
Thursday, October 13, 2016

Vol VI No. 621 Part 1b

ony Castanha

Oct 11 (1 day ago)

*As we gather for this event, wherever we may be, we should acknowledge the long-time support of this gathering by the late Hawaiian independence leader Dr. Kekuni Blaisdell. Kekuni was there at the very first event in 1997, when we were berated by one of the parish priests as "communists" or some kind of "Marxist organization" (though nothing against Marxist critique). We made the news that evening on all three local TV stations! Kekuni valiantly participated almost every year since, and always looked forward to and loved being there. He always gave the Oli.

I mua,


---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Leon Siu
Date: Tue, Oct 11, 2016 at 3:59 PM
Subject: Papal Bulls Event 10-7-16
To: Ke Aupuni Update B

E kala mai for duplicate postings…

Ke Aupuni Update
October 7, 2016Keeping in touch and updated on activities regarding the restoration of Ke Aupuni o Hawaii, the Hawaiian Kingdom. Ua Mau Ke Ea O Ka Aina I Ka Pono.
From Leon Siu, Hawaiian National

Aloha kakou,

Burning of the Papal Bulls Event

Wednesday, October 12, 12:00 noon 
Mauka end of Fort Street Mall 
next to the Cathedral of Our Lady of Peace. 

Every year, a group of stalwarts gather for an event called "The Burning of the Papal Bulls." It is to remember the horrors of colonialism and its continuing abuses today (TMT… GMOs… Fed Wreck… the Rail… Ho’opili v. Farmlands… Standing Rock/Dakota Pipeline…TPP… Fed control of Papahanaumokuakea), running roughshod over people and their lands (and seas). The purpose of the gathering is to call on the Pope to repudiate and rescind these offensive edicts that became embedded in the dominant global socio-economic-military system. 
Please come to ku’e and to encourage the Vatican rescind the Papal Bulls. Bring signs!  Malama pono!

What’s this about?
In the mid-15th Century popes of the Roman Catholic Church began issuing edicts to provide the church's blessing to "those of the faith" who were "discovering," conquering and colonizing "new lands." With the "discovery" of "America" by Christopher Columbus, these edicts (called Papal Bulls) sent colonialism into hyper-drive. giving "Christian" Europeans open license to murder, pillage and plunder. The edicts formed the "Doctrine of Discovery" It decimated native peoples, destroyed their societies, took their lands and eventually replaced the people-based culture with today's relentless greed-based global economic system. In America, this “achievement” is celebrated with a holiday known as Columbus Day. (In Hawaii, Discoverer's Day). 

October 11, 2016

Hillary is not Honest Abe: In an interesting moment during the second presidential debate Sundayevening, Hillary Clinton compared herself to Abraham Lincoln. She did so when asked about transcripts of speeches she was paid tens of millions of dollars for delivering to banks and other financial institutions. In those speeches, she endorsed open trade and open borders, as well as curtailing Social Security benefits. She told one group that she had to tell them one thing about her policy stances and the public another. " Considering Clinton's big lead in the latest polls, those bankers who paid to hear her laugh about her false public posturing are probably already measuring drapes for the Lincoln Bedroom. They got in early, like good investors do, and paid for that right."
Values voters and feminists: Leaders of the "values voters" coalition (aka the religious right) have doubled down on their support for Donald Trump after a scandalous video of him bragging about committing sexual assault was made public. Noemie Emery isn't surprised . They're just like their adversaries, the so-called feminists who defended the likes of Gary Hart, Ted Kennedy and the serial womanizer and miscreant Bill Clinton. "The exception made for Kennedy then is exactly like that made now by the 'Values Voters' for Trump," she writes. "The same conservative Republicans  who raged at Clinton's misbehavior have now extended their own 'free grope' to an overweight orange-haired former Democrat, ex-abortion backer and ex-Clinton friend who is gleefully trashing their party. Values voters and feminists have more in common than they realize."
Trump, Ryan and the GOP civil war: You knew it was coming, but it may have already started. Ryan announced his intention to cut Trump loose financially on Monday, while the GOP nominee has resumed sniping at Ryan on Twitter. Congressional Republicans did the same thing in 1996 to Republican nominee Bob Dole (who happens to be the only former GOP nominee who's still endorsing Trump). But there were key differences.
Shonda Rhimes could not have written a debate this scandalous: Beverly Hallberg lists all the reasons why Sunday's debate was a disappointment. For one thing, the candidates, and the moderators, acted as if the audience didn't even exist. " And for a town hall-style debate, that's a no-no. Sure, both candidates fielded questions from undecided voters, but Trump failed to make eye contact with the question asker and Hillary only managed to offer her normal fake smile. Neither repeated the name of the undecided voter, and both eventually pivoted to the moderators or to each other." But overall, the debate consisted of enough scandal and intrigue to fill an episode of "Scandal."
Why Syria shouldn't be partitioned: it would only lead to more death, more refugees and more misery, writes op-ed contributor Fuad Suleiman. And it would not advance any American interests. "There is no partition-based scenario that creates greater security for American interests," Suleiman writes. "Any arbitrary U.S. conduct would not be soon forgiven or forgotten. Terrorist attacks against the U.S. would not subside, but might increase in frequency and scale." That's not a pretty picture.
When Trump went low, so did Hillary: Hillary Clinton is fond of quoting Michelle Obama's motto "When they go low, we go high." In fact, she's mentioned it in both the presidential debates. "It's a nice idea. Only trouble is, Clinton has often found herself on the low road when debating Trump." Even when she was invited to "go high" by naming something she admired in Trump, she dodged the question somewhat by naming his children.
Clinton's Obamacare 'fix' would make things worse: HIllary's proposal to fix skyrocketing healthcare costs would actually end up making many of the law's problems worse, says Phil Klein.

Hawai`i Free Press 
Today's News Read
October 9, 2016

As Kenoi Heads for Trial, Mafia Murderer Malu Motta Suddenly Demands Pardon
...Will Kenoi Take Other Politicians Down With Him?....
Kaneshiro Going Down With Kealoha in Ticket fixing scandal?
...Three high ranking, Honolulu Police officers were called in to meet with Kealoha and  Kaneshiro because the prosecutors accused police officers of writing ghost or fake tickets....
Caldwell Campaign "Volunteer" Paid With Your Tax Money
...tens of thousands of dollars in City 'public relations' contracts....
Politicians In Un-Contested Races Get More Contributions
... Why would candidates in uncontested races be given so much money? ....
CATO: Excessive Spending Earns Ige an 'F'
...General fund spending rose 7 percent in 2016, and Ige proposed to increase it 12 percent in 2017....
HIDOT: Mileage-based fee equivalent to 213% Fuel Tax Hike
...the current fuel tax of 16 cents a gallon would need to double to about 34 cents....
HART 'Interim Plan' Just a Rehash of Caldwell's Tax Hike Demands
... Under "plan A," the city can find $1.8 billion in your wallet ....
Instead of Submitting Plan, HART begs Feds for Another Extension
..."The City is requesting an extension of the December 2016 Recovery Plan submittal date to June 30, 2017"....
Hospital: Arakawa 'Fed up' With Ige
..."It terrifies me what's happening here"....
'Incredible' 35% HMSA Hawaii Obamacare Rate Hike for 2017
...Kaiser rates are going up 25.9%....
Open Season for Corruption: City Ethics Commission struggles without investigator
... Wanna retaliate on somebody?  Carpe Diem! ....
Outside OHA, Interior Rule Has Little Native Hawaiian Support
...OHA trustees have spent millions on political governance schemes instead of helping the 27,000 individuals on the Hawaiian Homelands waiting list to get homes....
Hawaii House Leaders Agree-No Fake Indian Tribe Needed
... You've got some influential friends in the House ....
HR3764 Blocks Recognition of Indian Tribes Without Congressional Vote
...Two weeks after the Committee vote, the Obama Administration published its "final rule" bypassing Congress with administrative recognition of a fake Hawaiian Indian tribe....
Exodus at OHA
... why is 'D' even still working there after she pocketed the Christmas wreath contest money and also crashed her truck on the building and then lied about the circumstances? ....
OHA Chair's Charter School Gets Seven Times More Than All Other Charters Combined
...Politically Connected Board Members....
OHA Illegally Contributing to Lindsey Campaign?
...there are plans to secretly divert OHA funds and use them for the re-election campaign of OHA chair Robert Lindsey....
OHA to Silence Dissident Trustees?
...On August 24th, the BAE Committee and OHA's CEO proposed a new policy called "One Voice, One Message," which requires that all external communications be submitted to the CEO for review and approval....
Does OHA Need a Watchdog?
...Huge Sums Of Hawaiian Beneficiary Money Have Again Been Spent At The Office Of Hawaiian Affairs With No One There To Stop It....
Under Hawaii's Starriest Skies, a Fight Over Rent Money for OHA
... They agreed to pay $1 million a year, a fifth of which would go to the state's Office of Hawaiian Affairs ....
Victory: Hawaii Supreme Court Approves Haleakala Solar Telescope
...By a 3-2 majority the court affirmed the state land board's decision in 2012 to grant a permit to build the Telescope....
10,000 Acres on Mauna Kea? Ige mum on land transfer
...Board members said they invited someone from the Governor's Office to attend the meeting and explain the reasoning behind the proposal. But that was declined....
DHHL: Can't Spend $60M, Asks for $500M
...One year ago, DHHL was sitting on about $55 million in federal funds unspent, as a result of which HUD stopped providing additional funding....
Hawaii Insurance Commissioner one of only Two With Secret Financial 'Disclosures'
...Review your state regulator's financial ties?  -- Not in Hawaii....
DoE HS Absenteeism 19% -- only 39% of 11th Grade Students Meet Benchmark
..."We will be taking a close look at our highest achieving schools and determine best practices that can be implemented in schools that need supports."....
Ideological Diversity? Honolulu Ranks 295th
...we calculated the standard deviation of donor ideology - the average distance between any two donors - for each city....
Does the Electorate Reflect the Population? Hawaii Ranks 43rd
... Election history reveals a perpetually glaring problem ....
Sclerotic State: Elections Will Leave Legislature Virtually Unchanged
... The House could have five or fewer new members after the November elections ....
Voter Registration Deadline October 10 (sort of)
...Voters are eligible for late registration for the General Election at an early walk-in voting location....
2016's Fastest Growing Cities-Honolulu Ranks 467th
...analysts compared 515 U.S. cities of varying population sizes based on 14 key indicators of rapid economic growth....
Dog Parks: Djou on Creating Livable Communities
...This week we had a wonderful time meeting dog owners from around Oahu to discuss expanding the number of dog parks in our city....
Can a feasibility study make or break the inter-island ferry?
...consider how a Jones Act exemption and privately-operated model can change the game....
No, the Bee-Pocalypse Isn't Here Yet
... "The bees are dying," read one Washington Post lede ....
2016 Hawaii elections: proposed amendments, part 1
...In addition to selecting the best candidates for elected office, Hawaii voters have many decisions to make that will have a big impact on County charters and our future....
HPD Releases Rape Kit Test Info
...Maui, Kauai, and Hawaii county police departments successfully inventoried their untested sexual assault evidence collection kits....
International Sex-Trafficking Bust Reaches into Hawaii international sex trafficking organization transporting hundreds of women from Thailand....
DoE Touts Improvement in 'Smarter Balanced' Test Results
...51 percent of students tested met or exceeded the achievement standard in ELA, up three percentage points from the previous year....
Draft rules for Maunakea lands moving towards formal public hearing process
...The community is strongly encouraged to participate in the public hearing process....
Hawaii Department of Transportation to study isle ferry services
...a feasibility study of various intra-island and interisland ferry services....
Inclusion for the Disabled: Hawaii Ranks 5th
...The Case for Inclusion, an annual ranking of how well State Medicaid programs serve Americans with intellectual and developmental disabilities....
Click here to follow Hawai`i Free Press on twitter
  1. 'Shut up Jerk'-Maui Hospital leads to Major break between the Senate and Ige
  2. Kenoi to Planners: "Shut the F*** Up or I knock you out"
  3. Protester, a Convicted Felon, Puts Human Remains at Telescope Site, says he has more
  4. Fake Tribe Denounced: "This change is intended to circumvent legal, congressional processes, and Hawaiian community input"
  5. HART Board Heads for the Exits: Rail guideway cracking, snapping, and crumbling
  6. Homeless Rack up $324M in Ambulance Rides, Hospitalizations after Caldwell Cancels Program
  7. Will Kenoi Take Others Down With Him?
  8. HIDOT Fails to Answer -- $78K Administrative Cost Per Mile
  9. Hanabusa to Quit Congress in 2018, Run for Governor?
  10. Feds Order Caldwell not to Build $280M Pearl Highlands Station
  11. GE Tax: Audit Shows Tourists pay only 14.1% of Rail Surcharge
  12. Cost-Effective? Hawaii Highways Rank 48th Thanks to HIDOT 'Administrative Disbursements'
  13. Full Text: School Board Member Resigns--Says Governor Violates Federal Law
  14. As Rail Collapses, Caldwell Laughs All The Way to the Bank
  15. Impact of the Jones Act Build American Requirement
  16. Rand Paul: Give Caldwell a Cash Bonus so he Won't Waste Affordable Housing Money
  17. List of Neighborhood Board Vacancies
  18. NYT: How Anti-Growth Sentiment Thwarts Equality
  19. State-Owned Agriculture: 1,200 Acres of Failure in Central Oahu
  20. Kelii Akina Wins Endorsements from Malama Solomon, Kealii Makekau and Paul Mossman
  21. Hawaiians are individuals in thought, like any people
  22. Why are more Micronesians coming to Hawaii?
  23. Obamacare Forcing Hawaii Doctors out of Business-Many become Hospital Employees
  24. State Senator Gil Riviere Endorses Djou for Mayor
  25. PUC Approves 'Time of Use' Electric Rates
  26. Hawaii Land Use Laws Violate Fair Housing Act
  27. Walter Ritte Teams up with Rich European Activists to save Hawaii's Endangered Mosquitoes
  28. HELCO Proposes $19.3M Rate Hike, Blames Trees
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Hawai`i Free Press Inc, Post Office Box 61761, Honolulu, HI 96839

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