly occupied by the Macy stores
                             lands in Palolo, 800+ acres

2)  Honokaupu -  lands of Keekapu's parents in Town currently occupied by the City and County

3)  Keolewa - lands of Kamakahelei's heirs given to Kamaikui - lands currenly occupied by the City and County.  I, Amelia Gora am one of Kamakahelei's heirs/descendants.  Am also one of Kamaikui's descendants/heirs.

4)  Kamahiai - lands of heirs:  Kaiama and wife.  I, Amelia Gora am one of Kaiama's heirs.

5)  William Charles Lunalilo - lands of Kamehameha, Kamehameha II's widows son.  Her last marriage was to Charles Kanaina.

6)  Gideon Laanui - lands of heirs including his last wife Namahana/Piia's children.I Amelia Gora am one of her descendants/heirs through Haupu/Kahekili;

7)  Abner Paki's, heir of his brother Kalaniulumoku, both were Kamehameha's grandsons.  I, Amelia Gora, am one of Kalaniulumoku's sons descendants/heirs.  He had multiples of parcels including the land that the Attorney General occupies.  Kalola, daughter of Kalaniulumoku was the documented next-of-kin to Bernice Pauahi Bishop in probate.

8)  Victoria Kamamalu was the sibling of my ancestors Paalua, and John Kapena..  Paalua's father was Mataio Kekuanaoa.  John Kapena's stepfather was Mataio Kekuanaoa.  He was the son of Kalima the fifth wife or last wife of Kekuanaoa.  Mataio Kekuanaoa is also property owner of Halawa ahupuaa along with Kamaikui/ Grace Kamaikui who died after TCB Rooke, and after Queen Emma's child died.

9) Nauwahi/Nauahi, a grant of 50 acres and the illegal entity State of Hawaii, formerly Territory of Hawaii claimed.  Seven parcels near the Rainbow bridge also belongs to our families.

Nauwahi/Nauahi Lands in Haleiwa - 7 parcels.
Kanepilau - 1 parcel

Nauwahi/Nauahi was the father/stepfather of Kaleikini (w) who was married to John Kapena, Opunui, etc.

Kaleikini was the stepmother of my ancestors Kekualoa and Keawe whose father was John Kapena.  Kekualoa (w) son was Opunui who became the hanai/adopted son of Keawe her brother.

I, Amelia Gora, am one of the descendants/heirs of Kekualoa (w), Opunui, and Keawe.

Kekualoa (w) had children:  Opunui, Kekuahine (w)/Maria 

Keawe had son and hanai/adopted son:  Davis Keawe, and Opunui.

I, Amelia Gora, and others are the descendants/heirs of Opunui, Kekuahine (w), Davis Keawe, and Opunui.

I, Amelia Gora, and others own the Superior Titles/alodio titles to the lands that you are on.

According to research, 30+ acres were used out of the 50 acres.  We will be utilizing the 20 acres for homes/farming and rents are due for the 30+ acres that you have been using.

10) Kanepilau's , father of Kalima, land in Haleiwa near the Rainbow bridge belongs to our families.

11  Kekauonohi's lands of Honouliuli, Waimalu, etc.  She was the hanai/adopted daughter of Akahi my ancestor.  She was the last wife of Kalaimoku/Kalanimoku.  His brother was Keoua, who was the father of S. Luluhiwalani husband of Kalola (w).  Their son married our ancestor Kahananui and had Ioela.  Luluhiwalani and Kalola (w) had hanai/ adopted daughter named Kapooloku/Kapoolohu/Kapapoko/Abigaila/Poomaikelani/Princess Poomaikelani, my ancestor.

12)  S. Luluhiwalani's lands in Pouhala, Ewa Oahu. amounting to 2,820+ acres.  I Amelia Gora am one of his descendants/heirs.

13  Puhalahua's lands in Ewa.

14)  All of Kamehameha III - Kauikeaouli's lands, personal private lands, including the Crown Lands.  He did state in his documents that he did not foreigners on his personal private lands. 

15) All of Nuuanu's parcels including 15 acres of Kapalama, Oahu given to him by Kamehameha IV - Alexander Liholiho, et. als. 

16)  All of Akahi (w) parcels and ahupuaa.  Akahi married Kalaimoku/Kalanimoku, had Kikau who had Nahuina, and he had Kaluakini who had Elikapeka Kaimiola Kaluakini who was born in Keauhou, Kona, Hawaii, the same location where Kamehameha III - Kauikeaouli was born.  She had John Matsugoro/Gora (others) who married and had Amelia Gora (and others).

17)  John Young's, Isaac Davis Families properties - I Amelia Gora descend from them through Hueu and Peke Davis.  Am one of the heirs of Kale Davis through marriages documented.  The 3 Davis were adopted by their own grandfather, by Kamehameha, and by Kamehameha III - Kauikeaouli.  They were also adopted as hanai hookama - those who inherited sovereignty.  They too became the heirs and successors of the Kamehameha's.

18)  Hueu Davis sons include Kailio, Holokualani, Kahiamoe, Isaac.  I Amelia Gora descend from Kailio whose son was Kailio and had son Paele, who became the heir of Holokualani's lands..  

Other notes:  Kaeo/Josua Kaeo's father was Kalaikoa who married Kalaniulumoku's daughter.  He married Gina Lahilahi.
                    Keoni Ana Jr. properties does Not belong to foreigners but to the Superior title owners.
                    Kamaikui - she was the mother of three (3) of Isaac Davis children:  Hueu, Kale, Peke.  Her properties 
                      does Not belong to foreigners but to the Superior title owners, the alodio owners.
                    Fanny Kekela married George Naea and was the true mother of Queen Emma.  Their lands does Not
                       belong to foreigners but to the Superior title owners, the alodio owners.

                   TCB Rookes nephew from England is a foreign infiltrator and is Not a Superior title owner, the alodio 
                        owner in the Hawaiian archipelago/Hawaiian Islands.

                   The State of Hawaii is a devious entity conjured up/developed/set up by the Army, Navy, Federal officials
                         who began with identity thieving of our Royal Families genealogies, identities, lands, rights, privileges,
                          assets, mineral rights, water, etc. and caused War crimes and injuries against a neutral, friendly,
                          non-violent already recognized nation under international laws.

                    False Flag operations, piracy, premeditation, pillaging, racketeering, conspiracies, etc. has been
                          found and uncovered.

                   Utilizing Article XIV, 1849/1850 Treaty of the Kingdom of Hawaii and the United States of America
                           provides legal, lawful ramifications so that those who have done wrong can be taken back by
                           their own nation.

                   Our duty and obligation to present you with the list of pirates, pillagers, racketeers, genocide activists has b                            been made.

                  Those perpetuating the crimes, frauds of their predecessors has also been recorded..

Meanwhile, Rents are due for the use of our families properties.

Our Royal Families are the Landlords with the Superior, Alodio Land Titles vs. the Aliens Fee Simple, 30 year

We have the ownership deeds.

The rent is $50,000 per acre, per month..

The contractual Permanent Treaty of Friendship and Amity entered into by our ancestor Kamehameha III - Kauikeaouli is a binding contract.

I, Amelia Gora, deny that you Aliens/Foreigners are part of our Royal Family and are Not heirs nor successors.

I, Amelia Gora, also deny that the Internal Revenue Service is part of our Royal Family members but an illegal setup to assume assets out of their jurisdiction.

I, Amelia Gora, and others are part of the Royal Families and we are not subject to the laws.

We have a Royal Families Trust Account for the purposes of rents, etc.

The account currently being used is at the Bank of Hawaii and deposits can be made under my name - Amelia Gora.

I am one of the several Trustees for this account and we are reviewing other banks as well.

Mailing Address:   P.O. Box 861781, Wahiawa, Oahu, Hawaii  96786


This is a 30 day notice.

Eviction for non-payment will be utilized.

Regards and Mahalo,

Amelia Gora, a Royal person,Royal Families Trust Account Officer, Landlord, House of Nobles, Acting Liaison of Foreign Affairs, Judicial Tribunal Member/Judge, Konohiki, Hawaiian Genealogical Society, Kingdom of Hawaii

The following was sent to the University of Hawaii Agriculture Department and left on their website:



I, Amelia Gora, am one of the Superior alodio land owners under our ancestor Nauwahi/Nauahi, a grant of 50 acres and the illegal entity State of Hawaii, formerly Territory of Hawaii claimed.

Rents are due for the use of our families properties.

We have the ownership deeds.

The rent is $50,000 per month.

Nauwahi/Nauahi was the father/stepfather of Kaleikini (w) who was married to John Kapena, Opunui, etc.

Kaleikini was the stepmother of my ancestors Kekualoa and Keawe whose father was John Kapena.  Kekualoa (w) son was Opunui who became the hanai/adopted son of Keawe her brother.

I, Amelia Gora, am one of the descendants/heirs of Kekualoa (w), Opunui, and Keawe.

Kekualoa (w) had children:  Opunui, Kekuahine (w)/Maria 

Keawe had son and hanai/adopted son:  Davis Keawe, and Opunui.

I, Amelia Gora, and others are the descendants/heirs of Opunui, Kekuahine (w), Davis Keawe, and Opunui.

I, Amelia Gora, and others own the Superior Titles/alodio titles to the lands that you are on.

According to research, 30+ acres were used out of the 50 acres.  We will be utilizing the 20 acres for homes/farming and rents are due for the 30+ acres that you have been using.

I, Amelia Gora, and others are part of the Royal Families and we are not subject to the laws.

We have a Royal Families Trust Account for the purposes of rents, etc.

The account currently being used is at the Bank of Hawaii and deposits can be made under my name - Amelia Gora.

Mailing Address:   P.O. Box 861781, Wahiawa, Oahu, Hawaii  96786


This is a 30 day notice.
Eviction for non-payment will be utilized.


Amelia Gora, a Royal person, Landlord, House of Nobles, Acting Liaison of Foreign Affairs, Konohiki, Hawaiian Genealogical Society, Kingdom of Hawaii

Friday, September 2, 2016

Legal Notice to Obama currently in the Hawaiian Islands IOLANI - The Royal Hawk Vol VI No. 614

Legal NoticeOpen Reminder to U.S. President Obama, et. als.: Conspiracy(ies), Reminders of U.S. Seizure of Hawaii Revealed, and Protest Against States Who Move to Annex various Islands and Archipelago

Image result for hawaiian flag - red stripe first 



U.S. President Barrack Obama

Secretary of State  
Judges, et. als. in the Hawaiian Islands
Many Interested others
The following was posted as a Legal Notice:

Open Reminder to U.S. President Obama, et. als.: Conspiracy(ies), Reminders of U.S. Seizure of Hawaii Revealed, and Protest Against States Who Move to Annex various Islands and Archipelagoes
Compiled by Amelia Gora (2016)
The following information was posted on :

obama continuing a conspiracy against the Royal families and all kanaka maoli cause the Hawaiian archipelago made up of l33 islands does Not belong to the U.S..- inc their Minister of Interior. OHA, entity State-ID thieves...
Amy Kuulei
Amy Kuulei reference Hawaiian Reports l85l The King v. Anderson and Russell - on conspiracy
Like · Reply · 1 · 14 hrs
Amy Kuulei
Amy Kuulei imp" alt="Amy Kuulei's photo." width="261" height="195" class="CToWUd"/>
Like · Reply · 14 hrs
Amy Kuulei
Amy Kuulei U.S. seizure of Hawaii documented..,ref Hon Star Bulletin - Sat,feb l, l969
Like · Reply · 14 hrs
Amy Kuulei
Amy Kuulei imp" alt="Amy Kuulei's photo." width="261" height="195" class="CToWUd"/>
Like · Reply · 3 · 14 hrs
Dennis W. Von Blücher
Dennis W. Von Blücher Right there in print, U.S. Seizure of Hawai'i revealed. Key word "Seizure".
Like · Reply · 1 · 13 hrs
Amy Kuulei
Amy Kuulei found a Protest by the Hawaiian govt against any Foreign state annexing any of the islands or archipelagoes at the be posted tonite! :)
Like · Reply · 9 hrs
Amy Kuulei
Amy Kuulei imp evidence" alt="Amy Kuulei's photo." width="261" height="195" class="CToWUd"/>
Like · Reply · 1 · 14 hrs
Amy Kuulei
Amy Kuulei found the news article btw
The Web site of the acting Hawaiian Kingdom Government presently operating within the occupied State of the Hawaiian Islands.
Like · Reply · 1 · 14 hrs
Amy Kuulei
Amy Kuulei found the kingdom of hawaii protest against nations claiming islands n archipelagoes...ref archives, king kalakauas time

 found the kingdom of hawaii protest against nations claiming islands n archipelagoes...ref archives, king kalakauas time:

                                                              Department of Foreign Affairs,
                                      - PROTEST -
His Hawaiian Majesty Government being informed that it is the purpose of certain States to annex various Islands and Archipelagoes of Polynesia, does hereby solemnly Protest agains such projects of Annexation as unjust to a simple and ignorant People, and subversive of those conditions for favorabe national development, which have been so happily recorded to the Hawaiian Nation.
1. The Hawaiian People highly appreciate the blessings of National Independence a boon secured to the Hawaiian Kingdom by the joint action
(page 1)
of great and magnanimous States ever ready to accord to a weak young State, the favorable opportunities for self government.
The Hawaiian people encouraged by favorable political conditions have cultivated and entertain a strong national sentiment, which not only leads them to appreciate and cherish their own political State, but also inspires them with a desire to have extended to Kindred yet less favored People and States of Polynesia like favorable political opportunities for national development.
And whereas a Hawaiian Legislative Assembly expressing unanimously the National sentiment have declared that it was the duty of His Hawaiian Majesty's Government
(page 2)
to people of Kindred Peoples and States of Polynesia our advisory assistance to aid them in securing opportunities for improving their political condition.
2. His Hawaiian Majesty's Government has responded to the call of the National Legislature by appointing and sending a Special Commissioner to several Polynesian States, - he being entrusted with a mission of good will and international comity, and His Majesty's Government has accorded to various Polynesian Chiefs, appealing to King Kalakaua for aid, an advisory counsel.
His Hawaiian Majesty's Government speaking for the Hawaiian People, so happily prospering through national independence
(page 3)
make earnest appeal to the Governments of great and enlightened States, that they will recognize the unalienable rights of the several races and communities of Polynesia to enjoy opportunities for peoples and self government, and will guarantee to them the same admirable political opportunities which have made Hawaii prosperous and happy, and which incite her national spirit to lift up a voice among the Nations in behalf of sister Islands and groups of Polynesia.
(page 4)
Opposition to Obama's claim of part of the Hawaiian archipelago remains.
The Protest of King David Kalakaua and his people continue with his heirs, successors, and people continue till today.
King David Kalakaua had two (2) of his own children, a stepson/adopted son of his wife Kapiolani/Queen Kapiolani, and two hanai/adopted children.
His children:
Kamaka (w)
Kaopu (k)
His stepson:
Kahanu (k)
Two hanai/adopted children
King Kalakaua's son named Kaopu (k) with Kailihou (w) adopted Elikapeka Kaimiola Kaluakini (siblings) who married Joseph Matsugoro/Gora and had John (siblings). John married Mary Castro and had Amelia Gora (siblings)f.
His wife Kapiolani was the hanai/adopted daughter of Kaluakini (k) who married Haili (w) niece of Kapiolani - her mother was Princess Poomaikelani.
Kaluakini (k) and Haili (w) had Elikapeka Kaimiola Kaluakini (siblings) and transferred through adoption their children to King Kalakaua's son Kaopu (k) and Kaluakini's mother Kailihou(w).
Kapiolani was the hanai/adopted sister of Elikapeka Kaimiolani Kaluakini (siblings) who married Joseph Matsugoro/Gora and had John (siblings). John married Mary Castro and had Amelia Gora (siblings).
Our families are also part of Royal Families, descendants/heirs of Kalaniopuu, Kamehameha, Kamehameha III - Kauikeaouli, Kaumualii, John Young, Isaac Davis, et. als.
The Hawaiian archipelago is made up of 133 Islands.
The age of our kanaka maoli in the Hawaiian archipelago is more than 1,650+ years.
Conspiracy(ies), piracy(ies), pillaging, racketeering can be seen in the criminal assumption of the Hawaiian archipelago by Obama/U.S. President Obama who claims to provide a conservation area when in reality he moves to encroach on foreign territories.
Through the use of War Games, the bombing in the Pacific Ocean surrounding our Hawaiian archipelago is Not a sign of preservation and conservation.
The Army, Navy, and Federal officials were used by the U.S. President Theodore Roosevelt to assume the private properties of the Kingdom of Hawaii and supported the Territory which claimed to be "the successor of the Kingdom of Hawaii" a documented Identity Theft.
Roosevelt is credited for creating the beginning of a Ocean Reserve.
The Territory which became the State of Hawaii by U.S. Presidential Executive Order by U.S. President Eisenhower is Not a Government but an illegal set up, a sham documented in the PA PELEKANE Case of 1912.
Obama provides an ongoing Conspiracy, piracy(ies), pillaging, racketeering, genocide activities, robbery of minerals, etc. disregarding the claim to conservation, disregarding the facts that the U.S. are uninvited occupiers, trespassing on lands of the Kingdom of Hawaii/Kingdom of Hawaii/ Hawaiian archipelago/Hawaiian Islands/He Mokupuni Pae Aina o Hawaii/Ko Hawaii Pae Aina.
Opposition and continued Protest to Obama et. als. are hereby entered for the records.
Rents are due for Pearl Harbor, all lands conveyed by the Pirate entity Kamehameha Schools Bishop Estates, etc. are posted as a reminder.
Rents are also due for the Iolani Palace, City Hall, the State Capitol, etc. sitting on our families lands.
Also, toll charges are due for the lands that the Rail is due as well.
The Royal Families exist, many Kamehameha's including King Lunalilo's, King Kalakaua's, and Queen Liliuokalani's Families who are the private property owners, Superior Title owners, Alodio/ Ano Alodio Land owners who are also the owners, caretakers of the Trusts, gold coins, gold bullions, and are the True Kingdom of Hawaii heirs and successors, Not the Identity Thieves State, OHA, etc.

We publish and sell books, Hawaii history, genealogies, children's books etc.

Wednesday, April 26, 2017

Legal Notice: Kingdom of Hawaii Legal Notice No. 2017 0426 Correcting the Wrongs by the Identity Thieves in the Hawaiian Islands Supported by the United States and American Empire from Amelia Gora, Acting Liaison of Foreign Affairs, House of Nobles, Judicial Tribunal Member/Judge, Konohiki, Representative of the Hawaiian Genealogical Society, True Trustee/ Beneficiary of Queen Liliuokalani Trust, Bernice Pauahi Bishop Estates/Kamehameha Schools/KSBE etc.,,,,,
"" ,,,
Irish Government ,
Switzerland Government ,,
Office of the Chief of Police ,,
et. als.

[Kanaka Maoli flag]



To All Neutral Nations:  Hawaiian Kingdom/Kingdom of Hawaii, Switzerland, Austria, Costa Rico, Finland, Liechstenstein, Malta, Panama, San Marino, Sweden, Turkmenistan, Vatican City, Ghana, Maldova, Mexico, Serbia
Other Friendly Nations:  Kuala Lumpur, Japan, Portugal, etc.

Kingdom of Hawaii Legal Notice No. 2017 0426 Correcting the Wrongs by the Identity Thieves in the Hawaiian Islands Supported by the United States and American Empire from Amelia Gora, Acting Liaison of Foreign Affairs, House of Nobles, Judicial Tribunal Member/Judge, Konohiki, Representative of the Hawaiian Genealogical Society, True Trustee/ Beneficiary of Queen Liliuokalani Trust, Bernice Pauahi Bishop Estates/Kamehameha Schools/KSBE etc.

The following article was prepared by one of Kamehameha III's heirs, and successors who signed a contractual agreement, a permanent Treaty with the President of the United States of America in 1849/50. The people, subjects are Not parties to this particular Treaty. The Hawaiian Kingdom/Kingdom of Hawaii continues on with occupiers who are Not welcomed. There's much evidence of Premeditation uncovered by many researchers, references shown below:

Royal Families, Kamehameha's Heirs and Descendants Exists
Opposing the Illegal Nai Aupuni/Na'i Aupuni, etc.
by Amelia Gora (2015)
The people /kanaka maoli remain under stress, duress, usurpation, coercion, intimidation since the criminal dethronement of our Queen Liliuokalani who was wrongfully dethroned in 1893. Do you know that the United States actively engage in psyops in many other nations....Hawaii included/the Hawaiian Kingdom/ Kingdom of Hawaii ....let us start with the missionaries who were really mercenaries after Kamehameha died in 1819...then add the American Consulate spies Charles Reed Bishop, William Lee....then add the American Civil War Generals who were on assignment after 1865 included CC Harris et. als......they were all operatives engaged in criminally assuming our lands, assets, resources.... then add son of a bitch S.B. Dole/Sanford B. Dole who began the indoctrination /lies claiming that Kamehameha V was the last of the Kamehameha's which was perpetuated by a concerted effort of treasonous people who were Americans operating as subjects of the Hawaiian Kingdom.....They all belonged to the Masons/Freemasons who defend the One World Order since the 1822 Secret Treaty of Verona with moves to break down monarchical/monarchy governments worldwide. These people fear Monarchy/Constitutional Monarchy governments because of greed, etc. Wars were started over the decimation of Monarchy governments, into the Hawaiian Kingdom, and continues today in the Middle East, etc. The documented culprits are those who signed into the 1822 Secret Treaty... and recently Russia bowed out from that conspirator, terrorist entity....manned mainly by the U.S., England, and the bankers - includes JP Morgan and the World Bank (see Vladimir Putin, Karen Hudes, and Alana Fleischmann, whistleblowers who stated that the U.S. Constitution was changed by the bankers and made the people slaves in 1871). The Hawaiian Kingdom remains a nation because the Royal Families exists with stories of evils, including beheadings of 800 Hawaiians, the cutting out/pulling out of tongues for those who spoke. Kamehameha III's heirs and successors exists from his own children, his stepchildren, and adopted children. There are 34+ lines which equates to many owners of the Crown Lands because we found the deeds showing that it was for himself, his heirs and successors ....exclusively. The 1850 Treaty of the Hawaiian Kingdom and the U.S.A. (not the U.S. and the American Empire which became a substitute of the U.S.A. apparently resulted from the 1871 secret bankers Constitution but is recorded in a case in Hawaii in the year 1899 (Peacock case)). The true Crown Land owners are Kamehameha III's families also known as the Royal Families and we can prosecute pirates, pillagers, treasonous persons under Article XIV according to the date 556 have been dispossessed. see for more information...The U.S. , illegal State /foreigners owns Nothing in the Hawaiian Islands and are illegally collecting taxes...we are surrounded by pirates, criminals, deviants, thieves, scoundrels who are now being challenged by facts, issues, Rule of Laws from our ongoing neutral, friendly, non- violent nation since the time of Kamehameha III - Kauikeaouli. The Royal Families exists supporting all non treasonous kanaka maoli claims to their alodio/alodial lands......the Pirates have been caught in our candy store and all in the World are watching.....We continue on legally, lawfully, by Rule of Law since the time that the Hawaiian Kingdom /Kingdom of Hawaii was recognized as a Monarchy/ Monarchical Government since 1810. aloha.
Wiki Leakey from Hawaii
Premeditation by the U.S. President Harrison Proven Through Telegrams 8/`1892! out of Buzzy Agard's book
Additional Article/Reference posted at Aljazeera:
Amelia Gora shared Williamson Chang's post.
19 hrs ·
important .-a keeper

Williamson Chang
20 hrs ·
Aloha--some corrections:
In the article: Occupation Denial and Cognitive Dissonance of Al Jazeera America, of November 9, 2015, that article states:
“The only claim that the United States has ever made to Hawaiian sovereignty is through the joint resolution of 1898. In a secret debate of the U.S. Senate in 1898, which was kept secret until 1969 (71 years), only two of the 90 senators claimed that annexation by joint resolution was constitutional. The rest stated that it was unlawful, unconstitutional, and logically impossible.”
Some small correction of facts:
Debates on the Treaty of Annexation of June 16, 1897 are regularly held in secret, executive session. There were no votes held in the winter of 1897-1898 on the Treaty of Annexation since it was clear the administration could not garner the two-thirds majority needed to achieve ratification.
When it came to the Joint Resolution Providing for the Annexing of the Hawaiian Islands to the United States [the Newlands Resolution] which was introduced in the Spring of 1898, after the beginning of the Spanish American War, and was NOT a treaty, but a bill, it was debated in public in both the House of Representatives and the Senate of the United States.
The complete records of those debates are available publicly, including at Hamilton Library, and in my collection.
It is correct that only two Senators, Senators Foraker and Stewart made an attempt to explain how a joint resolution could acquire Hawaii. Other Senators did speak in favor of the Joint Resolution but did not attempt to explain how it could acquire Hawaii---they spoke to the military advantages of acquiring Hawaii and such topics.
One should not assume that all the rest of the Senators went on record as opposed to the Joint Resolution, particularly on the ground that it lacked the capacity to acquire Hawaii---the large majority were simply silent--and supported the President's joint resolution simply because it would help the war effort in the Philippines.
Senator Foraker and Senator Stewarts' attempted explanation of how the joint resolution could acquire Hawaii were ridiculed and Senator Foraker eventually admitted that a joint resolution could not acquire the Hawaiian Islands, see 31 Congressional Record at 6369 [Senator Stewart] and 31 Congressional Record 6336 [Senator Foraker's admission of defeat]
So what is called the "legislative history" of the Joint Resolution shows no evidence of support for the proposition that the Joint Resolution acquired Hawaii.
Indeed, the title of the Joint Resolution indicates what is was believed to do: it is titled the "Joint Resolution Providing for the Annexing of the Hawaiian Islands"---that is, the Joint Resolution was merely to pave the way, or provide for the "later” annexation of Hawaii---which was supposedly by the 1900 Organic Act creating a Government for the Territory of Hawaii.
But that bill could not acquire Hawaii as, it too, was merely a bill or act of Congress. Nonetheless, a second ceremony of annexation was held in Honolulu after the Organic Act passed on June 14, 1900. Of course, the Organic Act did not acquire the Hawaiian Islands because its description of what it acquired ---in Section Two of that act --- was "the islands acquired by the Joint Resolution".
Since the joint resolution of 1898 1) did not have the capacity to acquire Hawaii and 2) was not intended by Congress to acquire Hawaii means that no islands or waters were acquired by the Organic Act either--meaning the United States never acquired the Hawaiian Islands or the Crown and Government Lands.
Neither the Treaty of 1897, The Joint Resolution of 1898, the Organic Act of 1900, or the Act of Admission as a State in 1959 acquired the Hawaiian Islands as territory of the United States.
The United States does not have territorial jurisdiction over the Hawaiian Islands. The Crown and Government lands never passed or were conveyed to the Territory, State or United States.
Some small correction of facts:
Debates on the Treaty of Annexation of June 16, 1897 are regularly held in secret, executive session. There were no votes held in the winter of 1897-1898 on the Treaty of Annexation since it was clear the administration could not garner the two-thirds majority needed to achieve ratification.
When it came to the Joint Resolution Providing for the Annexing of the Hawaiian Islands to the United States [the Newlands Resolution] which was introduced in the Spring of 1898, after the beginning of the Spanish American War, and was NOT a treaty, but a bill, it was debated in public in both the House of Representatives and the Senate of the United States.
The complete records of those debates are available publicly, including at Hamilton Library, and in my collection.
It is correct that only two Senators, Senators Foraker and Stewart made an attempt to explain how a joint resolution could acquire Hawaii. Other Senators did speak in favor of the Joint Resolution but did not attempt to explain how it could acquire Hawaii---they spoke to the military advantages of acquiring Hawaii and such topics.
One should not assume that all the rest of the Senators went on record as opposed to the Joint Resolution, particularly on the ground that it lacked the capacity to acquire Hawaii---the large majority were simply silent--and supported the President's joint resolution simply because it would help the war effort in the Philippines.
Senator Foraker and Senator Stewarts' attempted explanation of how the joint resolution could acquire Hawaii were ridiculed and Senator Foraker eventually admitted that a joint resolution could not acquire the Hawaiian Islands, see 31 Congressional Record at 6369 [Senator Stewart] and 31 Congressional Record 6336 [Senator Foraker's admission of defeat]
So what is called the "legislative history" of the Joint Resolution shows no evidence of support for the proposition that the Joint Resolution acquired Hawaii.
Indeed, the title of the Joint Resolution indicates what is was believed to do: it is titled the "Joint Resolution Providing for the Annexing of the Hawaiian Islands"---that is, the Joint Resolution was merely to pave the way, or provide for the "later” annexation of Hawaii---which was supposedly by the 1900 Organic Act creating a Government for the Territory of Hawaii.
But that bill could not acquire Hawaii as, it too, was merely a bill or act of Congress. Nonetheless, a second ceremony of annexation was held in Honolulu after the Organic Act passed on June 14, 1900. Of course, the Organic Act did not acquire the Hawaiian Islands because its description of what it acquired ---in Section Two of that act --- was "the islands acquired by the Joint Resolution".
Since the joint resolution of 1898 1) did not have the capacity to acquire Hawaii and 2) was not intended by Congress to acquire Hawaii means that no islands or waters were acquired by the Organic Act either--meaning the United States never acquired the Hawaiian Islands or the Crown and Government Lands.
Neither the Treaty of 1897, The Joint Resolution of 1898, the Organic Act of 1900, or the Act of Admission as a State in 1959 acquired the Hawaiian Islands as territory of the United States.
The United States does not have territorial jurisdiction over the Hawaiian Islands. The Crown and Government lands never passed or conveyed to the Territory, State or United States of America
Professor Williamson B.C. Chang
University of Hawaii at Manoa
Speaking in his own capacity Note from A.Gora: The U.S. is an illegal alien nation not welcomed in the Hawaiian Islands due to issues....athe 1850 Treaty continues on based a permanent treaty from a neutral friendly non violent nation whose Royal Families exists even today...aloha."/>1 · Nov 10, 2015 6:49am

Recent Background -

ONCE UPON A BAR - Includes KAREN HUDES or The Kingdom of Hawaii Supports the Constitution of the United States of America and Exposing Those Who Do Not Such As the Bar (includes Karen Hudes, et.als.) Members, etc.

Once Upon a Bar

Once Upon a Bar - Part 2

The United States of America later changed to the United States and the American Empire in 1899

Reference:  Peacock vs. Republic of Hawaii (1899), First Circuit Court, Supreme Court Law Library/Archives/Main Library

Reviewing the 1849/1850 Treaty see:

and the U.S. Constitution

and the Trusts of Queen Liliuokalani, Bernice Pauahi Bishop Estates/KSBE, etc.
---Notices sent to the above and both Failed to respond, which means they defaulted.

Add Identity Theft

The Fraud Trusts/fraudulent setups of Queen Liliuokalani's/Liliuokalani Trust, Bernice Pauahi Bishop Estates/KSBE etc. and the United States President McKinley for directing the development of the Territory of the United States by the Army, Navy, and Federal Officials and then Proclaiming the Territory which was claimed to be the "successor of the Kingdom of Hawaii" by the Attorney General in the PA PELEKANE case (1899) HAWAIIAN REPORTS, Honolulu, Oahu, Hawaii.

Note:  Three events of Identity Theft recorded, all which benefited the usurpers, conspirators, aliens, treasonous persons, pirates, pillagers, racketeers documented and supported by the United States and the American Empire.



What's the Department of Justice Doing About Identity Theft and Fraud?
The Department of Justice prosecutes cases of identity theft and fraud under a variety of federal statutes. In the fall of 1998, for example, Congress passed the Identity Theft and Assumption Deterrence Act. This legislation created a new offense of identity theft, which prohibits "knowingly transfer[ring] or us[ing], without lawful authority, a means of identification of another person with the intent to commit, or to aid or abet, any unlawful activity that constitutes a violation of Federal law, or that constitutes a felony under any applicable State or local law." 18 U.S.C. § 1028(a)(7). This offense, in most circumstances, carries a maximum term of 15 years' imprisonment, a fine, and criminal forfeiture of any personal property used or intended to be used to commit the offense.
Schemes to commit identity theft or fraud may also involve violations of other statutes such as identification fraud (18 U.S.C. § 1028), credit card fraud (18 U.S.C. § 1029), computer fraud (18 U.S.C. § 1030), mail fraud (18 U.S.C. § 1341), wire fraud (18 U.S.C. § 1343), or financial institution fraud (18 U.S.C. § 1344). Each of these federal offenses are felonies that carry substantial penalties –¬ in some cases, as high as 30 years' imprisonment, fines, and criminal forfeiture.
Federal prosecutors work with federal investigative agencies such as the Federal Bureau of Investigation, the United States Secret Service, and the United States Postal Inspection Service to prosecute identity theft and fraud cases.

Request for Assistance in Arresting the Trustees of the Identity Thieves/Pirates/Pillagers, etc. in alignment with Article XIV of the 1849/1850 Treaty of the Kingdom of Hawaii and the United States of America.  Note:  The United States of America became the United States and the American Empire in 1899.

Your assistance will be greatly appreciated.

Costs/financing can be discussed with our House of Nobles made up of Kamehameha's descendants/heirs, Queen Liliuokalani's Family, Princess Poomaikelani's Families, et. als.

Please contact me at hawaiianhistory@gmail or P.O. Box 861781, Wahiawa, Oahu, Hawaii

Mahalo/Thank you,

Amelia Gora

Wednesday, March 22, 2017

Legal Notice 2017-0321 - Regarding Defaulted Queen Liliuokalani's Trust and KSBE/Kameha

Kingdom of Hawaii and Royal Families Legal Notice No. 2017-0321 - Re: Seven - 7 Day Notices of Rents Due from Queen Liliuokalani Trust/Liliuokalani Trust and Bernice Pauahi Bishop Estates/KSBE/Kamehameha Schools Trustees Defaulted posted by Amelia Gora, Acting Liaison of Foreign Affairs, House of Nobles member, Judicial Tribunal member/Judge, Konohiki, Hawaiian Genealogical Society, Royal Family Member, Royal person, one of the True Trustees of Liliuokalani/Queen Liliuokalani through her true Trustee Kaaumoana/Kahakuahaa​koi, one of the descendants/heirs of Kalola - next of kin to Bernice Pauahi her sister, one of the descendants/heirs of Abigail Maikai/Kapooloku/Kapoolohu /Kapapoko/Poomaikelani/Princess Poomaikelani another sister, one of the descendants/heirs of Keawe/David Keawe/ David Pauahi, and Opunui - Pauahi's/Bernice Pauahi's sons/stepsons/hanai/adopted son
Image result for hawaiian flag - red stripe first 


Queen Liliuokalani Trust/Liliuokalani Trust/Liliuokalani Trustees, et. als.
Kamehameha Schools/Kamehameha Schools Bishop Estates/Bernice Pauahi Bishop Estates/KSBE Trustees, et. als.

U.S. President Donald Trump

Secretary of State 

Judges, et. als. in the Hawaiian Islands

Many Interested others


Queen Liliuokalani Trust/Liliuokalani Trust/Liliuokalani Trustees, et. als. and Kamehameha Schools/Kamehameha Schools Bishop Estates/Bernice Pauahi Bishop Estates/KSBE Trustees have defaulted due to their failure in answering the seven -7 day Legal Notice for rents, etc.

Both Trusts are not able to show alodio titles to properties belonging to our Royal Families.
Their failure also means that they are maintaining fraud, criminal malfeasance, racketeering, conspiracies documented.  

According to the 1849/1850 Treaty of the Kingdom of Hawaii and the United States of America, prosecution by removal and returning the guilty to their country/nation is part of the contractual agreements which was ratified by Kamehameha III - Kauikeaouli in 1850.

The Trustees /Trusts were listed in the Judicial Tribunal affecting Article XIV of the 1849/1850 Treaty of the Kingdom of Hawaii and the United States of America which was ratified by Kamehameha III - Kauikeaouli in 1850.  Certified Return Receipt Requested documents were served to U.S. President Obama and also sent to your office.  A total of 851 persons/ entities were listed and legally dispossessed.  See:

The Trustees/Trusts were legally dispossessed.  The continuation of the Trusts shows the perpetuation of fraud, criminal conveyances, racketeering by those who are Not the heirs, sent in regards to lands which has alodio/allodial/lodio titles which they have been criminally claiming over time.

Research has uncovered the criminal activities by aliens who have maneuvered to assume lands of our Royal Families by genocide activities in the Hawaiian Islands documented through oral history, and newspaper articles, etc.

Genocide - Hiding, Tongues Pulled Out/Cut Out, Hanging, Guillotine/Lynching, Shooting, Death by Sharks, Scalping, etc.

I, Amelia Gora, am one of the Royal Family members whose families have stories of how they had to hide from aliens/foreigners who searched for them with the intent on beating, killing, throwing them on the leper colony in Kalaupapa/Kalawao.

Tongues Pulled Out/Cut Out, Hanging, Guillotine/Lynching, Shooting, Death by Sharks, Scalping, etc.  See:

Note:  Maria Taylor Jack also has stories of beheadings, hangings, and "turkey" hunts of all connected to the alii, compliments of Wilcox...he adds.
Historical note:  Maria Taylor is the great grandaughter of U.S. President Taylor who signed the 1849/50 Treaty of the Kingdom of Hawaii and the United States of America - the Treaty was an amity, and friendship treaty.


Forty (40)+ years of history research,  27 years of genealogy research, and 15+ years of legal research has been done with the purpose of finding truth, searching for the Royal Families, problematic issues, etc.

In 1996, or twenty years ago, I filed an Affidavit/Lien No. 96-177455 (281 pages) at the Bureau of Conveyances, Honolulu, Oahu which includes genealogies, premeditation plans to takeover the Hawaiian Islands with documented plans made in Makua Valley, an article written for the U.S. Army, parts of information showing the Strategic Plans of taking over the Hawaiian Islands, Aetearoa/New Zealand, and the Samoan Islands maps, information from the book THE VALOR OF IGNORANCE by Homer Lea.  The entire copy of the book can be read at this link:  

[PDF]The Valor of Ignorance - UO Libraries

Page 1. This is a digital copy of a book that was preserved for generations on library shelves before it was carefully scanned by Google as part of a project.

Queen Liliuokalani/Liliuokalani Trust


In the Will of Queen Liliuokalani, she denied signing a Trust Deed with the conspirators/ usurpers A.S. Cleghorn, Curtis P. Iaukea, W.O. Smith, et. als.  She claimed and maintained that she signed a Will, not a Trust.  Their Trust was filed in Liber 319/pages 447-459 at the Bureau of Conveyances.

Research uncovered the following:

1872 -  A Deed of Trust was made to H. Prendergast for Kaaumoana - hanai daughter of Queen Liliuokalani.

1898 - Liber 178 page 267 Kahakuakoi whose husband was Keo/George made an Agr./ Agreement with Liliuokalani.

Note:  a "void" clause is part of the agreement.

In Liber 319/447-459 a Trust was created by A.S. Cleghorn, Curtis P. Iaukea, W.O. Smith, et. als.  The Deed included Liber 178 page 267 Agr.  The problem is that the Agreement was documented as a Deed, which means a Fraud was documented here.

The Deed from Kailikole was also filed.  Kailikole was the hanai/adopted father of Queen Liliuokalani who also went under the name of Kaeha.  Queen Liliuokalani had two (2) hanai fathers:  (1)  Abner Paki, and (2) Kailikole.  There are other deeds which belongs to our families.

Kaaumoana /Kahakuakoi/Kekua aka's had the following nine (9) children of her own.  The following were the children of her body and the true Trustees of Kaeha/Kamakaeha/Makaeha/ Liliuokalani:

1) Opunui (k)
2) Kekipi (k)
3) Kahalaoa 
4) Keawe 
5) Mahoe
6) Papa
7) Nalimu
8)  Keku/John Keku/John Kailikole
9) Maria Kuahine

Her adopted/stepchildren:
1)  Keoki (k)
2)  Kamealoha
3)  Lilia/Nakalia (w) married Luther Aholo
4)  Ana
5)  Iosini
6)  Ineti (w)
7) Ahoy
8)  Kaielele Ponuole

1)  Pohihi (w)
2)  Kahue (w)
et. als.

Note: Queen Liliuokalani's adopted/stepchildren, other hanai children were not designated as her Trustees.....only Kaumoana/Kahakukuakoi aka's was.

I, Amelia Gora am one of the descendants of Opunui the oldest, and the youngest named Maria.

Opunui had Kapehe opio and William Linekona Hokuloa/Charles William/Charles Kauweloa.  Kapehe opio had Mele Keawe who married William Linekona Hokuloa/Charles William/Charles Kauweloa and had Mary Kauweloa (siblings:  Annie, Charles Jr.).  Mary Kauweloa married Albert Castro and had Mary (siblings:  Albert, Harriet, Alberta, Irene, Rudolph, and Joseph).  Mary Kauweloa divorced and married Ceferino Maduli and had more children (Vale, Ceferino Jr., Lucia, Fermina, Francis, and Kata).  Mary married John Gora and had Leola (adopted by Dad), Elizabeth, myself (Amelia), John, Walter, Kathleen, and Marian (dec.).  

Maria married GiomatsuMatsugoro Takeshita/Gora and had Joseph (siblings) who married Elikapeka Kaluakini (was also the descendant of Abigaila/Kapooloku/Poomaikelani/ Princess Poomaikelani - another hanai /adopted daughter of Kaeha/Makaeha/Kamakaeha/ Liliuokalani/Queen Liliuokalani) who had John Gora (siblings:  Joseph, Walter, William,Jolly, Lawrence, and Francis).  John Gora married the descendant of Opunui named Mary Castro who had Amelia Gora (siblings:  Leola, Elizabeth, John, Walter, Kathleen, and Marian (dec.)

There are many descendants/heirs of the Trustee designated, and we are in contact with many of them.

Kamehameha Schools/KSBE/Bernice Pauahi Bishop Trust/Estates


Our Kamehameha families did shop for homes, services, and conveniences and sent the bills to the Kamehameha Schools/ KSBE/Bernice Pauahi Bishop Estates.  They in turn did have meetings and asked what our legal claim was, and failed to pay for anything.

Our legal claim is that I, Amelia Gora, am one of the descendants/heirs of Kalola (w) documented relative - cousin, step sister of Bernice Pauahi Bishop.  Kalola (w) name appears on the Probate of Bernice Pauahi Bishop as the next of kin.  

Kalola (w) married Luluhiwalani and had son Alapai Kahekili Luluhiwalani who married Kahananui, who had Ioela.  Ioela married Kalola's hanai/ adopted daughter named Abigaila/Kapooloku/Kapoolohu, who had a daughter named Haili (w) who married Kaluakini and had Elikapeka Kaluakini who married Joseph Gora and had John (siblings:  Joseph, William, Walter, Jolly, Lawrence, and Francis).  John married Mary Castro and had Amelia Gora (siblings).

There are multiple claims to these families including being descendants/heirs of both stepson:  David Keawe/ David Pauahi (father of Mele Keawe); and hanai/adopted son:  Opunui (father of Kapehe opio and William Linekona Hokuloa/Charles William/Charles Kauweloa.)

 Opunui had Kapehe opio and William Linekona Hokuloa/Charles William/Charles Kauweloa.  Kapehe opio had Mele Keawe who married William Linekona Hokuloa/Charles William/Charles Kauweloa and had Mary Kauweloa (siblings:  Annie, Charles Jr.).  Mary Kauweloa married Albert Castro and had Mary (siblings:  Albert, Harriet, Alberta, Irene, Rudolph, and Joseph).  Mary Kauweloa divorced and married Ceferino Maduli and had more children (Vale, Ceferino Jr., Lucia, Fermina, Francis, and Kata).  Mary married John Gora and had Leola (adopted by Dad), Elizabeth, myself (Amelia), John, Walter, Kathleen, and Marian (dec.).  

Charles Reed Bishop had only a life time interest and he did assign the Trustees to be his heirs of his lifetime interest.  The Trustees perpetuated a fraud and maintained his Trust.

Bernice Pauahi Bishop had siblings, other marriages, and stepchildren/hanai/adopted children.

Her husband Charles Reed Bishop was married to a Kahele(w), and divorced later.

Note:  Charles Reed Bishop wrongfully added his sister's daughter to Bernice Pauahi Bishop's Will allowing non Hawaiians to benefit off of lands, monies that did not belong to them.  U.S. President Obama's grandfather was the son of Bernice Pauahi Dunham the niece of Charles Reed Bishop.  See:

It was common for the Royal Families to have multiple marriages.

The alodio/allodial/lodio land titles belongs to our families.  Bernice Pauahi Bishop was Not the "last of the Kamehameha's" as claimed by conspirator, treasonous person Sanford B. Dole who wrote his article in 1872:  see also:

I and others have the bloodlines of the Royal Families in the Hawaiian Islands.  The following is an update of the Royal Families Genealogies.

Note:  The Kamehameha Dynasty included Kamehameha through Queen Liliuokalani.  Aliens moved to have King Kalakaua and Queen Liliuokalani documented as the Kalakaua Dynasty when they belonged to the Kamehameha Dynasty.  King Kalakaua and Queen Liliuokalani's mother was Keohokalole/A. Keohokalole who was a hanai of Kamehameha descendant Nahuina (w).  She was the daughter of Kapule (k) and Kini (w) who descended from Hanuna (k), the son of Kaoleioku (k) the oldest son of Kamehameha who married Kanekapolei (w).

 Genealogies UpdatedMarch 2017

IOLANI - The Royal Hawk


By Amelia Gora (2017)


The following genealogies were arranged by Queen Liliuokalani.
Below Queen Liliuokalani's information are Updates were made based on information gathered as evidence over the years due to false claims that Bernice Pauahi was the "last of the Kamehameha's". All of the updates has credible sources taken from information found in research over time. Please keep for your records and keep with your land documents, evidence, etc.


Updated  by Amelia Gora (2017)

David Kalakaua         Kalele/Kaahulele       Kamaka (w)
                                                         Kaopu (k)
                                                    Kapiolani (w)     adopted:  Kahanu (k)
                                                        adopted:  Mathias Rose (k)
                                                                                         adopted:  Augustine Nuhi (k)

Kaeha/Kamakaeha/Makaeha/Lydia Kamakaeha/Liliuokalani married 1) Kaumauma; 2) Keawe; 3) Maulili  4) Koolau, and 5) John Dominis

She had the following stepchildren and hanai/adopted children:'  1) Kahue
2) Pohihi;  hanai/adopted children:  1)  Pau (k), 2) Abigail (w), 3) Kema; Wahie; Luka (w); Kaeha-opio (w); Ioane (k); Kamukai (k); Kaaumoana aka's (w); Hiwauli (k), Haliaka (w) and Willie (k)

Updated by Amelia Gora (2017)

Kamehameha II/Liholiho married Kekauonohi.
Aarona Keliiahonui married Kekauonohi.
Charles Kanaina married Kekauonohi,
Levi Haalelea married Kekauonohi.
Keau/Keaupuni lived with Kekauonohi.
Kekauonohi (w) hanai/adopted daughter was Abigail Maheha (w)

Kekauonohi (w) was the hanai/adopted daughter of Kalanimoku (k).
Kekauonohi (w) was the hanai/adopted daughter of Kahekili/Haupu (k).
Kekauonohi (w) siblings were:  Keliikanakaole/Kanakaole (k) and Maulili (k).
Updated by Amelia Gora (2017)

Father          Mother           Child

Kinau Kahoanoku     Wahinepio      Kekauonohi (w)
                                                        Keliikanakaole (k)
                                             Maulili (k)



Updated by Amelia Gora (2017)

Kalaniopuu had six (6) wives:
Father                     Mother                 Child

Kalaniopuu                    Kalola                 Kiwalao (k)
                                             Kalaiwahineuli    Kalaipaihala (k)
                                      Kamakolunuiokalani  Pualinui (w)
                                              Mulehu               Manoua/Manowa (w)
                                               Kanekapolei       Keoua Kuahuula (k)
                                                                     Keoua Peeale (k)


Updated by Amelia Gora (2017)

Inaina (w) children:Mataio Kekuanaoa (k); Kamahine/Kalima/Kalimakuhi(w) Mataio Kekuanaoa's children:  Paalua (k); Ruth Keelikolani (w); Moses Kaikioewa (k); Lot Kamehameha/Kamehameha V; Alexander Liholiho/ Kamehameha IV; Victoria Kamamalu (w); David Kamehameha (k); Alenoho (k); Kapau (k); Kapehe (w); John Kapena (k); Umiokalani (w); Kalima (w); Kaiopahia (k); hanai/adopted child:  Pauahi/Bernice Pauahi.  Kamahine/Kalima/Kalimakuhi (w) children: Paalua (k); Ruth Keelikolani (w); Moses Kaikioewa (k); Lot Kamehameha/Kamehameha V; Alexander Liholiho/ Kamehameha IV; Victoria Kamamalu (w); David Kamehameha (k); Alenoho (k); Kapau (k); Kapehe (w); John Kapena (k); Umiokalani (w); Kalima (w); Kaiopahia (k); ; hanai/adopted child:  Pauahi/Bernice Pauahi.  Stepchildren:  Enoka/Enosa (k); E.N. Kaaua (k); Keloha (w).

Wahinepio (w) children:  Kekauonohi(w); Keliikanakaole/Kanakaole (k); Maulili (k) also the niece and nephews of Kalanimoku (k); and hanai/foster children of Kahekili/Haupu (k) son of Kaumualii (k).

Kaoleioku (k) and wives Keoua(w) and Luahine(w) children:  Hanuna (k); Pauahi (w); Keola (k); Konia (w)

Kanekapolei 2 (w) children:  Kikau (k)
Updated by Amelia Gora (2017)

Kahekili's son:  Manono (k)
Manono (k) son Keau/Keaupuni (k) lived with Kekauonohi (w); Abigail Maheha (w); his children:  Kapena (k); Ialua/Kalua (k); Nalua (w); Kalele (w); Kala/Kalahohina.


Updated by Amelia Gora (2017)

David Kalakaua's children:  Kamaka (w); Kaopu (k);
adopted children:  Kahanu (k); Mathias Rose (k); Augustine Nuhi (k)

Lydia Kamakaeha/Kaeha/Makaeha's children/hanai/adopted children:  Abigaila (w); Pau(k), Kema (k); Wahie (k); Luka/Luika  aka's; Kaeha opio (w); Ioane (k)
Kamukai (k), Kaaumoana aka's (w)


Updated by Amelia Gora (2017)

Abner Paki(k)   Konia(w)         Bernice Pauahi
                                                                hanai/adopted:  Kaeha/Makaeha/Kamakaeha/ Liliuokalani (w)
                                           Abner Paki (k)  Kaikaina/Kaikainalii (w)  stepchildren:
                                               Abner Paki's brother:  Kalaniulumoku (k) children:   Kalola (w);
                                                                                   Kaluaikau (w); Alapai (k); Namahana (w);
                                                                                    Abigail Maheha (w); Jane Loeau (w);
                                                                                    et. als.
                                              John Young (k)    Kaonaeha/Kuamoo (w)  children:  John Young Jr; Fanny/Pane(w); Grace/Kamaikui (w); Gini/Lahilahi (w); James Kanehoa Young (k); adopted children:  Hueu Davis (k); Kale Davis (k); and Peke Davis; hanai/adopted children of Kauikeouli/Kamehameha III.

Fanny/Pane (w) and Naea (k) had children:  Emma adopted by TCB Rooke, second husband of Kamaikui/Grace Kamaikui (w). Grace Kamaikui/Kamaikui/Kalukona married Isaac Davis and had Hueu Davis; Kale Davis; and Peke Davis.  Their true cousin Emma became their sibling.
Updated by Amelia Gora (2017)

Kamehameha II - Liholiho married Pauahi
Keaupuni married Pauahi
Kahalaia married Pauahi
Kekuanaoa married Pauahi(w) who had Ruth Keelikolani
Kekuanaoa married Kalehua/Kauhi (w)
Kekuanaoa married Kinau (w);
Kekuanaoa married Kalolo/Kaloloahilani (w);
Kekuanaoa married Kalima (w)
Kekuanaoa became part of Kalaniopuu's; Kamehameha's; Kamehameha II - Liholiho's; Kamehameha III- Kauikeaouli's, Kaumualii's children, stepchildren, hanai/ adopted children's father/stepfather/hanai father
 Mataio Kekuanaoa's children:  Paalua (k); Ruth Keelikolani (w); Moses Kaikioewa (k); Lot Kamehameha/Kamehameha V; Alexander Liholiho/ Kamehameha IV; Victoria Kamamalu (w); David Kamehameha (k); Alenoho (k); Kapau (k); Kapehe (w); John Kapena (k); Umiokalani (w); Kalima (w); Kaiopahia (k); hanai/adopted child:  Pauahi/Bernice Pauahi.


Our Royal Families includes the children, stepchildren, hanai/adopted children of the Kamehameha's, and those belonging to the King Kalakaua and Queen Liliuokalani's Families.  They too are part of the Kamehameha Dynasty because their mother was a hanai/ adopted daughter of one of the Kamehameha's.

Kamehameha's stepchildren included his Uncle Kalaniopuu's Families, Kaumualii of Kauai's Families, his hanai/adopted children which includes John Young's grandchildren, Isaac Davis children.  After Kamehameha died, one of his widows named Kaahumanu and his head man named Kalaimoku/Kalanimoku added his families to the Royal Families because of his marriage to another widow of Kamehameha named Keopuolani, the mother of Liholiho- Kamehameha II, Kauikeaouli - Kamehameha III, and Nahienaena.  There were six others and research continues on those.  Kamehameha II - Liholiho married Kamehameha's widow named Kekauluohi/Auhea who had married Charles Kanaina.  Charles Kanaina had been married to Miriam Kekauonohi, another widow of Kamehameha II - Liholiho.  The other wiives of Kamehameha II - Liholiho were:  Kamamalu, Liliha, Pauahi, Kinau, Pali; Kamehameha III - Kauikeaouli's wives were:  Kekualoa aka's, Kalama, and Gina Lahilahi.  He had children and hanai hookama/adopted children who inherited sovereignty.

We are a genealogy based society.  It would be worth your while to set aside this important information with your land, genealogy records because it is now proven that Bernice Pauahi Bishop was NOT the "last of the Kamehameha's" and the lies are but criminal propaganda set in place by the non-kanaka maoli, the treasonous persons who moved to assume all that does not belong to them.

aloha and malama pono.....

a gift of the ages in behalf of our Kamehameha, Kalaniopuu, Kahekili, Kaumualii, John Young, Isaac Davis et. als. descendants; the Hawaiian Genealogical Society/Hawaiian Genealogy Society; and the Royal Families House of Nobles/"Hulu Manu" - Secret/Special Advisors of Kauikeouli/Kamehameha III's families/descendants

References:  information from Queen Liliuokalani's book HAWAII'S STORY BY HAWAII'S QUEEN/HAWAII'S STORY; research at the Archives, Bureau of Conveyances, Main Library, Honolulu, Oahu, Hawaii



The Queen Liliuokalani Trust/Liliuokalani Trust and the Bernice Pauahi Bishop Estates/KSBE/ Kamehameha Schools Trusts/Estates belongs to our Royal Families.

We are the true trustees for Queen Liliuokalani Trust/Liliuokalani Trust and Superior Title Owners of both Queen Liliuokalani Trust/Liliuokalani Trust and the Bernice Pauahi Bishop Estates/KSBE/ Kamehameha Schools Trusts/Estates as found and documented in research.

Both Trusts, their Trustees have failed to respond to the Legal 7 Day Notice, certified, return receipt mailings which included the fact that they were dispossessed from lands that they have no interest in.

Kamehameha III - Kauikeaouli conveyed to our families Alodio/Allodial/Lodio Land Titles in 1848.  To Aliens, he conveyed Fee Simple or less than Alodio/Allodial/Lodio Land Titles.

The entity Territory criminally changed our Land System to 'Alodio in Fee Simple' and committed a crime, intended to defraud our families.

Non-owners conveyed properties to the United States of America and perpetuated crimes affecting our monies, lands, mineral rights, etc.

The Trusts, Trustees were legally dispossessed according to Article XIV of the 1849/1850 Treaty of the Kingdom of Hawaii and the United States of America.

The Trusts/Trustees are subject to be taken, removed, expelled from our properties and accordingly by the United States of America.

We realize that there was no annexation, U.S. President Grover Cleveland Gave Hawaii back to Queen Liliuokalani, then U.S. President McKinley gave the Army, Navy, Federal personnel assignments to develop a Territory government which identity thieved our Kingdom of Hawaii claiming to be a "successor".

"A treaty is “primarily a compact between independent nations.” Article II, Section 2 of the Constitution gives the President the power “to make Treaties, provided two thirds of the Senators present concur.” And the Supremacy Clause provides that “treaties,” like statutes, count as “the supreme law of the land.”Jan 8, 2014

Limits on the Treaty Power - Harvard Law Review"

Rents are due for properties that these Trusts /entities conveyed.

Illegal contracts have been negated which includes the contracts made by entity State of Hawaii which was officially opposed by a Kamehameha descendant named Harold Abel Cathcart, a cousin of my great grandmother.

We ask that you assist in removing the Trustees of each Trust and return them to your nation according to the 1849/1850 Treaty of the Kingdom of Hawaii and the United States of America.

I am well aware that the this permanent friendship and amity treaty operates only with the bloodlines of Kamehameha III - Kauikeaouli, his heirs, and successors.

We also reserve the right to utilize services to assist in the removal of their properties from the premises of our Trusts offices, etc.

Research continues for all the other Trusts, lands, etc. belonging to our Royal Families and some of the properties that are subject to our native tenants.

We seek assistance in the removal of those who have been dispossessed, and seek to fulfill the desire of our Queen Liliuokalani and our Royal Families who have suffered injuries by aliens, identity thieves operating as if they were legal.

Your assistance in these matters will be greatly appreciated.

We are slowly putting together a Peace Officer team, etc. to also assist in maintaining our private properties



P.O. Box 861781
Wahiawa, Oahu  96786


Amelia Gora


Reminder...a keeper ;)

May 11, 2017 - Second Notice

Second Notice to Arrest the Liliuokalani Trustees and New Case Precedence Found on their Frauds, Identity Theft, etc.

Important Note:  Case precedence found which shows that conveyance from a grantor to trustee cannot be reconveyed to the grantor, etc. which means that the Liliuokalani Trustees are also Identity Thieves of our ancestor Kahakuakoi, et. als.

Fraud Charges For the Liliuokalani Trustees/Queen Liliuokalani Trustees, etc. Recorded - Requesting Arrests

Honolulu Police Department
U.S. President Donald Trump
Please record the following persons/Trustees for fraud, deceit, perpetuation of fraud,identity theft, conspiracies, genocide activities, theft, racketeering, piracy(ies), pillaging, genocide activities, etc.
The three (3) Trustees of the fraud Liliuokalani Trust/Queen Liliuokalani Trust are documented below.
The evidence:  See #45) "Deed" claimed by the Fraud Trust claimed that the document is a deed when the reall document shows that it is an AGR./Agreement is recorded, the agreement became void.
"the following Agr. or Agreement was filed as a Deed in the Trust created by the usurpers:
Liber 178 page 267:
Kahakuakoi to Liliuokalani
Stamped $1.00                   Agr.
This Agreement made this third day of September 1898 by and between Kahakuakoi and D. Kealopauole her husband of Honolulu Island of Oahu parties of the first part and Liliuokalani of the same place, party of the second part, Witnesseth:  That on consideration of one dollar to them in hand paid, and in further consideration of the agreement of said party of the second part herein contained the said parties of the first part do here by remise, release and quitclaim unto the said party of the second part and her heirs all their right, of dower and curtesy and all and every other right, title and interest whatsoever in and to all the lands tenements hereditaments and estates of the late Charles Kanaina, William C. Lunalilo, Bernice Pauahi Bishop, Queen Hakaleleponi Kalama, wheresoever the same may be situate lying or being To have and to hold the same with the privilege and  whatsoever thereto belonging unto the said party of the second part, her heirs and assigns forever.  And the said party of the second part, in consideration of the above conveyance, hereby agrees for herself, her executors and administrators to support and maintain the said parties of the second part in a suitable and proper manner, during the term of their natural lives and that of the survivor of them Provided However and it is mutually understood and agreed that if after using due diligence the said party of the second part shall be unable to obtain possession of any of the property herein above conveyed to her then these presents shall be void.
In Witness Whereof, the said parties have hereunto set the hands and seals the day and year aforesaid
Translated, and explained to the said                              Kahakuakoi
parties of the first part by                                                   D. Kealohapauole
Edmund H. Hart                                                                   Liiuokalani
Witness AGM Robertson                                                 
Hawaiian Islands, Island of Oahu. S.S.  On this Fifth day of September A.D. 1898 personally appeared before me Kahakuakoi (w) and D. Kealohapauole her husband and Liliuokalani, knwn to me to be the persons described in and who executed the foregoing instrument and they severally acknowledged to me that they executed the same freely and voluntarily for the uses and purposes there in setforth.  And the said Kahakuakoi (w), on a private examination separate and apart from her husband further acknowledged to me that she executed the same freely, without fear or compulsion of her said husband.
                                          Edmund H. Hart   Notary Public
                                          First Judicial Circuit.
Recorded and compared this 14th day of September A.D. 1898 at 11:31 Oclock P,M.
                  Thos G. Thrum, Registrar of Conveyances"

The Trust created by the usurpers became Null and Void based on Liber 178 pages 267-268.  The Agreement was fraudulently documented as a Deed in Liber 319 pages 447-459 at the Bureau of Conveyances, Honolulu, Oahu.
On page 457, Number "(45)  Deed of Kahakuakoi et al, September 3, 1898, Librer 178/267; Interest in Estates of Charles Kanaina, W.C. Lunalilo, Brernicre P, Bishop and Queen Haleleponi." was fraudulently documented as a Deed when in reality it was and remains an Agr. or Agreement.
The Trustee designated by Queen Liliuokalani was Kaaumoana (see Liber 35 pages 131-132) who also went by the name "Kahakuakoi" etc. as documented in Liber 178 pages 267- 268).
There are other Deeds listed which belongs to our families including the Deed of Kailikoli who was the hanai father of Queen Liliuokalani; David Pauahi aka's, etc.
The Trust created by the usurpers were served billings for rents.
Effective today, the Trust now has seven (7) days or by Saturday, March 4, 2017, to respond to the billings.  This Notice Served through the e-mail, posted on the web is meant as a legal reminder, and for the records.  
Amelia Gora, a Royal person, one of the descendants/heirs of two hanai of Liliuokalani/ Liliuokalani named Kaaumoana/Kahakukuakoi aka's, the designated Trustee, and Abigaila/Poomaikelani aka's, heir of Kaopumomona/Kaopu (k) 
research and bills for rents due
Note:  Office personnel called the Honolulu Police Department when we had a meeting at the Halona Street address and threatened to have us arrested if we did not leave the property.
We left after letting them know that we have the Agreement which documented that we are the landowners and the Trustees failed to respond and legally defaulted on the notices served through certified, return receipt requested mail.  
The office clerks in behalf of the trustees asked for more time and they were denied.  It was then that they called the Police.  
As one of the most favored nations, a seven-day notice was the time allowed.
The Liliuokalani Trust/Queen Liliuokalani Trust operating under the Asam, Kaulukukui, Jr. and Yim are documented pirates, pillagers, thieves, identity thieves, perpetuating crimes affecting us - Queen Liliuokalani's Families.

The Queen Liliuokalani Trust/Liliuokalani Trust belongs to the heirs of Kahakuakoi/Kaaumoana and Not to the Trustees who are perpetuating fraud, racketeering, identity theft, etc.
We are the holders of the Agreement that was voided which means that we are the owners of the Interests of Charles Kanaina, King William Lunalilo, Bernice Pauahi Bishop, and Queen Hazaleleponi Kalama, etc.
In addition to documenting the three (3) Trustees, I also request that the three (3) be arrested as soon as possible.
The Judicial Tribunal will be meeting this week for the purposes of documenting their piracies, pillaging, etc.
The Liliuokalani Trustees/lQueen Liliuokalani Trustees, the identity thieves are also connected to the Bernice Pauahi Bishop Estates Trustees/KSBE/Kamehameha Schools Trustees because they too have been served legal notices and also failed to respond.
Amelia Gora, a Royal Person,
One of Queen Liliuokalani's Family
members, etc.


Deed of Trust

On December 2, 1909, Queen Lili‘uokalani executed a Deed of Trust, which established the legal and financial foundation of an institution dedicated to the welfare of orphaned Hawaiian children.
She amended her Deed of Trust in 1911 to include destitute children. Her Deed of Trust states that “all the property of the Trust Estate, both principal and income … shall be used by the Trustees for the benefit of orphan and other destitute children in the Hawaiian Islands, the preference given to Hawaiian children of pure or part-aboriginal blood.”
On November 11, 1917, Queen Lili‘uokalani died in her Washington Place home at the age of 79. She lived her life by her motto, ‘Onipa‘a (be steadfast, established, firm, resolute and determined). Her legacy is perpetuated today through the works of the Lili‘uokalani Trust and Lili‘uokalani Children’s Center.

Her Deed of Trust

THIS INDENTURE, made this 2nd day of December, 1909, between LILIUOKALANI, widow of the late John O. Dominis, of Honolulu, Territory of Hawaii, party of the first part, hereinafter also called the “Grantor”, and ARCHIBALD S. CLEGHORN, CURTIS P. IAUKEA and WILLIAM O. SMITH, all of said Honolulu, parties of the second part, hereinafter also called the “Trustees”,
WITNESSETH: That whereas the said Grantor is desirous of placing all of her property in trust (save as below excepted) to be held and administered by the Trustees for the uses and purposes in this instrument set forth:
NOW THEREFORE, the said Grantor, in consideration of the premises herein expressed and of the covenant hereinafter contained on the part of the Trustees to be kept and performed, and also of One Dollar to her paid by the said Trustees, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, does hereby give, grant, convey, assign, transfer, set over and deliver unto the said Trustees all and singular her right, title, estate and interest whatsoever in and to all her property, real, personal and mixed, of every nature and description and wheresoever situate, in possession or in action, including all of the property described and referred to in the several schedules hereunder written, and also all other property whether included or described or referred to in said schedules or not; SAVING AND EXCEPTING THEREFROM an estate for the life of said Grantor, hereby reserved, in and to her present residence premises known as “Washington Place” on Beretania Street in Honolulu, and also the premises at Waikiki known as “Kealohilani”; AND RESERVING AND EXCEPTING ALSO all of the household furniture and furnishings and contents of each of said residence properties, and all personal effects of said Grantor, as now enjoyed by her, including all personal or family mementos, heirlooms, pictures, bric-a-brac, crests, decorations, kahilis, and like property; and EXCEPTING FURTHER any claim said Grantor may have or claim to have against the United States:
TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the same, with all the rights, easements, privileges and appurtenances thereunto belonging or in anywise appertaining, and the reversion and reversions, remainder and remainders, rents, issues and profits thereof, unto the said Trustees hereinabove named and their successors in trust, heirs and assigns forever, subject only to existing incumbrances; BUT IN TRUST NEVERTHELESS, to hold, use, manage, control and administer the same upon the following trusts, that is to say:
Except as this instrument may require the special holding, reservation or application of any particular parts or portions of the trust property to accord with the special use or disposition thereof, the Trustees shall administer the trust property according as to them shall seem most advantageous to all the beneficiaries hereunder and to most effectually accomplish the whole trusts hereof.
The Trustees shall at all times have the most ample power and authority, in their discretion from time to time to sell, lease, exchange, partition, mortgage, pledge and/or otherwise deal with and dispose of any of the lands and/or other property and interests of the trust estate, and to purchase any lands or other property and/or take leases thereof, for the benefit of the trust estate, as often and upon such terms and conditions or covenants and for such considerations as they may deem proper, and generally to make such investments as they may think best. They may exercise any and all of their powers by this instrument conferred or which may be necessary or convenient for the effectual administration of the trusts hereof according to the true intent and meaning of this instrument, without any order of any court first had or obtained, and without necessity of, any subsequent approval or confirmation by any court; and in every way invest and change the investments of the trust and administer under this instrument free from any restraint or limitation except as by this instrument prescribed. No purchaser of any trust property shall at any time be charged with any duty respecting the disposition of any sum or consideration moving from him to the Trustees on any sale or other disposition of property by the Trustees. The Trustees may also maintain an office or offices, and engage all necessary assistants and employees, and fix their compensation.
In all matters relating to the administration of the affairs of said trust, the vote of at least two of the Trustees shall be necessary to any action, and to execute any instrument required to be made. Provided, that the Trustees may appoint one of their number to act in the immediate management of the trust property and business, subject to their direction and control, whose duties shall be such as they may prescribe, and who for his special services as such managing trustee may receive additional compensation as determined by the Trustees.
The Trustees shall make annual report to the Grantor during her lifetime, and after her death to a court of competent jurisdiction, showing their administration of the affairs of the trust, the investments thereof, and the application of funds received, and a general statement of the condition of the trust.
The Trustees shall use and apply the income from the trust estate as follows:
First:  For the payment of any and all taxes, assessments and charges lawfully imposed upon or with respect to the trust property or any part thereof or interest therein, by governmental authority, at any time during the continuance of this trust, including those against or with respect to the property wherein said life estate is reserved to said Grantor, and also all premiums for fire insurance, and all other necessary expenses for repair, maintenance and improvement of the trust property, and the expenses of administration of the trusts hereof, including such compensation to the Trustees for their services as shall from time to time be fixed by the court having jurisdiction over this trust.
Second:  To the discharge of the interest accrued and accruing from time to time upon the mortgage indebtedness of the Grantor, evidenced by her promissory note and mortgage for $70,000 to Claus Spreckels and Company, dated November l0th, 1908, said mortgage being recorded in the Registry Office in Honolulu in Liber 314, page 79.
Third:  Annually or oftener, as desired by the Grantor, to pay to said Grantor the net income then remaining, or so much thereof as she may from time to time require for her maintenance and personal expenses, so long as she shall live.
Fourth:  To the payment of the unsecured indebtedness of the Grantor existing at the date of the execution of this instrumental, in full or in part to any creditor or creditors from time to time as the Trustees may deem necessary, and also to the reduction and final payment of the principal of said mortgage indebtedness.
Fifth:  For the cause of Orphans, as hereinafter provided.
Upon the death of the Grantor, the Trustees shall make, execute and deliver to Curtis P. Iaukea, of Honolulu, a deed conveying to him, absolutely and forever, (subject only to said mortgage if the same be not then discharged with respect thereto) all of the land and improvements thereon known as the Lele of Hamohamo, at Waikiki, adjoining his wife's land at Kaluaolohe, containing eight acres a little more or less.
The Trustees shall also, upon the death of the Grantor, set apart certain portions of said trust property, as below specified, for the personal use and occupation of the following named persons, during their lives only, respectively, namely:
(1)  For John Dominis Aimoku, the premises known as “Washington Place”, with the appurtenances, on Beretania Street, in Honolulu, for his lifetime, and on his death to the lawfully begotten heirs of his body during their lifetime (or so long after the death of said John Dominis Aimoku as the law will permit, with reversion then to the Trustees).
(2)  For Joseph Kaiponohea Aea, the premises at Waikiki known as “Kealohilani”, with the appurtenances and the Fishery of Hamohamo, for his lifetime, and on his death for the lawful heirs of his body for their lifetime (or so long after the death of said Joseph Kaiponohea Aea as the law will permit, with reversion then to the Trustees).
(3)  For Nakanealoha, and J. Mana her husband, of Pauoa, Honolulu, and the survivor of them, all those premises on Ohua Lane, Waikiki, designated on the Map of Hamohamo as Lot No. Two (2); reversion to the Trustees.
(4)  For Anaole, and her daughter Keliiakahai, of Honolulu, and the survivor of them, Lot No. Five (5) on said Ohua Lane, Hamohamo, Waikiki; reversion to the Trustees.
(5)  For John Kiaaina, and Keoki his wife, of Kamoiili, Oahu, and the survivor of them, Lot No. Six (6) on said Ohua Lane; reversion to the Trustees.
(6)  For Robert von Oelhoffen, and his wife, of Lahaina, Maui, and the survivor of them, Lot No. Four (4) on said Ohua Lane; reversion to the Trustees.
(7)  For Naheana Paia, of Honolulu, Lot No. Seven (7) on said Ohua Lane; reversion to the Trustees.
(8)  For Mainalulu, and Nauhane his wife, of Honolulu, and the survivor of them, Lot No. Eight (8) on said Ohua Lane; reversion to the Trustees.
(9)  For Loe (w), of Honolulu, the house and premises now occupied by her at Muolaulani, Kapalama, Honolulu; reversion to the Trustees.
(10)  For Hakaui, and Kainalu his wife, of Honolulu, and the survivor of them, the lot of land now enclosed and occupied by them at Muolaulani, Kapalama; reversion to the Trustees.
(11)  For Mary K. Kahalepuna, of Waikiki, Lot No. Three (3) on said Ohua Lane; reversion to the Trustees.
(12)  For S. K. Mahoe, and Emalia his wife, of Waialua, Oahu, the premises known as “Punamoenui” and “Punamoeiki”, at said Waialua; reversion to the Trustees.
Such of the foregoing parcels of land as are affected by said mortgage shall remain subject thereto pending payment thereof unless previously released therefrom.
The taxes and expenses of maintenance of said several properties described in the foregoing paragraphs numbered from “(1)” to “(12)” inclusive, shall be borne by the Trustees as part of the general expenses of the trust administration; and the Trustees shall use their discretion regarding the necessity of the same.
It is hereby expressly provided, that if for any cause, legal or otherwise, anyone or more of said specific portions of property hereinabove numbered as paragraphs (1) to (12) inclusive, shall fail to be available for the use of said several persons as above intended, the Trustees may in their discretion make some substitute provision therefor; and their power and discretion in making such other provision shall not be reviewable by any person.
The Trustees shall also, upon the death of the Grantor, make absolute payments of One Hundred Dollars ($100.) to each of the persons next hereinafter named, to-wit: (a) Mahiai Robinson, (b) Aki, the sister of said Mahiai Robinson, (c) Mrs. Mary Auld, the widow of Wm. Auld, (d) Mary Pahau, and (e) Mrs. Kahae Kalehua; for the sole and separate use of each of them, respectively.
The Trustees shall also, after the death of the Grantor, and after the payment of the taxes, charges, insurance, and all other administrative expenses, as hereinbefore provided, pay the following annuities, in equal monthly instalments, to the several persons next hereinafter named, respectively, during their lives, to-wit:
(a) To said John Dominis Aimoku, Six Thousand Dollars ($6,000.) per annum.
(b) To said Joseph Kaiponohea Aea, the sum of Eighteen Hundred Dollars ($1800.) per annum.
(c) To said Nakanealoha and J. Mana her husband, jointly, and the survivor of them; the sum of One Hundred Eighty Dollars ($180.) per annum.
(d) To said Anaole and her daughter Keliiakehai, jointly, and the survivor of them, the sum of one Hundred Eighty Dollars ($180.) per annum.
(e) To said John Keaaina and Keoki his wife, jointly, and the survivor of them, the sum of one Hundred Eighty Dollars ($180.) per annum.
(f) To said Robert von Oelhoffen and his wife, jointly, and the survivor of them, the sum of one Hundred Eighty Dollars ($180.) per annum.
(g) To said Naheana Paia the sum of one Hundred Eighty Dollars ($180.) per annum.
(h) To said Mainalulu and Nauhane his wife, jointly, and the survivor of them, the sum of One Hundred Eighty Dollars ($180.) per annum.
(i) To said Loe, the sum of one Hundred Eighty Dollars ($180.) per annum.
(j) To said Hakaui and Kainalu his wife, jointly, and the survivor of them, the sum of one Hundred Eighty Dollars ($180.) per annum.
(k) To said Mary K. Kahalepuna, the sum of one Hundred Eighty Dollars ($180.) per annum.
The Trustees shall have full power and authority, anything in this instrument contained to the contrary or inconsistent therewith notwithstanding, if in their judgment they shall deem it necessary or expedient for the best interests of the trust estate as a whole and of all the objects thereof, to sell any part or parts of the trust property, howsoever by this instrument otherwise intended to be disposed of or used, for the purpose of payment of the said mortgage indebtedness of the estate; or they may renew, or extend, or add additional property to, said mortgage, or any mortgage given in lieu thereof.
From and after the death of the Grantor, all the property of the trust estate, both principal and income, which shall not be required for any of the special provisions or payments in this instrument before mentioned, shall be used by the Trustees for the benefit of orphan children in the Hawaiian Islands, the preference to be given to Hawaiian children of pure or part aboriginal blood.
The manner and extent of such provision and the number and selection of such children shall be determined by the Trustees from time to time in their full discretion.
As soon as practicable with due regard, always, to the retention and investment of sufficient of the corpus or principal of the estate in income-producing property or securities to provide for the continued maintenance thereof, the Trustees shall extend such work by the establishment and maintenance of an institution or institutions for such orphans, and provide for the government thereof. It is the desire of said Grantor that any building or buildings used for such purpose shall be constructed of fire-proof materials, as nearly as may be.
Every such institution so established shall bear the name of “Liliuokalani.”
In such work, whether before or after the establishment of any such institution, the Trustees may exercise their entire discretion how far to care for or assist in caring for or educating or otherwise providing for any child or children, according to the circumstances of such cases, whether such child or children shall reside within or without any such institution.
As often during the continuance of the trusts hereof as anyone or more of the Trustees shall die, or go abroad to reside or shall desire to retire from, or refuse, or become incapable to act, or any vacancy shall otherwise occur, a new trustee or trustees shall be appointed by the judge of a court of competent jurisdiction, but only upon the written nomination of the remaining trustee or trustees, if any. Upon any failure so to nominate the appointment shall be made by the court, notwithstanding, upon the application of any trustee or beneficiary hereunder.
Upon every appointment of anew trustee or trustees the trust property and all title therein and thereto shall immediately vest in such new trustee or trustees, and he or they shall thereupon have all the powers and authority, and perform all the trusts of these presents, in like manner as the trustee or trustees in whose place he or they shall have been appointed, as fully as though originally named as a trustee herein, and without necessity in any case of any written conveyance or transfer of such title.
No trustee shall be answerable or liable for any loss occasioned to the trust estate except as may arise from his own wilful misconduct or gross negligence; neither shall any trustee be personally liable for any obligation contracted or incurred in his capacity as a trustee.
It is hereby expressly conditioned, that at any time during the lifetime of the Grantor, the said Grantor may, with the consent of a majority of the Trustees, such consent to be expressed by their joining in writing with her to effect the same, make and/or change any of the provisions of this instrument; to alter the same, and new provisions make; or add, withdraw or substitute beneficiaries hereunder.
The said ARCHIBALD S. CLEGHORN, CURTIS P. IAUKEA and WILLIAM O. SMITH, parties of the second part, in this instrument named as the Trustees hereunder, do hereby join with said Grantor in the execution hereof, in token of their acceptance of the trusts hereof; and they hereby jointly and severally covenant and agree with the said Grantor that they will faithfully discharge the duties of said trust to the best of their ability.
The Schedules hereinbefore referred to, of property included in this trust conveyance (but not to be taken as exclusive of any property not mentioned or referred to) are the following:
All of the right, title and interest of said Grantor in and to the lands described in and conveyed to her by the following deeds; recorded in the Registry office in said Honolulu, to-wit:
(1) Deed of A. Keohokalohe, et al., dated May 13, 1859, Liber 12 page 26; Hamohamo, Waikiki, Oahu.
(2) Deed of Hiikua, dated May 7, 1864, Liber 18, page 145; Ahupuaa of Puelelu, Kona, Molokai.
(3) Deed of Umalele, June 17, 1864, Liber 18, page 218; Apanas 1, 2 and 3 of R.P. 2284, Waialae-iki, Oahu.
(4) Deed of Administrator Est. of C. Kapaakea, August 3, 1867, Liber 24, page 198; Apana 2 of R.P. 4449, Kamookahi, Waikiki, Oahu.
(5) Deed of Richard H. Stanley, April 21,1870, Liber 31, page 27; Ahupuaa of Honolhina, Hilo, Hawaii.
(6) Deed of Makanahelehele, et al., April 17, 1873, Liber 36, page 489; L.C.A. 2085, R.P. 2828, at Kaneloa, Waikiki, Oahu.
(7) Deed of Kailikole, dated December 27, 1873, Liber 38, page 406; L.C.A. 2492, R.P. 2795, Hamohamo, Waikiki, Oahu.
(8) Deed of Hokii, September 2, 1876, Liber 46, page 348; L.C.A. 1446, R. P. 6239, Waikiki, Oahu.
(9) Deed of Kalela et al., November 1, 1880, Liber 66,/476; houselot at Hamohamo, Waikiki, L.C.A. 1433, R.P. 1272.
(10) Deed of S. W. Mahelona, March 12, 1881, Liber 159/402; land at Kamookahi, Waikiki, Oahu.
(11) Deed of D. Malo, March 26, 1881, Liber 68/118; Apanas 1 and 2 of L.C.A. 1926, R.P. 2590, Kolowalu Manoa Waikiki, Oahu.
(12) Deed of Haumea, June 7, 1861, Liber 67/454; L.C.A. 11047, R. P. 6391; L.C.A. 7397, R. P. 7045; L.C.A. 6176, R. P. 5698; Keauhou, Kona, Hawaii, and Waikiki, Kona, Oahu.
(13) Deed of Mary Ann Conradt, October 1, 1881, Liber 75/83; L.C.A. 1437, R.P. 3920, Kalia; L.C.A. 1437 at Pahupahupuaa; Waikiki,Oahu.
(14) Deed of M. Kuaea, May 2, 1862, Liber 74/136; L. C. A. 8183 R. P. 1321, at Hauula, Koolauloa, and land described in Liber 66/605 at Haleaha, Koolauloa, Oahu.
(15) Deed of D. K. Fyfe, Com'r of Estate of W.L. Moehonua, dec'd, November 29, 1882, Liber 82/248; Apanas 1, 2, 3 and 4 of L.C.A. 5230, Lahaina, Maui.
(16) Deed of Sarah Kahookaamoku, March 5, 1883, Liber 78/418; L.C.A. 2557 at Kamookahi, Oahu.
(17) Deed of Herman Kockemann, Marc:h 26, 1883, Liber 77/404; land at Hamohamo, Waikiki, Oahu.
(18) Deed of Kalanialii, June 23, 1883, Liber 81/149; R.P. 2557, Kamookahi, Oahu.
(19) Deed of Kuhinia, September 1, 1883, Liber 82/406; in the Kuleana of Ohuohu, L.C.A. 1451, R.P. 6123, and L.C.A. 1450, R.P. 6805; Hamohamo, Waikiki, Oahu.
(20) Deed of D. W. Pauahi et al., January 26, 1884, Liber 84/437; Apana 2 of L.C.A. 1468, R. P. 2508, Waikiki, Oahu.
(21) Deed of Tamar Kuaea, Admx. Estate of M. Kuaea, August 15, 1887, Liber 89/264; land at Waikahalulu, Honolulu, Oahu.
(22) Deed of Albert G. B1iss, December 3,1884, Liber 90/342-3; land at Kapalama, Honolulu.
(23) Deed of Kapunani et al., April 9, 1885, Liber 109/82; Apana 2 of L.C.A. 2027, R.P. 2575, Hamohamo, Waikiki, Oahu.
(24) Deed of Chas. B. Wilson, Feb. 11,1886, Liber 96/482; and also by deed of Cecil Brown, June 17, 1896, Liber 159/431; lots Nos: 9 and 11 of Macfarlane lots on Young Street, Honolulu.
(25) Deed of J. Aea, July 17, 1886, Liber 108/23; land on upper side of public: road at Waikahalulu, Honolulu, (See Liber 72/377).
(26) Deed of Deborah Mahoe, December 20, 1886, Liber 98/467; Apanas 1 and 2 in the Ili of Kapahaha and Keoneula, on King Street, Honolulu.
(27) Deed of Ioela Kane et al., March 18, 1887, Liber 107/11; land near Kapiolani Park, Kapahulu.
(28) Deed of Kalawaia, April 14, 1887, Liber 104/157; land at Kauluwela, Honolulu, portion of Apana 49 of L.C.A. 7713; land at Nahiku, Maui R.P. 1818; land at Kapalama, Honolulu L.C..A. 1081. R.P. 2491.
(29) Deed of Emma Buchanan, Guardian, July 25, 1887, Liber 108/189; L.C.A. 1452, R.P. 5060, Hamohamo, Waikiki, Oahu.
(30) Deed of Puu et al. May 28, 1886, Liber 110/334; Apana 1 of L.C.A. 1475, R.P. 1275, at Hamohamo, Waikiki, Oahu.
(31) Deed of Keamalu et al, October 1, 1888, Liber 112/213; L.C.A. 2030, R.P. 5585, at Kauluwela, Honolulu.
(32) Deed of John Kaelele, October 12, 1888, Liber 113/306; L.C.A. 2030, R.P. 5585, at Kauluwela, Honolulu.
(33) Deed of Wm. R. Castle, August 31, 1889, Liber 118/314; Palolo; Oahu; Kuleanas of: Mahoe, R.P. 2545; Kalakuaole, R.P. 3480; Kilohana, R.P. 2413.
(34) Deed of A. S. Cleghorn, January 31, 1890, Liber 122/193; L.C.A. 145O, R.P. 2839, Hamohamo, Waikiki, Oahu.
(35) Deed of Kahae Aea (releasing dower), April 29, 1890, Liber 108/23; land described in and conveyed by deed of J. Aea, dated July 17, 1886, L. 108/23.
(36) Deed of Trustees of Estate of R.W. Holt, June 16, 1890, Liber 125/215; R.P. 136, Manoa, Oahu.
(37) Deed of Kalela et al, August 8, 1891, Liber 133/164; L.C.A. 1433, R.P. 1272, Hamohamo, Waikiki, Oahu.
(38) Deed of Oahu Railway & Land Co., October 21, 1891, Liber 154/262; Lots 1, 2 and 3 in Block 25, Pearl City Lots, Ewa, Oahu.
(39) Deed of W.R.Castle, December 3, 1891, Liber 133/445; L.C.A. 1923, R.P. 6867, Manoa, Oahu.
(40) Deed of Estate of Kalakaua, February 18, 1892, Liber 136/29; R. P. 3424, Kamanaiki, Kalihi, Oahu.
(41) Deed of Kealoalii, October 8, 1894, Liber 148/384; 1 share in Hui Land of Holualoa 1 and 2, North Kona, Hawaii.
(42) Deed of Lau Chong, April 16, 1894, Liber 167/121; L.C.A. 10295, R.P. 6637, Hookena, South Kona, Hawaii
(43) Deed of Kaoaopa, June 28, 1895, Liber 155/151; L.C.A. 735, R.P. 5722, Honolulu.
(44) Deed of Helen Boyd, Trustee, January 7, 1896, Liber 159/33; Apana 1 of L.C.A. 1454, R.P. 2558, Waikiki, Oahu.
(45) Deed of Kahakuakoi et al, September 3, 1898, Liber 178/267; Interest in Estates of Charles Kanaina, W.C. Lunalilo, Bernice P. Bishop, and Queen Hokaleleponi.
(46) Deed of Kaehuahanui Kuihelani, October 8, 1898, Liber 186/259; Lots 190 and 203, Kulaokahua Plains.
(47) Deed of Kapiolani Estate, Ltd., January 31, 1901, Liber 219/163; part of Waikiki residence.
(48) The Ahupuaa of Keohuole, at Kailua, Hawaii, L.C.A. 8452, R.P. 6851.
(49) Leasehold interest, under lease from Keelikolani, July 1, 1882, Liber 74/383; 40 years from July 1, 1882, R.P. 2057, Pawaa, Honolulu.
The following lands by Royal Patents to said Grantor:
(1) R.P. 3550, June 29, 1891, Book 18 of Grants. Lot 11 at Honuakaha, Honolulu, 5000 square feet.
(2) R. P. 3575, December 22, 1891, Book 18 of Grants. Lots B and C at Kaauwailoa, Palolo, Oahu.
The following lands by descent or devise: 
All of the lands and interests in lands devised to the Grantor by the Will of her deceased husband, John O. Dominis, Probate No. 2749, May 27, 1867 (probated September 30, 1891), including hereunder the following: the same being theretofore conveyed to said John O. Dominis by the following deeds, to-wit:
(a) Deed of Wahinelii, May 18, 1864, Liber 18/434; 1/2 of R.P. 2822.
(b) Deed of Kanui, December 2, 1864, Liber 18/435; 1/2 of R.P. 2822.
(c) Deed of Estate of L. Haalelea, May 6, 1865, Liber 19/319; Ahupuaa of Naiwa, Molokai.
(d) Deed of Makini, June 6, 1865, Liber 19/366; land of “Lanilua”, Hilo, Hawaii.
(e) Deed of J. W. Keawehunahala, June 11, 1867, Liber 23/378; Apana 4 of L.C.A. 2699, R.P. 876, at Lokoea, Waialua, Oahu.
(f) Deed of Ki and James Robinson, October 7, 1868, Liber 26/293; Apana 3 of L.C.A. 3373, R. P. 2895, at Lokoea, Kawailoa, Waialua, Oahu.
(g) Deed of Charles Pouzat, February 17, 1874, Liber 39/127; Interest in land at Waiakea, Hilo, Hawaii, conveyed to him by deed of Kamakina, May 12, 1866.
(h) Deed of Naunauna, Liber 39/499; Apana 2 of R.P. 909 at Alapii, Waialua, Oahu.
(i) Deed of R. Keelikolani, August 26, 1874, Liber 40/207; Lot No. 1 on Diagram of Ahupuaa of Kawailoa, Waialua, Oahu.
(j) Deed of Herman Kockemann, March 26, 1883, Liber 77/404; land at Hamohamo, Waikiki, Oahu.
(k) Deed of Trustees of Estate of Bernice P. Bishop, September 4, 1889, Liber 116,386; land at Paalaa, Waialua, Oahu.
(l) Royal Patent No. 3462 to John O. Dominis, January 22, 1890, Book 17 of Grants; “Washington Place”, on Beretania Street, Honolulu. (See also devise of interest in same to him by Will of Mary Dominis, Probate #2619)
(2) All of the lands and interests in lands devised to said Grantor by the Will of Bernice Pauahi Bishop, deceased, dated October 31, 1883, probated December 2, 1884, probate #2425.
(3) All of the lands and interests in lands devised to said Grantor by the Will of H.R. H. Likelike, deceased, dated April 15, 1884, probated April 25, 1887, probate #2512.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF the said parties hereto have hereunto and to another instrument of like tenor and even date set their respective hands and seals the day and year first above written.
Executed in the presence of
S. M. DAMON (sgd)
Territory of Hawaii
City & County of Honolulu ss.
On this 2nd day of December 1909, before me personally appeared Liliuokalani (widow), A.S. Cleghorn, Curtis P. Iaukea and William O. Smith, to me known to be the persons described in and who executed the foregoing instrument, and severally acknowledged that they executed the same as their free act and deed.
(sgd) WM. J. Forbes Notary Public, First Judicial Circuit.
2nd December 1909 at 3:40 P.M.
Liber 319 on pages 447-459
The following has been recorded and posted on the web.  Legal Notices were served to the Trustees and they defaulted.

IOLANI - The Royal Hawk: Queen Liliuokalani's True Trustees ...

Apr 9, 2017 - The following Information was Left for the Liliuokalani Trust Office from the True Trustees, also showed on the film posted by Keli Akina:

IOLANI - The Royal Hawk: The True Trustees of Queen Liliuokalani ...

Feb 1, 2017 - The True Trustees of Queen Liliuokalani Billed Rents, Have a Landlords Lien for the Queen Liliuokalani Children's Center/Liliuokalani Trust ...

Deed of Trust - Queen Liliuokalani Trust

On December 2, 1909, Queen Lili'uokalani executed a Deed of Trust, which ... administration of the trusts hereof according to the true intent and meaning of this ...


Amelia Gora-Kanaka Maoli Truth : IMPORTANT: Keep for Your ...

Nov 3, 2011 - Queen Liliuokalani was designated King Kalakaua's successor. .... Queen Liliuokalani's true trustee's descendants existed then and exist today.

Updated Chronological History of Our Queen Liliuokalani by Amelia ...

Jan 6, 2015 - Note: Queen Liliuokalani denied signing into the Trust with those who ... All this as a mask to hide the true goal: to make Hawaii the most ...
You visited this page.

Demand Notice to Vacate - Re: Queen Liliuokalani/Liliuokalani and ...

Apr 7, 2017 - The Queen Liliuokalani/Liliuokalani Trust affects the Bernice Pauahi Bishop ..... True Trustees of Queen Liliuokalani stepped forward for the ...


Liliuokalani - Discussion Forum - Maoliworld

All Discussions Tagged 'Liliuokalani' | The online Kanaka Maoli community. ... Correction: 7 Day Notice for Queen Liliuokalani's Trust by the True Trustees.

Amelia Gora - Amelia Gora shared her post. | Facebook

Opposition to Annexation was made by Queen Liliuokalani and her ... laws btw. and we are part of Queen Liliuokalani's true trustees descendants/heirs ...

Second (2)

March 13, 2017
Third (3) Notice:

Friday, March 30, 2018

Hawaiian Kingdom/Kingdom of Hawaii Legal Notice No. 2018-0329 Arrests of Criminal Trustees in the Hawaiian Islands - Second Notice from Amelia Gora, a Royal person, Acting Liaison of Foreign Affairs, House of Nobles Member




U.S. President Donald Trump
Secretary of State  
Governor David Ige
Judges, et. als. in the Hawaiian Islands
Many Interested others

Subject of Correspondence:  Hawaiian Kingdom/Kingdom of Hawaii Legal Notice No. 2018-0329 Arrests of Criminal Trustees of the Liliuokalani Trust/Queen Liliuokalani Trust, Bernice Pauahi Bishop Estates/Kamehameha Schools Bishop Estates Trustees et. als. Operations based on Fraud, Conspiracies, Piracies, Pillaging, Racketeering, etc. in the Hawaiian Islands -ThirdNotice with More Evidence from Amelia Gora, a Royal person, Acting Liaison of Foreign Affairs, House of Nobles Member


My name is Amelia Gora, one of the descendants/heirs of Kamehameha from four (4) of his children named Kamehameha III - Kauikeaouli, Kanekapolei (female), Kalanihelemaiiluna Paki (male), and Kaoleioku (male).

I am also a descendant of two (2) of Queen Liliuokalani's hanai/adopted children named: Abigaila/ Kapooloku/Kapoolohu/Kapoholoku/Poomaikelani/Princess Poomaikelani - she was the granddaughter of Kaumualii the leader of Kauai and Luika/Luiza/Kekualoa/ Kekua/Kekuahine/Kaaumoana/Kahakuhaakoi (female) - she was the daughter of John Kapena, one of the first five (5) Judges of the Hawaiian Kingdom/Kingdom of Hawaii selected by Kamehameha III - Kauikeaouli.

Several letters have been written to you about the criminal Trustees of Liliuokalani/Queen Liliuokalani, and the Kamehameha Schools/Bernice Pauahi Bishop Estates/Kamehameha Schools Bishop Estates Trust.

Both Trustees failed to respond to the certified, return receipt requested mailings documenting a seven (7) day notice which is the time for the 'most favoured /favored nation' status and have all defaulted.

Liliuokalani/Queen Liliuokalani Trust

The important points:

1)  Liliuokalani in 1872 under the name of Kaeha/Kamakaeha/Makaeha/Lydia signed a Trust Deed naming her hanai/adopted daughter her Trustee.

2)  An Agr./Agreement was made between her hanai/adopted daughter and Liliuokalani in 1898.

Liber 178 page 267:

Kahakuakoi to Liliuokalani

Stamped $1.00                   Agr.

This Agreement made this third day of September 1898 by and between Kahakuakoi and D. Kealopauole her husband of Honolulu Island of Oahu parties of the first part and Liliuokalani of the same place, party of the second part, Witnesseth:  That on consideration of one dollar to them in hand paid, and in further consideration of the agreement of said party of the second part herein contained the said parties of the first part do here by remise, release and quitclaim unto the said party of the second part and her heirs all their right, of dower and curtesy and all and every other right, title and interest whatsoever in and to all the lands tenements hereditaments and estates of the late Charles Kanaina, William C. Lunalilo, Bernice Pauahi Bishop, Queen Hakaleleponi Kalama, wheresoever the same may be situate lying or being To have and to hold the same with the privilege and  whatsoever thereto belonging unto the said party of the second part, her heirs and assigns forever.  And the said party of the second part, in consideration of the above conveyance, hereby agrees for herself, her executors and administrators to support and maintain the said parties of the second part in a suitable and proper manner, during the term of their natural lives and that of the survivor of them Provided However and it is mutually understood and agreed that if after using due diligence the said party of the second part shall be unable to obtain possession of any of the property herein above conveyed to her then these presents shall be void.

In Witness Whereof, the said parties have hereunto set the hands and seals the day and year aforesaid

Translated, and explained to the said                              Kahakuakoi

parties of the first part by                                                   D. Kealohapauole

Edmund H. Hart                                                                   Liiuokalani

Witness AGM Robertson                                                 

Hawaiian Islands, Island of Oahu. S.S.  On this Fifth day of September A.D. 1898 personally appeared before me Kahakuakoi (w) and D. Kealohapauole her husband and Liliuokalani, knwn to me to be the persons described in and who executed the foregoing instrument and they severally acknowledged to me that they executed the same freely and voluntarily for the uses and purposes there in setforth.  And the said Kahakuakoi (w), on a private examination separate and apart from her husband further acknowledged to me that she executed the same freely, without fear or compulsion of her said husband.

                                          Edmund H. Hart   Notary Public

                                          First Judicial Circuit.

Recorded and compared this 14th day of September A.D. 1898 at 11:31 Oclock P,M.

                  Thos G. Thrum, Registrar of Conveyances"

Reference:  Bureau of Conveyances, Liber 178 page 267, Honolulu, Oahu, Hawaii.

3)  Liliuokalani denied signing a Trust Deed with Curtis Iaukea, Archibald Cleghorn, and William O. Smith in 1909.  She maintained that she signed a Will and not a Trust.  Her testimony was verified by John Parker.

Reference:  Bureau of Conveyances, Liber 319 pages 447-459, Honolulu, Oahu, Hawaii.

4)  In the Will of Liliuokalani, she maintained that she did not sign a Trust Deed and it was disregarded in her Probate.

5)  The 1909 fraud Trustees named Curtis Iaukea, Archibald Cleghorn, and William O. Lee changed the Agr./Agreement to a Deed.  The Agr./Agreement was for the interests of Queen Kalama, King Lunalilo, Charles Kanaina, and Bernice Pauahi.

6)  Upon the death of Queen Liliuokalani, the 1909 fraud Trustees transferred the Queen's home - Washington Place, her remains and other artifacts to the Territory.

7)  The 1909 fraud Trustees collected rents and leases from her properties and interests, then gave a portion of the monies to the United States government. 

In 1988 alone, the amounts forwarded to the U.S. was $13,395,998 for U.S. Government Obligations:  Federal Home Loan Bank Notes, U.S. Treasury Notes, U.S. Treasury Bonds, U.S Treasury Bill, and Student Loan Marketing Association Notes.

Reference:  LILIUOKALANI TRUST, 1988, H 346.056 L, Main Library, Honolulu, Oahu, Hawaii.

Liliuokalani Criminal Trustees notice posted May 11, 2017 can be seen at:
Kingdom of Hawaii Records No. 2017-0714 Official Police Report Filings for the Arrest of Keanu Sai/D. Keanu Sai, David Keanu Sai; Trustees Claire Asam, Kaulukukui, and Patrick Yim, and the Bernice Pauahi Bishop Estates Trustees from Amelia Gora, a Royal Person, Acting Liaison of Foreign Affairs, Judicial Tribunal Member/Judge, Konohiki, Hawaiian Genealogical Society

Bernice Pauahi/Bernice Pauahi Bishop Trustees/Kamehameha Schools/Kamehameha Schools Bishop Estates Trustees

Notices were also sent to the Bernice Pauahi aka's Trustees for the following reasons:

(1)  Bernice Pauahi was Not the "last of the Kamehameha's".
(2)  Liliuokalani/Queen Liliuokalani had an interest in the Bernice Pauahi Bishop Estates, Queen Kalama, King Lunalilo, and Charles Kanaina.
(3)  The Trustees claimed to be the owners  Reference:  Land Court Case 1227, Honolulu, Oahu, Hawaii.
(4)  The Trustees are Not the alodio owners, Our Families are.
(5)  I, Amelia Gora, am one of the descendants/heirs of Kalola (female) who was documented as the next of kin in the Probate of Bernice Pauahi.
(6)  I, Amelia Gora, am one of the descendants/heirs of Keaka Kaholoaunui who was an heir of the Royal Families.
(7)  I, Amelia Gora, am one of the descendants/heirs of Akahi/Chiefess Akahi who the Trustees claimed that she had no children, etc.
(8)  I, Amelia Gora, am one of the descendants /heirs of Opunui who was the hanai/adopted son of Keawe and Pauahi.
(9)  I, Amelia Gora, did file a 281 page Affidavit/Lien No. 96-177455 on 12/17/1996 which includes evidence of piracies, pillaging, Crown Land owners, premeditation to usurp the Queen, conspiracies evidence, family genealogies with certificates, etc.
(10)  The Bernice Pauahi aka's Trustees are sitting on our families inheritance/lands which they have criminally built on and we/our Families have the superior/paramount/alodio titles.
(11)  The Bernice Pauahi aka's Trustees were served notices for rents, leases, etc. and defaulted in answering to the certified, return receipt requested notice which was also sent to the Liliuokalani Trustees.
(12)Legal Notice sent to your offices because both Trusts Trustees have been documented on the Judicial Tribunal and according to Article XIV of the 1849/1850 Treaty of the Hawaiian Kingdom/Kingdom of Hawaii and the United States, the Pirates/pillagers, etc. can be arrested and returned to their country which is the United States.

Your expeditious reply will be greatly appreciated.

Am requesting once again that your sheriffs arrest the wrongdoers - the Fraud Trustees from the 1909 created Trust of Liliuokalani, and the Fraud Trustees of Bernice Pauahi Estates aka's who claimed that they are the land owners when they cannot own Alodio lands of our Royal Families.  This is aligned according to Article XIV of the 1849/1850 Treaty of the Hawaiian Kingdom/Kingdom of Hawaii and the United States.

Ramifications are many.  Rents/leases for alodio land use is part of the corrections to be made.

Meanwhile, proper notices have been made and we are indeed the superior/paramount title owners.  We are the alodio land owners and I for one have the bloodlines of Kamehameha from four (4) of his children named Kamehameha III - Kauikeaouli, Kaoleioku, Kanekapolei (female), and Kalanihelemaiiluna Paki, et. als.

The Hawaiian Kingdom/Kingdom of Hawaii is currently regrouping and we have a number of our departments set in place, most recent are the Judges, Assistant Judges who will be holding court sessions soon.

Thank you in advance for your assistance in these important matters.


Amelia Gora, a Royal person

Other Notices Sent:
Legal Notice: Kingdom of Hawaii/Hawaiian Kingdom Legal Notice 2018-0324 Reminding Everyone that Michael Lee is one of the Konohiki for Honouliuli, and Tom Berg is a Peace Maker from Amelia Gora, Royal Person, Acting Liaison of Foreign Affairs, House of Nobles, Konohiki, etc. Kingdom/Kingdom of Hawaii Legal Notice 2018 - 0322 Public Announcement: the Kingdom of Hawaii/Hawaiian Kingdom exists with Kamehameha's descendants/ heirs in place.....the House of Nobles, the Judges, Assistant Judges, and various offices, including sheriffs.........announcement for the Records....aloha, from Amelia Gora, a Royal person, Acting Liaison of Foreign Affairs, House of Nobles, etc. Kingdom/Kingdom of Hawaii Records No. 2018-0319 Alodio Titles for Kapule, et. als. claimed by Hepa et. al. on Kauai is contrary to the Royal Families in Hawaii filed by Amelia Gora, a Royal person, Acting Liaison of Foreign Affairs, House of Nobles of Hawaii Legal Notice and Royal Families Legal Notice No. 2018-0125 - Opposition to the Wrongful Arrest of Samuel Kaleikoa Kaeo; and Reasons Showing Why Samuel Kaleikoa Kaeo must be immediately released; Status of the Kingdom of Hawaii, Royal Families Private Properties, Paramount Titles/Superior Titles of Lands, etc. in the Hawaiian Islands from Amelia Gora, a Royal Person, Acting Liaison of Foreign Affairs, Landlord /Lien Holder, House of Nobles, Assistant to Minister of Interior - John Gora

Kingdom of Hawaii Legal Notice No. 2018 -0113 Corrected ...
Jan 13, 2018 · Kingdom of Hawaii Legal Notice No. 2018 -0113 Corrected/Updated Konohiki List from Amelia Gora, a Royal person, Acting Liaison of Foreign Affairs, House of Nobles Member, Konohiki, Judicial Tribunal Member/Judge, Hawaiian Genealogical Society Representative, Land Owner, Landlord

2017 of Hawaii/Hawaiian Kingdom Legal Notice No. 2017-1128 (2) Failure in Upholding Covenant of 2010 by the U.S. Army from Amelia Gora, a Royal person, Acting Liaison of Foreign Affairs, House of Nobles Member, Konohiki, Hawaiian Genealogical Society Representative, Land owner, Landlord


Amelia Gora-Kanaka Maoli Truth : Legal Notice No. 2016 ...
Nov 22, 2016 · Legal Notice No. 2016-1122 - Re: Alodio Titles, Billings, Return of Records, ... The following was posted as a Legal Notice: I, Amelia Gora ...

Legal Notice from the Minister of Interior - John Gora

Aug 16, 2016 · Legal Notice from the Minister of Interior - John Gora ... Calvin Santos, and Amelia Gora - Assignments to Native Tenant Rights on Government Lands ...


Legal Notice - Reminders and Opposition to the U.S. set up ...

Nov 12, 2015 · Legal Notice - Reminders and ... I, Amelia Gora, am also a descendant/heir/successor/land owner of the following ancestors: Kauikeaouli/ Kamehameha III ...

2009 Subject: Opposition to Approval of Depleted Uranium Use, the Hawaiian archipelago; Cease and Desist Order, Kingdom of Hawaii Records No. 2009-0317


  1. [PDF]
    2009/10/27- Email from Amelia Gora to President Obama, et ...
  2. Oct 27, 2009 - 2009-0317 from Amelia Gora, a Royal person and Acting Liaison of ... An attachment Letter to President Obama which was delivered to his ...
  3. [PDF]Gmail Kingdom of Hawaii Records No. 2009-0314

    Amelia Gora  Tue, Sep 29, 2009 at 11 :25 ANI.,, governor.|, moca-info@hono|u| ... attachment: letter. 2 of2 9/29f2009 11:42 AM ...
  4. Amelia Gora - Facebook

    (as posted to the President Obama, I, Amelia Gora am one of his ... 2001 - Delivered aletter of regret to the Japanese Consulate for the criminal sinking of the ...
  5. Diary: Can You Guess Who's On the Whitehouse Website ...

    Aug 7, 2011 - Posted by Amelia Gora on August 7, 2011 at 1:04am in Politics ..... Hawai'i President Sanford B. Dole, Letter of December 23, 1893 Refusing ...
  6. Amelia Gora-Kanaka Maoli Truth : Queen Liliuokalani's ...

    Nov 3, 2011 - Queen Liliuokalani's Issues Remained With the U.S. President Alone .... See letter February 17, 1893 from President Harrison to Congress: ...
  7. Hawaiian/Kanaka Maoli Homeless Given Protective Orders ...

    Apr 14, 2012 - Comes now, Amelia Gora, one of Kamehameha's descendant/heirs, ... families interests/lands, also have countless letters to the President.
  8. Reply by Amelia Gora - Maoliworld -

    Apr 25, 2014 - Opposition to the Hawaiian Roll(s), etc. sent to U.S. President Obama, et. als. Evidence ... My name is Amelia Gora and am one of the descendants/heirs of ..... Castle, Alfred L. "Advice for Hawaii: The Dole-Burgess Letters.
  9. Tribunal Affairs: Tribunal Case(s): Crown Lands

    Sep 17, 2014 - Kahana Ahupuaa Konohiki Amelia Gora, and other private persons as ..... 1) Letter – recent to the President, Governor, Honolulu Police ...
  10. Leave a Comment - theiolani -

    Jan 20, 2015 - amelia_gora amelia gora Follow Author, writer, editor of the IOLANI - The Royal ... John Boehner cares more about blocking President Obama and ...... force and seizures are many times done under “Letters of Marque and ...
  1. Oct 27, 2008 - Refer to emails, letters, etc. including letters to the President. ... 4) I,Amelia Gora, descends from Kaluakini (k) who was the hanai father of visited this page 3 times.  

    Oct 29, 2010 · Furthermore, I, Amelia Gora and blood families are the true trustees of the Liliuokalani Trust/Queen Liliuokalani Trust which was created in 1872. Colburn, administrator to Queen Liliuokalani’s Will failed to make corrections according to the Will of Queen Liliuokalani and instead made an agreement with Prince Kuhio saying in essence that ‘I’ll pat your back if you pat my back’.
  2. May 11, 2017 · Second Notice to Arrest the Liliuokalani Trustees and New Case Precedence Found ... Amelia Gora, a Royal person, one ... Legal Notices were served to the ...
    Nov 29, 2016 · Legal Notice About True Owners of Pearl Harbor, ... Royal Famtiily(ies) Trustee ... ...
  4. May 25, 2017 · ... 7 Day Notice of Rents Due posted by Amelia Gora, ... State of Hawaii, Bureau of Conveyances, etc. ... Second Notice to Arrest the Liliuokalani Trustees ...
    Amelia Gora-Kanaka Maoli Truth Important information for/about our people - Kanaka Maoli and others/the 40,000+ people who supported Queen Liliuokalani.
  6. ... and Friends of Kanaka Maoli from Arrest, Harrassment, etc.; Notice of Amelia Gora /span ... in the Legal Notice which ... Notice of. Amelia Gora /span ...
    Sep 17, 2014 · Legal Notice - Corrected and Article, The Rape of ALOHA (2014) by Amelia Gora ... Legal Notice Where Do We Go From Here? 1) ...
  8. News from the Hawaiian Kingdom ... Amelia Gora, descendant of David ... Legal Notice. Landlord Notice No. 2: to KamehamehaScho., ksinfo, president, ...

  9.  Legal Notice:

    Rents and Leases Due -

  10. Oct 25, 2015 · Legal Notice: Rents and Leases Due ... from arrest and imprisonment; ... Amelia Gora/Amelia Kuulei Gora, am one of the legal land owners of all of the ...

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