Fwd: President’s Day Under Trump: Dishonoring Native Peoples
4:42 PM (5 hours ago)
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From: Ardaga Widor <ardaga.widor@gmail.com>
Date: Mon, Feb 19, 2018 at 11:54 AM
Subject: Fwd: President’s Day Under Trump: Dishonoring Native Peoples
In order to stay with the perspective and desire for revolt aka change:
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Cultural Survival <culturalsurvival@culturalsurv ival.org>
Date: Mon, 19 Feb 2018 15:36:12 +0000
Subject: President’s Day Under Trump: Dishonoring Native Peoples
Why honor a President that has blatantly violated the rights of Native Peoples?
9 Trump Actions against Native Americans.
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Arctic National Wildlife Refuge. Photo courtesy of Alaska Region U.S.
Fish & Wildlife Service.
** President’s Day Under Trump: Dishonoring Native Peoples
------------------------------ ------------------------------
Today is President’s Day, but why honor a president that has blatantly
violated the rights of Native Peoples? Since taking office, the
current administration under Trump has rolled back policies that
protect the rights of Indigenous Peoples and fails to honor Tribal
Nations and their sovereignty.
9 Trump Actions against Native Americans
1. Shrinking Bears Ears National Monument
The Trump Administration announced in December 2017 that they would be
shrinking Bears Ears National Monument in Utah, by over 85 percent.
Bears Ear was designated as a protected monument by the Obama
Administration due to it containing 100,000 structures, sites, and
artifacts with spiritual importance to Navajo, Hopi, Ute, Ute Mountain
Ute, and Zuni Peoples. The ruling had also also guaranteed hunting,
fishing, gathering and grazing rights of Native Peoples with the
creation of the National Monument.Read more.
(https://culturalsurvival.us3. list-manage.com/track/click?u= dd0545e3cf1b8fc7d593ca7ac&id=4 151c3c9b2&e=3de756babb)
2. Pushing Ahead on Pipelines
In January of 2017, one of Trump's earliest acts was to sign an
executive order to “review and approve in an expedited manner” the
Dakota Access Pipeline. The oil pipeline runs through the Standing
Rock Sioux Tribe’s water source, the Missouri River, and the threatens
to contaminate it. Trump even went as far as to ask the Army Corps of
Engineers to “consider to withdraw” the environmental review of the
pipeline, even though it risks environmental and health disasters. The
Obama Administration had previously halted construction of the
pipeline after overwhelming opposition from activists. Trump’s recent
decisions also include issuing permits to the Keystone XL pipeline.
Read more. (https://culturalsurvival.us3. list-manage.com/track/click?u= dd0545e3cf1b8fc7d593ca7ac&id=3 573fc1545&e=3de756babb)
3. Opening the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge for Oil Drilling
The Trump Administration and Republican Party have been pushing to
open up the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge for oil drilling. The
proposal to open the refuge comes from the recent tax bill passed by
Congress and signed by Trump. This plan threatens the wildlife and
environments of the Arctic, a place where many Indigenous Peoples,
such as the Gwich’in, depend on the the fragile ecosystem for food.
Activists have strongly opposed this move, pointing out that it is one
of the last pristine wildlife sanctuaries in the world.Read more.
(https://culturalsurvival.us3. list-manage.com/track/click?u= dd0545e3cf1b8fc7d593ca7ac&id=1 9fb4d5bc4&e=3de756babb)
4. Insulting Native Americans in front of War Veterans
At an event meant to honor World War II Native American Code Talkers,
Trump used a racialized slur of “Pocahontas” against Senator Elizabeth
Warren. Trump has repeatedly mocked Warren with this racial slur.
Furthermore, Trump insulted Native Peoples by hosting the ceremony in
front of a portrait of Andrew Jackson, the president who ordered the
Trail of Tears that lead to the death and displacement of countless
Native Americans. Read more.
(https://culturalsurvival.us3. list-manage.com/track/click?u= dd0545e3cf1b8fc7d593ca7ac&id=c dddeb8e70&e=3de756babb)
5. Cutting the Vital Lifeline Program
Trump’s new conservative FCC board decided to make deep cuts to the
Lifeline Program, which provides discounted telephone and internet
service to low-income Americans in rural areas. This program is
critical for many Native Americans as they struggle to access these
services in rural reservations were telecommunication companies would
not otherwise offer service. Without access to phones and internet,
impoverished Native Americans have an even harder time accessing
education, health, and job services. Read more.
(https://culturalsurvival.us3. list-manage.com/track/click?u= dd0545e3cf1b8fc7d593ca7ac&id=d d07b1ca15&e=3de756babb)
6. Easing Fracking Restriction on Public And Native Lands
The Trump Administration Secretary of the Interior has eased rules on
fracking in public lands, which were put in place by the Obama
Administration in order to ensure stricter standards for oil and gas
companies’ toxic waste. The ruling also compelled these companies to
disclose what chemicals were used. The state of California and Native
American groups have sued in order to stop this rule form being
repealed. Read more.
(https://culturalsurvival.us3. list-manage.com/track/click?u= dd0545e3cf1b8fc7d593ca7ac&id=3 66b94d33b&e=3de756babb)
7. Proposing Budget Cuts to Vital Services for Native Americans
In Trump's Proposed 2018 budget, the Bureau of Indian Affairs faces a
$300 million cut. Unfortunately, he also calls for cuts to The
Department of Housing and Urban Development (by 13.2 percent), The
Environmental Protection Agency (by 31.4 percent), and the the
Department of Health and Human Services, which houses the Indian
Health Service (by 16.2 percent). 2.2 million Native Americans and
Alaskan Natives could be affected by health cuts, and Indigenous
Americans already face shortages in many other government services.
Read more. (https://culturalsurvival.us3. list-manage.com/track/click?u= dd0545e3cf1b8fc7d593ca7ac&id=b 97d00dbcc&e=3de756babb)
8. Refusing to Take Serious Action on the Opioid Epidemic
The Opioid Epidemic, a health crisis that has killed 500 percent more
Native Americans in 2015 then it did 16 years ago, has seen little
action from Trump. Substance abuse has plagued many reservations and
the administration has not given adequate funds to fight it, despite
declaring it a Public Health Emergency. Native Americans have been
largely forgotten and left out of the conversation in dealing with
this issue. Read more.
(https://culturalsurvival.us3. list-manage.com/track/click?u= dd0545e3cf1b8fc7d593ca7ac&id=3 fffab8140&e=3de756babb)
9. Breaking Promises to Protect Native American Lands
Trump and his administration have taken numerous actions that
undermine Tribal sovereignty. Among these are his proposed border
wall, which could potentially be built over a sacred burial ground of
the Tohono O'odham Nation, violating their right to Free, Prior and
Informed Consent. The Trump administration has also called for
privatizing Tribal lands. Lastly, Trump has claimed that Native
American housing grants are unconstitutional, despite the fact that
this program assists Native Americans. Read more.
(https://culturalsurvival.us3. list-manage.com/track/click?u= dd0545e3cf1b8fc7d593ca7ac&id=0 4778ef86c&e=3de756babb)
Cultural Survival advocates for Indigenous Peoples' rights and
supports Indigenous communities’ self-determination, cultures and
political resilience since 1972. We envision a future that respects
and honors Indigenous Peoples' inherent rights and dynamic cultures,
deeply and richly interwoven in lands, languages, spiritual
traditions, and artistic expression, rooted in self-determination and
DONATE (https://culturalsurvival.us3. list-manage.com/track/click?u= dd0545e3cf1b8fc7d593ca7ac&id=f 3d029b7ec&e=3de756babb)
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Advancing Indigenous Peoples' Rights and Cultures Worldwide, since 1972
** Cultural Survival
(https://culturalsurvival.us3. list-manage.com/track/click?u= dd0545e3cf1b8fc7d593ca7ac&id=5 19511c959&e=3de756babb)
2067 Massachusetts Avenue
Cambridge, MA 02140
(617) 441-5400
** www.cs.org (https://culturalsurvival.us3. list-manage.com/track/click?u= dd0545e3cf1b8fc7d593ca7ac&id=4 4645d9fe8&e=3de756babb)
From: Ardaga Widor <ardaga.widor@gmail.com>
Date: Mon, Feb 19, 2018 at 11:54 AM
Subject: Fwd: President’s Day Under Trump: Dishonoring Native Peoples
In order to stay with the perspective and desire for revolt aka change:
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Cultural Survival <culturalsurvival@culturalsurv
Date: Mon, 19 Feb 2018 15:36:12 +0000
Subject: President’s Day Under Trump: Dishonoring Native Peoples
Why honor a President that has blatantly violated the rights of Native Peoples?
9 Trump Actions against Native Americans.
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Arctic National Wildlife Refuge. Photo courtesy of Alaska Region U.S.
Fish & Wildlife Service.
** President’s Day Under Trump: Dishonoring Native Peoples
Today is President’s Day, but why honor a president that has blatantly
violated the rights of Native Peoples? Since taking office, the
current administration under Trump has rolled back policies that
protect the rights of Indigenous Peoples and fails to honor Tribal
Nations and their sovereignty.
9 Trump Actions against Native Americans
1. Shrinking Bears Ears National Monument
The Trump Administration announced in December 2017 that they would be
shrinking Bears Ears National Monument in Utah, by over 85 percent.
Bears Ear was designated as a protected monument by the Obama
Administration due to it containing 100,000 structures, sites, and
artifacts with spiritual importance to Navajo, Hopi, Ute, Ute Mountain
Ute, and Zuni Peoples. The ruling had also also guaranteed hunting,
fishing, gathering and grazing rights of Native Peoples with the
creation of the National Monument.Read more.
2. Pushing Ahead on Pipelines
In January of 2017, one of Trump's earliest acts was to sign an
executive order to “review and approve in an expedited manner” the
Dakota Access Pipeline. The oil pipeline runs through the Standing
Rock Sioux Tribe’s water source, the Missouri River, and the threatens
to contaminate it. Trump even went as far as to ask the Army Corps of
Engineers to “consider to withdraw” the environmental review of the
pipeline, even though it risks environmental and health disasters. The
Obama Administration had previously halted construction of the
pipeline after overwhelming opposition from activists. Trump’s recent
decisions also include issuing permits to the Keystone XL pipeline.
Read more. (https://culturalsurvival.us3.
3. Opening the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge for Oil Drilling
The Trump Administration and Republican Party have been pushing to
open up the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge for oil drilling. The
proposal to open the refuge comes from the recent tax bill passed by
Congress and signed by Trump. This plan threatens the wildlife and
environments of the Arctic, a place where many Indigenous Peoples,
such as the Gwich’in, depend on the the fragile ecosystem for food.
Activists have strongly opposed this move, pointing out that it is one
of the last pristine wildlife sanctuaries in the world.Read more.
4. Insulting Native Americans in front of War Veterans
At an event meant to honor World War II Native American Code Talkers,
Trump used a racialized slur of “Pocahontas” against Senator Elizabeth
Warren. Trump has repeatedly mocked Warren with this racial slur.
Furthermore, Trump insulted Native Peoples by hosting the ceremony in
front of a portrait of Andrew Jackson, the president who ordered the
Trail of Tears that lead to the death and displacement of countless
Native Americans. Read more.
5. Cutting the Vital Lifeline Program
Trump’s new conservative FCC board decided to make deep cuts to the
Lifeline Program, which provides discounted telephone and internet
service to low-income Americans in rural areas. This program is
critical for many Native Americans as they struggle to access these
services in rural reservations were telecommunication companies would
not otherwise offer service. Without access to phones and internet,
impoverished Native Americans have an even harder time accessing
education, health, and job services. Read more.
6. Easing Fracking Restriction on Public And Native Lands
The Trump Administration Secretary of the Interior has eased rules on
fracking in public lands, which were put in place by the Obama
Administration in order to ensure stricter standards for oil and gas
companies’ toxic waste. The ruling also compelled these companies to
disclose what chemicals were used. The state of California and Native
American groups have sued in order to stop this rule form being
repealed. Read more.
7. Proposing Budget Cuts to Vital Services for Native Americans
In Trump's Proposed 2018 budget, the Bureau of Indian Affairs faces a
$300 million cut. Unfortunately, he also calls for cuts to The
Department of Housing and Urban Development (by 13.2 percent), The
Environmental Protection Agency (by 31.4 percent), and the the
Department of Health and Human Services, which houses the Indian
Health Service (by 16.2 percent). 2.2 million Native Americans and
Alaskan Natives could be affected by health cuts, and Indigenous
Americans already face shortages in many other government services.
Read more. (https://culturalsurvival.us3.
8. Refusing to Take Serious Action on the Opioid Epidemic
The Opioid Epidemic, a health crisis that has killed 500 percent more
Native Americans in 2015 then it did 16 years ago, has seen little
action from Trump. Substance abuse has plagued many reservations and
the administration has not given adequate funds to fight it, despite
declaring it a Public Health Emergency. Native Americans have been
largely forgotten and left out of the conversation in dealing with
this issue. Read more.
9. Breaking Promises to Protect Native American Lands
Trump and his administration have taken numerous actions that
undermine Tribal sovereignty. Among these are his proposed border
wall, which could potentially be built over a sacred burial ground of
the Tohono O'odham Nation, violating their right to Free, Prior and
Informed Consent. The Trump administration has also called for
privatizing Tribal lands. Lastly, Trump has claimed that Native
American housing grants are unconstitutional, despite the fact that
this program assists Native Americans. Read more.
Cultural Survival advocates for Indigenous Peoples' rights and
supports Indigenous communities’ self-determination, cultures and
political resilience since 1972. We envision a future that respects
and honors Indigenous Peoples' inherent rights and dynamic cultures,
deeply and richly interwoven in lands, languages, spiritual
traditions, and artistic expression, rooted in self-determination and
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Advancing Indigenous Peoples' Rights and Cultures Worldwide, since 1972
** Cultural Survival
2067 Massachusetts Avenue
Cambridge, MA 02140
(617) 441-5400
** www.cs.org (https://culturalsurvival.us3.
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