
Thursday, July 13, 2017

Facebook Posts & Report of Military Activities in the Hawaiian Islands Compiled by Amelia Gora (2017)




Honolulu Police Department
F.B.I. et. als.
U.S. President Donald Trump
Secretary of State


The following individual and his partners in crime are to be arrested for stealing our ancestral iwi/skeletal remains due to his admission of stealing the Kaai from the Bishop Museum:

Keanu Sai/D. Keanu Sai/David Keanu Sai and his team which included his cousin Kalama (deceased) and others.  Genocide Activities Ongoing filing was made in 2015...This Report is meant as a complaint, charge for the arrest of this person et. als..

The following was posted on Facebook today:

Keanu Sai appears to be a military operative and has been paid by OHA, by the State as a professor AND an expert witness is one to seriously watch. He took a lot of people's money, documented a Felon, and STOLE the KAAI, the funerary basketry with iwi of our ancestors. This is a Legal Notice for the purpose of a Police Report Filing dated today 7/14/2017 - a genocide Activities Ongoing report was already posted in the past over the Kaai etc. Watch for s a Report of Military Activities in the Hawaiian Islands Compiled by Amelia Gora (2017) which will be posted in the IOLANI - The Royal Hawk this evening or sooner. Hint: Keanu Sai former Captain in the Army appears to be a military operative for his push on claiming military occupation, War status when in reality it is a documented premeditation, piracy, pillaging, etc. As for the Honolulu Police Report, please document this as a charge of wrongdoing, a crime against the Royal Families for Theft of our ancestral iwi contained in the Kaai by Keanu Sai/D. Keanu Sai/David Keanu Sai and others who admitted the theft from the Bishop Museum Legal Notice for the Records - Kingdom of Hawaii Record No. 2017-0714 Keanu Sai/D. Keanu Sai/ David Keanu Sai Admitted theft of the Kaai in our Hawaiian Genealogy Society Meeting and Notice to the State of Hawaii, et. als. for Arrest, etc. 

filed by Amelia Gora, a Royal personm, Acting Liaison of Foreign Affairs, House of Nobles, Hawaiian Genealogy Society/ Hawaiian Genealogical Society Representative, Konohiki, Judicial Tribunal Member


Federal Investigation of Forbes Cave Artifacts ‘Repatriation’ From Bishop Museum-Plus Review of review of NAGPRA, Kennewick Man, Mokapu Bones, Honokahua Bones, Bishop Museum Kaai Theft, Providence, Museum Spear-Rest Repatriation

The Forbes Cave artifacts controversy is heating up again. The federal NAGPRA Review Committee, under the authority of the National Parks Service and Department of Interior, will hold its semi-annual meeting in St. Paul, Minnesota May 9-11. The Forbes Cave controversy will be the focal point of the meeting. NAGPRA is the acronym for the Native American Graves Protection and Repatriation Act of 1990, and subsequent revisions.
In year 2000 Bishop Museum worked closely with one claimant, Hui Malama, to turn over the artifacts to them quickly and secretly, before other claimants could present their cases. It is questionable whether Hui Malama should have received all, or indeed any, of the artifacts. There are also rumors that some of the artifacts may have been sold rather than re-buried in a cave, or may have been reburied but then stolen due to (intentionally?) poor security at the cave. The artifacts would probably fetch many millions of dollars if sold in the often shady antiquities markets. Claimants who feel the law was broken have complained to the NAGPRA Review Committee, which has agreed to hear testimony from all sides.
It is important for the public to give careful thought to the philosophical, moral, and political issues involved. We must weigh the rights of ancestors, and their bones and spirits, to be left in peace; the property rights of lineal descendants to control disposition of bones and artifacts of their own family members; and the rights of future generations of ethnic Hawaiians and of the general public to learn about Hawaiian culture and to be inspired by studying and seeing ancient remains and cultural artifacts.
Some would compare the recent looting of the Iraq National Museum in Baghdad (April 2003) with the removal from Bishop Museum of the Forbes Cave artifacts (2000) and the kaai (1994). In both Baghdad and Honolulu priceless ancient artifacts have been taken out of museums by small groups of people for their own reasons, in violation of due process, thereby destroying important parts of cultural heritage and depriving current and future generations of knowledge and inspiration. The difference between Baghdad and Honolulu is the difference between cultural manslaughter and cultural murder — the theft of the kaai from Bishop Museum in 1994 and the removal of the Forbes Cave artifacts from Bishop Museum in 2000 were both carefully premeditated. The 1994 theft must have had the assistance of museum employees, while the artifact removal in 2000 was accomplished with the assistance of many museum personnel, from top to bottom of the staff hierarchy, who cooperated with a group of claimants favored because of their political connections and their radical views on re-burial. Scientists and cultural preservationists might consider groups like Hui Malama to be very much like looters, because they are stripping valuable artifacts out of museums and leaving bare shelves behind. But groups like Hui Malama, of course, would argue that the artifacts were originally looted from the caves where they rightfully belonged, by archeologists barely distinguishable from grave-robbers, and that Bishop Museum was in possession of stolen property which has now been “liberated” and repatriated.
The looting in Baghdad was done in a lawless situation, in the exuberance of the moment following the overthrow of the murderous tyrant Saddam Hussein. It was similar to the spontaneous looting in Paris and St. Petersburg during the French and Russian revolutions, and to a lesser extent the looting of ‘Iolani Palace during the Hawaiian revolution of 1893. Indeed, every year we see small versions of recreational looting and exuberant lawlessness in the cities whose sports teams win national titles in hockey, football, and baseball. If cultural heritage was killed in Baghdad, it was manslaughter without malice of forethought. But in the case of Bishop Museum (both the 1994 kaai theft and the 2000 Forbes Cave artifacts repatriation), what happened was premeditated, first degree cultural/historical murder. The looted artifacts in Baghdad go back 7000 years, and are important parts of the heritage of the entire world. By contrast the Honolulu artifacts go back only a few hundred years in a local population that goes back less than 2000 years, and might seem significant only to a localized culture. But Bishop Museum is as important to preservation of Hawaiian history and culture as the Iraq National Museum is to preservation of the history of Mesopotamia and Babylon, and preservation of the history of the world’s invention of writing, accounting, codified law, and the wheel. The cultural heritage of Hawaii is located almost entirely in Hawaii, does not go back nearly as far as Iraq, and has relatively few examples confined to a very few publicly available cultural sites and museums. Thus, the security of cultural artifacts at Bishop Museum is extremely important to the preservation of Hawaiian heritage.
In 1994 two kaai were stolen with no attempt to make it look like due process had been followed. The thieves apparently conspired with one or more Bishop Museum staffers, since the “break-in” happened after closing hours, the security alarms remained silent, and there was no breaking of exterior or interior doors, locks, or storage cabinets.
But in 2000 the cultural murder (of the Forbes Cave artifacts) was accomplished by using some due-process elements of the NAGPRA law as accomplices. NAGPRA provided an appearance of due process for competing claimants, lulling them into a false sense of security, up until the moment when the museum suddenly took a drastic action to short-circuit the process. NAGPRA provided a myriad of regulations which allowed the museum to stall competing claimants by insisting they dot the i’s and cross the t’s. NAGPRA regulations allowed the museum to make a “loan” of the artifacts to its favored claimant, Hui Malama, probably knowing that the “loaned” artifacts would never be returned (since the clearly expressed primary purpose of the Hui Malama organization has always been to secretly re-bury bones and artifacts and even to destroy photographs of them). NAGPRA regulations allowed both Bishop Museum and Hui Malama to keep secrecy regarding exactly what had happened, and to maintain that secrecy even years later. Such secrecy adds to an overall suspicion that Hui Malama and the museum could perhaps have conspired to “liberate” the Forbes Cave artifacts for re-burial by making a “loan” that both sides knew would never be returned. It is interesting that Hawaii Senator Dan Inouye, as chairman of the Senate Indian Affairs Committee, played a major role in creating NAGPRA. Inouye’s staff members, and federal funding he shepherded through Congress, have played important roles in Bishop Museum and Hui Malama. Unsuccessful claimants for Forbes Cave artifacts had no such financial or personnel relationships with the Senator’s staff.
NAGPRA was written in a way to allow acknowledged tribal council leaders to speak on behalf of small, homogeneous, federally recognized Indian tribes. But there are 400,000 ethnic Hawaiians of widely disparate viewpoints, who are fully integrated in communities where most residents have no Hawaiian blood, and where the group is not federally recognized and has no acknowledged leadership. Thus it is grossly inappropriate to allow one small group of cultural and political radicals to speak on behalf of the entire ethnic group. Also, NAGPRA is heavily weighted in favor of tribal groups against the interests of scientists, museums, and the general non-Indian population. But in Hawaii, the Hawaiian culture is the core of what makes Hawaii distinctive for all Hawaii’s people, and many who have no Hawaiian blood participate actively in Hawaiian culture; thus, the general population should have a strong voice in helping to decide what happens to Hawaiian cultural artifacts.
The organization known as Hui Malama I Na Kupuna O Hawaii Nei, headed by Edward Halealoha Ayau, has become very powerful in controlling the “repatriation” and re-interment of ancient Hawaiian bones and artifacts. It played a role in the writing and enactment of the NAGPRA law, partly because its leadership had important political connections with the office of U.S. Senator Dan Inouye, who is Chairman (or ranking member) of the U.S. Senate Select Committee on Indian Affairs whenever the Democrats (or Republicans) are in control of the Senate. Those political relationships have continued for at least fifteen years, and are still in play today. Hui Malama also gets hundreds of thousands of dollars in grants, partly because of those same political connections. But its leadership, operations, and budget are shrouded in mystery and secrecy, despite laws that require such matters to be open to regulatory and public scrutiny. It is unclear what Hui Malama does with the enormous amounts of money it gets, and also unclear what happens with all the bones and artifacts it “repatriates.” Some of those artifacts would be extremely valuable if sold in the (often shady) antiquities markets.
Hui Malama also sees itself as asserting political sovereignty on behalf of all ethnic Hawaiians. It clearly places the interests of the “Lahui” (racially-defined “nation”) far above the interests of individuals or families who may be lineal descendants. The organization’s Web site states, “Hui Malama I Na Kupuna O Hawaii Nei believes that in order for Native Hawaiians to firmly and with focused movement (onipaa), realize their future, we must amongst other responsibilities, take appropriate care of the past by reestablishing and strengthening the ancestral foundation. It is through this important foundation, that our house (our future) will be built. Hui means all of us, especially the original citizens of our great nation.” Elsewhere, discussing the Mokapu bones, the Hui Malama Web site says, “How can the Hawaiian nation heal itself from the wounds of Western contact when such actions have included inflictions that served to undermine the very foundation of its families?” Thus, Hui Malama is (ab)using religious beliefs held by a few radicals to demand political power that would affect all ethnic Hawaiians and, indeed, all the people of Hawaii. This attempt to theocratize and balkanize Hawaii in some ways resembles what the Ayatollah Komeini did to Iran and what the Taliban did to Afhganistan.
It should be noted that Hui Malama has met with strong opposition from some recognized ethnic Hawaiian cultural leaders. For example, Rubellite Kawena Johnson was a claimant opposing Hui Malama for control of the Mokapu bones; Herb Kawainui Kane was a claimant competing against Hui Malama for control of the Forbes Cave artifacts; and both Ms. Johnson and Mr. Kane publicly opposed Hui Malama’s assertion that the Providence Museum Spear Rest was a manifestation of the living spirit of a warrior. In an article in the Honolulu Advertiser of March 29, 2000, Herb Kawainui Kane wrote about Hui Malama’s plea to the NAGPRA committee demanding repatriation of the Providence Museum spear-rest: “In the absence of evidence, an emotional appeal was made, calculated to arouse sympathy from the American Indian majority on the review panel, and included highly inventive metaphysical statements. This is the kind of hogwash by which NAGPRA, a noble effort, has been corrupted. Those responsible will incur the rage of future generations of Hawaiians who have been denied access to the treasures of their past.”
In addition to the Bishop Museum controversies involving the kaai and the Forbes Cave artifacts, there are other well-known NAGPRA-related controversies in Hawaii. The unearthing of 1600 sets of remains at Mokapu (Kaneohe, Oahu) occurred mostly before 1940, and almost entirely before NAGPRA was enacted in 1990; but NAGPRA has been used to demand repatriation of those bones from Bishop Museum for reburial at Mokapu. About 900 sets of bones were unearthed at Honokahua (Kapalua, Maui) during preliminary excavations for the Ritz Carlton Hotel. The entire Honokahua controversy began and was resolved from 1986 to 1989 before NAGPRA was enacted (Hui Malama got established in response to this controversy). The 1998 repatriation of a spear-rest from Providence Museum (Rhode Island) was probably the most straightforward application of the NAGPRA law among all these controversies. Nevertheless, the spear-rest was returned to Hawaii only after OHA “donated” $125,000 to the Providence Museum to settle a lawsuit by the museum against OHA and NAGPRA which threatened to invalidate the NAGPRA law unless a settlement was reached. More recently, the Kennewick Man controversy (Washington state) has directed major attention to NAGPRA throughout the U.S. and the world.
And now a federal investigation of the Forbes Cave controversy is under way that will be the focus of the semi-annual meeting of the NAGPRA review committee in St. Paul, Minnesota May 9-11, 2003. Portions of the complaint filed by an unsuccessful Forbes Cave claimant, together with descriptions and analysis of all the above controversies, can be found at a large Web page:
My filing under the Genocide Activities File Number assigned to me in 1998 - this message is dated 2015..............but today's message is under the Honolulu Police Criminal Number calling for the arrest of Keanu Sai/D. Keanu Sai/David Keanu Sai:

Saturday, January 31, 2015

Hawaiian Kingdom Records No. 2015-0131 and Genocide Activities File at the Honolulu Police Department No.



[Kanaka Maoli flag] 

President Barack Obama
Secretary of State - John Kerry
Judges, et. als. in the Hawaiian Islands
Many Interested others

                                  Re:  Hawaiian Kingdom Records No. 2015-0131 and Genocide Activities Ongoing File at the Honolulu Police Department No. 

Honolulu Police Department, Interested others - Genocide Activities List:

Problematic issues have surfaced and there are conflicts due to Kamehameha families claims, etc.

Some of our families also descend from Kalaniopuu (four (4) of his children), Kamehameha (four (4) of his children and  two (2)  of his keiki hanai/adopted children who also inherited sovereignty), Kaumualii (two lines) other Nation's leaders example:  Japan - our ancestors ruled Japan for nearly 300 years - Heike Clan of Yamaguchi Japan or part of the Tokugawa families.  People who are similar marry.

Please add the following persons:

1)  Keanu Sai  - for stealing the Kaai from the Bishop Museum and the thieves are wanted by the FBI, etc.  Sai admitted that he and others removed the Kaai from the Bishop Museum, hid it, took it to the Big Island and buried it where he wanted it to be buried without consulting the families.

Campbell heir ups stakes for artifacts - Honolulu Star ...

  • Nov 21, 2004 - ... Hawaiian genealogy scholar, visited the secret, climate-controlled ... A Bishop Museum official, who asked not to be named, confirmed ... All three items were found in burial sands and later sold or donated to the Bishop Museum. ... Ayau contends that the museum has no ownership rights of stolen goods.
  • THE KA'AI -- The strange disappearance (theft) of two 500 ...

  • There is an excellent summary of sacred burial practices in old Hawai'i, written by ... natural order of life, and could benefit whomever possessed his ancestor's bones. ... What ever happened to the ka'ai stolen from Bishop Museum in 1994?
  • Forbes Cave Controversy (12/22/05) -- A Nexus of Religion ...

  • Dec 22, 2005 - Were the Forbes artifacts actually buried with the dead ancestors, perhaps as .... of high chiefs Liloa and Lonoikamakahiki, were stolen from Bishop Museum.
  • Federal Investigation of Forbes Cave Artifacts 'Repatriation ...

    Apr 30, 2003 - We must weigh the rights of ancestors, and their bones and spirits, to be left in ... because of their political connections and their radical views on re-burial. ... and that Bishop Museum was in possession of stolen property which has ... But in the case of Bishop Museum (both the 1994 kaai theft and the 2000 ...
    You've visited this page 3 times. Last visit: 7/22/14
  • Theft of relics is Hawaiian mystery - Collections

  • Mar 10, 1994 - "It would be a little bit, to Christians, as if somebody had stolen the bones ... Naone Hall, chairwoman of the Maui/Lanai Islands Burial Council, ... the kaaibefore the prince turned them over to the Bishop Museum 76 years ago.
    Missing: ancestors
  • [PDF]Hui Panala`au: Hawaiian Colonists in the Pacific, 1935 – 1942

    Bishop Museum
    University of Hawai'i at Mänoa, and Bernice Pa hi Bishop Museum. ... interviewer, the Center for Oral History, and Be ce Pauahi Bishop Museum. ..... historians, and surviving colonists and their relatives to retell the stories of the Panaläÿau. The ... disclosed to its participants—the two were buried at a cemetery on Schofield ...
  • Ho'olohe'ole | KAI KAULULAAU -

  • In turn, the U.S Navy contracted the Bishop Museum in a “joint effort” of the excavating ... was stolen and sold on eBay for $12,500vi; various Native Hawaiianburial ... felt by these ancestors for being exposed in such an offensive mannerviii.
  • [PDF]minutes native american graves protection and repatriation ...

    U.S. National Park Service
    Nov 16, 1990 - Ms. Geri Bell, Hawaii Island Burial Council, Honaunau, HI. Ms. Ellyn Bigrope .... Mr. Kai Markell, Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Honolulu, HI. Ms. Cyd .... belongs to the ancestors, not to the Bishop Museum. To ignore ... dune area, and he is offended when something is taken from them because that is stealing.
  • Amelia Gora - Goldman Sachs are Financial Terrorists...

  • Terrorists funded by the Kamehameha Schools Bishop Estates, etc. .... Keanu stolethe KAAI... our ancestor's iwi ... issues i tell ya, issues. ... people that he took it (stoleit) from the Bishop Museum and with his cousins took it to ... someone STOLE yourancestors remains, took all the lockets, special burial treasures and SOL.
  • Goldman Sachs are Financial
    Terrorists funded by the Kamehameha Schools Bishop Estates, etc.

  • 2)  Wendy(unknown last name but can point her out), the Archaeologist/assistant formerly employed by the State of Hawaii, to the Genocide Activities List.   She took offense to comments made to other kanaka maoli, she had been eavesdropping and  attacked me for the comments made that foreigners steal from the living as well as the dead due to the theft by those uncovering the graves at Kawaiahao Church.  

    It came to my attention from several kanaka maoli that while watching the Kawaiahao activities via binoculars from an undisclosed high rise, the grave robbers/archaeologists/workers were seen removing valuables from the casket(s)/coffin(s) and placing their finds in a bag.

    Alii/Alii Nui burials were made with their valuables buried with them such as pearls, diamonds, jades, gold, silver, including five (5) gold coins per burial. The gold coins were placed on specific parts of the body(ies).  

    Unpleasant comments by a person who I've barely spoken to was made by this fat, ugly, obnoxious person who claimed she worked for the State for 30 years and held a Masters in archaeology......she also stated that she didn't think I had any archaeology background.

    I countered her and told her that I did take a number of archaeology courses, but did not disclose the fact that I have written several scientific articles including posts at the website/ the British Medical Journal website.....and they don't accept all articles.  See  the following which includes the links to the articles, etc.:

    Goldman Sachs are Financial
    Terrorists funded by the Kamehameha Schools Bishop Estates, etc.

    That rude, ugly individual went on to put down my "magazine"/ news on the web the IOLANI - The Royal Hawk which has 532 issues to date.  websites: and

    Please add her to the Genocide Activities List which I was assigned years ago.

    Issues are ongoing regarding our families and we are the true title, land owners, Kamehameha's descendants, Queen Liliuokalani's True Trustees as uncovered through more than 27 years of research in genealogies, 30 +years of history research, and 15 + years of legal research.

    Thank you,
    Amelia Gora

    More references:

    THE KA'AI -- The strange disappearance (theft) of two 500-year-old ...
    In February, 1994 two sennit (woven coconut-fiber) caskets were stolen from Bishop Museum in Honolulu. These two ka'ai are more than 400 years old, and ...

    Contact Us :: City & County of Honolulu, Department of Environmental ...
    Honolulu (Foster Village to Hawaii Kai). Kapaa (Kailua, Temple Valley, Kaneohe, Waimanalo). Koolauloa (Kahuku to Kahaluu). Pearl City (Pearl City, Waipahu, ...

    Federal Investigation of Forbes Cave Artifacts 'Repatriation' From ... › Special Features › Guest Commentary
    Apr 30, 2003 - But in the case of Bishop Museum (both the 1994 kaai theft and the 2000 ... In 1994 two kaaiwere stolen with no attempt to make it look like due ...

    Hawaiian Relics | Theft of relics is Hawaiian mystery - tribunedigital ...
    Mar 10, 1994 - "It would be a little bit, to Christians, as if somebody had stolen the bones ... locked storage cabinet and found that the two "kaai" were missing.

    Stolen Stuff Hawaii Public Group | Facebook
    Stolen Stuff Hawaii has 76061 members. ... If you've had an item stolen, join our group, post your stolenitem, and let the people of Hawaii do the ... Arnold Kaai.

    Groupe public Stolen Stuff Hawaii | Facebook
    Stolen Stuff Hawaii a 75 440 membres. PLEASE SEE THE OFFICIAL ... So if you know anyone missing a black and white dog in Hawaii Kai. Last seen by Sandy ...

    Honolulu Star-Bulletin News /2004/12/05/
    Dec 5, 2004 - While the kaai theft was never solved, critics have called it "an inside job" that involved museum staffers. The repatriation of the Kawaihae Cave ...

    Whistleblower's Website: January 2015
    Jan 31, 2015 - What ever happened to the ka'ai stolen from Bishop Museum in 1994? .... Keanu stole theKAAI... our ancestor's iwi ... issues i tell ya, issues.

    Amelia Gora…/false-information… Important Message thanks to Ekolu Kalama............

    ABOUT KEANU SAI The following important message is from Ekolu Kalama: MAKA'ALA!!! The second link "part 1" of Keanu Sai's video where h...

    LikeShow more reactions
    Debra Koonohiokala Norenberg Allodial and Fee simple are not the same. Is Keanu Sai really a sell out? I've heard stories but, I can't be sure.  I hope and pray love rules Keanu Sai and he does good for goodness sake.
    Keli P. Akina Dubbed Keanu Sly.

    July 8 at 11:37pm
    Tane Inciong All this is character-assassination because he hits on to the truth; revealing the scams.
    Solomon Kaleiopu Jr. You can hit on every truth there is but a sell out is a sell out don't be stupid Tane Inciong its not about character its about the truth got it fool...
    Alexander Kalauokalani Pe'a Alaska has a treaty called the Alaskan purchase... Hawaii lacks a treaty... See the difference?

    July 9 at 2:41am
    Kika Lomi Waialae He's no sell out but those that claim that he is are suspicious at best. I would like to know their true agenda with this false accusation.

    July 10 at 9:13pm
    Amelia Gora Tane Inciong Keanu has turned state expert witness and is used against kanaka maoli..... Harris Fuller and son were in a court case and in walked Keanu Sai who was there as the State's expert witness.... how is it that a FELON used as a State witness....See More
    Kika Lomi Waialae So you are using the trumped up Felon charges, and how did that hold up in court? He was charged for land theft, how does one steal land? That did not stick. Do you think that even the fake state would allow him as the stateʻs expert witness if the cha...See More

    July 11 at 12:49am
    Amelia Gora maybe you'll believe that he stole the Kaai when he's arrested? he admitted it to our Hawaiian genealogy society meeting and he went into detail of how he and his partners in crime did it too.......... why do you think there are so many things happeni...See More

    July 11 at 3:21am
    Amelia Gora p.s. UN is part of the One World Order/New World Order which was put together by England, the U.S. and the JP Morgan bankers.....contrary to Monarchy/Constitutional Monarchies....go figger/figure it out.......the goal of claiming that a War occurred is's Premeditation,PIRACY, Pillaging, Plundering etc.....Something smells and i know its not me!
    Kika Lomi Waialae Amelia Gora I was at that meeting and others as well. If that story is true then the Kaai would be in a safer place. I know that my aunty, Princess K had something to say about that in court. Perhaps an investigation is in order and perhaps that will e...See More
    Amelia Gora the real thief is Keanu Sai.....Police Report will be filed for your sake and others.......expected our Kingdom of Hawaii to pursue...but our people are moving soooo s l o w l y ... only 2/3 of our 3 part government in place...
    Amelia Gora btw Kika Lomi Waialae i don't remember you being at that meeting which occurred 20 years+ ago....sure you came to a recent meeting but never knew you then.....also your Kawananakoa was NOT there either.......remember that you're on record for all that you say in other words, be very
    Kika Lomi Waialae The US government are prepared to comply with the laws of occupation. Their military will create a government upholding the laws of the HK, then its on. Others that are trying to for an HK government may be up for a rude awakening when they are charged with treason as will the US government when they overthrew and created a US government piggy backing the HK. HRS my okole! lol
    Kika Lomi Waialae Amelia Gora I was a lot skinnier and more handsome then, so were you. 
    Kika Lomi Waialae Was it 20 years? Boy how times fly...
    Kika Lomi Waialae I said in court she made it known how she felt when the museum stole it, I mean housed it...
    Amelia Gora still don't remember you.....we held our meetings at the Public Libraries...... best you stick with Kalani Asam et. als............. also, the meeting was only for the invited .... who heard the person, I gave Keanu a really nice lei and wanted to take it back after he explained what he and the others did....which means you weren't there.
    Kika Lomi Waialae Youʻre right my apologies. I reread the group you were talking about and I referenced the wrong group, my bad. What does the traitor Kalani Asam have to do with my ike and our conversation? I never hung around him and since that day I video taped and l...See More
    Kika Lomi Waialae Did he mention that I may have been keeping the guards busy with my female accomplish at the time? 
    Kika Lomi Waialae Anyway, I gotʻs to go now, nice chatting with you. Please do keep up the good work though, for reals on that...

    July 11 at 7:56pm
    Amelia Gora apologies accepted.....btw on a very serious note, are you one of Princess Poomaikelani's descendants/heirs?....eeks on Kalani ...did you know that he threatened our families with his documented nasty comments which turned into a Genocide Activities filing? ...he's a dawg...
    Kika Lomi Waialae Amelia Gora Yes I am a descendant of her. My uncle, my mothers brother is the only one alive in that generation. I would ask him about it and he remembers being dropped off at the mansion playing with the Princess. He must be in his 80ʻs and cannot remember to much more. I do still try to stimulate his mind. Raymond Andrade used to rub elbows with the rich when he was off on his own. He talked a lot about Earl Thacker his buddy. Iʻm not sure what kind of hum bug Earl would have been in the kingdom with his wealth back then. My uncle was surprised when I started explaining the HK situation. He told me that he never knew that. He is interested in learning, so I shared what little I know about it. He also owned a ranch on Molokai. I did not know that Kalani did that to you guys but it doesnʻt surprise me. Robert is on the hunt for him, auwe... Iʻm going to see if I can find the archive of Kalani ranting and raving calling the professor of UH the problem and saying that he was not pono like himself. What? Kalani screaming at the professor was pono doing so? I should ask him his definition of pono...

    July 12 at 8:42am

    ReplyRemove Preview
    9 hrs
    Amelia Gora Thank you for the shows that the Kawananakoa's are certainly Not the next in line, the Wilcox family including Salazar are Not the next in line.........mahalo.

    Reply44 mins
    Amelia Gora Kika Lomi Waialae there is a marriage of Waialae to Poomaikelani.... she had multiple marriages and we are from Ioela/Joela grandson of Luluhiwalani the nephew of Kalaimoku/Kalanimoku. Princess Poomaikelani died in 1895. She had her sister Kapiolani /Queen Kapiolani take care of her properties. The Queen was a hanai daughter of my great grandfather and became a hanai sister of my grandmother who was born in 1883. Queen Kapiolani died in 1899. She had put out a deed to the Prince Kuhio and Kawananakoa and gave instructions to file it after she died, but they filed it immediately. She went to court to rescind/correct it and the court of the usurpers denied her.,.... Prince Kuhio and Kawananakoa were Masons who were aligned with the usurpers and documented treasonous persons. Your uncle is probably older or he's actually a grandson of Waialae. Think a genealogy link is needed.........till next time......aloha.

    Reply32 mins
    Amelia Gora btw just reposted this important article in regards to the military.... who are Not parties to the treaty of 1849/1850.... the Treaty is the Supreme Law of the land under the U.S. Constitution... in other words, they have no say....lands transferred to them was done by non-owners, non alodio owners...i was on the Pearl Harbor Court case and pointed out the frauds.........i wondered where the hell were other Hawaiians.......... read the following for information:
    Alexander Kalauokalani Pe'a Defamation is a crime

    July 11 at 9:20pm
    Amelia Gora Keanu Sai appears to be a military operative and has been paid by OHA, by the State as a professor AND an expert witness is one to seriously watch. He took a lot of people's money, documented a Felon, and STOLE the KAAI, the funerary basketry with iwi of our ancestors. This is a Legal Notice for the purpose of a Police Report Filing dated today 7/14/2017 - a genocide Activities Ongoing report was already posted in the past over the Kaai etc. Watch for s a Report of Military Activities in the Hawaiian Islands Compiled by Amelia Gora (2017) which will be posted in the IOLANI - The Royal Hawk this evening or sooner. Hint: Keanu Sai former Captain in the Army appears to be a military operative for his push on claiming military occupation, War status when in reality it is a documented premeditation, piracy, pillaging, etc. As for the Honolulu Police Report, please document this as a charge of wrongdoing, a crime against the Royal Families for Theft of our ancestral iwi contained in the Kaai by Keanu Sai/D. Keanu Sai/David Keanu Sai and others who admitted the theft from the Bishop Museum Legal Notice for the Records - Kingdom of Hawaii Record No. 2017-0714 Keanu Sai/D. Keanu Sai/ David Keanu Sai Admitted theft of the Kaai in our Hawaiian Genealogy Society Meeting and Notice to the State of Hawaii, et. als. for Arrest, etc. filed by Amelia Gora, a Royal personm, Acting Liaison of Foreign Affairs, House of Nobles, Hawaiian Genealogy Society/ Hawaiian Genealogical Society Representative, Konohiki, Judicial Tribunal Member
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    Joe Keliiaumoana Stevens Another poor attempt to slander Dr. Sai. Sell outs don't get invited to international meetings and presentations. Just more of the same attacks from simple minded minions. 🙄
    Jeffrey Kawika Patricio Fee Simple = A Freehold Less Than Allodial, which is not the same as an Allodial Title. Keanu needs to update his projector.

    10 hrsEdited
    Alexander Kalauokalani Pe'a Funny how Sai works within the UH system as an educator. I didn't think they could hire felons... Lol pretty sure he went through a background check

    Reply16 hrsEdited
    Joe Keliiaumoana Stevens They keep forgetting that he's a "felon" of a fake charge. Lands is immovable and therefore is not the subject of a "theft".

    14 hrs
    Amelia Gora Keanu Sai appears to be a military operative and has been paid by OHA, by the State as a professor AND an expert witness is one to seriously watch. He took a lot of people's money, documented a Felon, and STOLE the KAAI, the funerary basketry with iwi of our ancestors. This is a Legal Notice for the purpose of a Police Report Filing dated today 7/14/2017 - a genocide Activities Ongoing report was already posted in the past over the Kaai etc. Watch for s a Report of Military Activities in the Hawaiian Islands Compiled by Amelia Gora (2017) which will be posted in the IOLANI - The Royal Hawk this evening or sooner. Hint: Keanu Sai former Captain in the Army appears to be a military operative for his push on claiming military occupation, War status when in reality it is a documented premeditation, piracy, pillaging, etc. As for the Honolulu Police Report, please document this as a charge of wrongdoing, a crime against the Royal Families for Theft of our ancestral iwi contained in the Kaai by Keanu Sai/D. Keanu Sai/David Keanu Sai and others who admitted the theft from the Bishop Museum Legal Notice for the Records - Kingdom of Hawaii Record No. 2017-0714 Keanu Sai/D. Keanu Sai/ David Keanu Sai Admitted theft of the Kaai in our Hawaiian Genealogy Society Meeting and Notice to the State of Hawaii, et. als. for Arrest, etc. filed by Amelia Gora, a Royal personm, Acting Liaison of Foreign Affairs, House of Nobles, Hawaiian Genealogy Society/ Hawaiian Genealogical Society Representative, Konohiki, Judicial Tribunal Member
    Unable to post comment.
    Amelia Gora Keanu Sai appears to be a military operative and has been paid by OHA, by the State as a professor AND an expert witness is one to seriously watch. He took a lot of people's money, documented a Felon, and STOLE the KAAI, the funerary basketry with iwi of our ancestors. This is a Legal Notice for the purpose of a Police Report Filing dated today 7/14/2017 - a genocide Activities Ongoing report was already posted in the past over the Kaai etc. Watch for s a Report of Military Activities in the Hawaiian Islands Compiled by Amelia Gora (2017) which will be posted in the IOLANI - The Royal Hawk this evening or sooner. Hint: Keanu Sai former Captain in the Army appears to be a military operative for his push on claiming military occupation, War status when in reality it is a documented premeditation, piracy, pillaging, etc. As for the Honolulu Police Report, please document this as a charge of wrongdoing, a crime against the Royal Families for Theft of our ancestral iwi contained in the Kaai by Keanu Sai/D. Keanu Sai/David Keanu Sai and others who admitted the theft from the Bishop Museum Legal Notice for the Records - Kingdom of Hawaii Record No. 2017-0714 Keanu Sai/D. Keanu Sai/ David Keanu Sai Admitted theft of the Kaai in our Hawaiian Genealogy Society Meeting and Notice to the State of Hawaii, et. als. for Arrest, etc. filed by Amelia Gora, a Royal personm, Acting Liaison of Foreign Affairs, House of Nobles, Hawaiian Genealogy Society/ Hawaiian Genealogical Society Representative, Konohiki, Judicial Tribunal Member
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    watch for posting this evenening:

    Report of Military Activities in the Hawaiian Islands Compiled by Amelia Gora (2017)

    The following shows a Chronological History of the Military/Army Activities in Hawaii:

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