Ka poe haahaa ka naao ao ka mea lakou ke aupuni o ka lani (The humble people will reach to righteousness) - Mele Keawe Kauweloa
Greetings Everyone!
The Royal Tidings has been posted since 2007 or 11 years. The posts have been sent to only Royal Families, and those who have immunities under international laws/the parity clause which protects our families and associates (Konohiki, Assistant Konohiki, Peace Makers, and Friends).
IOLANI - The Royal Hawk news on the web has been posted since 2005 or 13 years. The news are for all kanaka maoli/kanaka Hawaii maoli, family, friends, government officials, foreign friends.
For the purpose of keeping certain information available to specific
family members - descendants of Kamehameha, King Kalakaua, Queen Liliuokalani,
etals., this Royal Tidings news on the web will be posted as needed/when necessary.
Most of the following information came
out of the Archives records -
Honolulu, Hawaii files - Liliuokalani, Queen of Hawaii, the
others came from Kamehameha's descendants/heirs.
Copies of the affidavit/lien no. 96-177455 filed on
12/17/96 at the Bureau of Conveyances. 281 pages which
others came from Kamehameha's descendants/heirs.
Copies of the affidavit/lien no. 96-177455 filed on
12/17/96 at the Bureau of Conveyances. 281 pages which
is a lien on all 133 islands. Issues of Fraud, genealogies, conspiracies,
piracies, etc. are posted as well.
piracies, etc. are posted as well.
Much of the information has already been, or will be posted in the IOLANI - The Royal Hawk, a news on the web since 2005.
Note: Although some people claim that it's all public records, the comment is true providing one knows what public record is needed and where it is. It takes many years to find information which is the basis of many researcher's accumulation of data, sifting, and combining to make a logical sense and order of the material.
Note: Although some people claim that it's all public records, the comment is true providing one knows what public record is needed and where it is. It takes many years to find information which is the basis of many researcher's accumulation of data, sifting, and combining to make a logical sense and order of the material.
For example, until a new internet friend posted the 1822 Secret Treaty of Verona found in Washington D.C. congressional records, NO ONE in Hawaii would have known.
Recently, Keanu Sai's family member talked about it, and I asked her 'how did you find out about that? An internet friend had sent information about it through messages and through his research....' she was dumfounded and at loss for words. The 1822 Secret Treaty holds valuable clues to what was going on in Hawaii and the World. So, we can learn from others too but remember to quote who and how you obtained the info instead of disregarding the person(s) who discovered the information and give credit where the credit is due.
My research was done knowing full well that my own children would not take the time in researching
material important to the current land issues affecting our aboriginal Hawaiian people, etc. They, like most of the other aboriginal Hawaiians, couldn't give a F*** about what this and that is. Many are into their lives, raising their families, etc.
What is research? an accumulating of facts found in multiple locations, a challenging, intense look at the pieces, and keeping an open mind about what others may have too. A look at the base material located at the Archives, Bureau of Conveyances, survey office, libraries, etc.
Guess anyone doing research can be selfish and not share important information, but from my perspective, our ancestors deliberately had many descendants knowing darn well that there would be some (not many) who would try to correct
wrongs. (I like to think that I'm one of those.)
In doing research, finding out and knowing the facts, it didn't sit well with me, and sharing of information appears to be an important thing to do in this day and age.......
So, in defense of my close families, our related branches, approaching other newfound family members and living in this time and age, it makes all the world of sense to put out, assist many with information ---- empowerment comes with knowledge. Add the fact that the government doesn't give a damn about people of color and intend to exterminate, kill, eliminate Hawaiian people, aboriginal Hawaiians doesn't sit well with me and shouldn't sit well with anyone who's located anywhere near POHAKULOA, Big Island, MAKUA, Oahu, SCHOFIELD, Oahu, and
other military training areas.
Great grandmother said "MAKA ALA", "MAKA ALA THE SLEEPING GIANTS" --- you can defend your home, but what good is it if you don't defend the air, the water, the land, the food that you're eating without looking at whose causing illnesses around you too?
so, I too, continue and maintain "MAKA ALA" all you alii because the others don't know and continue their sheep/lemming/cattle/goyim behavior......they are followers.
Sharing the Knowledge
Unless all the pieces of the puzzle comes together, everyone's knowledge not shared becomes folklore enjoyed only be family members who couldn't care less about what's in front of them.........although from a family of leaders, there remains so many followers, uncaring,
undereducated ones who will continue to swim upstream and get caught on the rocks, get lost in the riptides, etc.
So, for the purpose of education and near future plans/moves, the following information is hereby conveyed to many including those who question, quickly criticize, etc. The Royal Tidings are likened to news that convey plans, discussions crucial information and meant to empower our Alii Families/Royal Families and Friends about important issues, etc..
The articles includes homework of other researchers such as others and myself and meant to empower or update and maintain a connection with our Ohana.
If you too are part of the Royal Families and wish to be included, please send your request to
Maintaining a neutral, friendly, non-violent nation since Kamehameha III - Kauikeaouli's time.
Hoping for the best always.
Malama pono and aloha.
Important Researchers!
Genealogy Research Links
A Repost (go in as a "guest") archives/ check the digital files, etc.
- Konohiki ProjectPart 5a http://theiolani.blogspot.
com/2014/08/vol-v-no-507-part- 5b-project-...
- Konohiki ProjectPart 5a http://theiolani.blogspot.
Reclaiming Your Tutu Aina
Part 6 http://theiolani.blogspot. com/2014/05/vol-iv-no-494- part-6.html (How to Reclaim Your Tutu's Aina)
Reclaiming Your Tutu Aina
Part 7 http://theiolani.blogspot. com/2014/05/vol-iv-no-494- part-7.html (How to Reclaim Your Tutu's Aina)
Konohiki ProjectPart 5a http://theiolani.blogspot. com/2014/08/vol-v-no-507-part- 5b-project-...
Reclaiming Your Tutu Aina
Part 6 http://theiolani.blogspot. com/2014/05/vol-iv-no-494- part-6.html (How to Reclaim Your Tutu's Aina)
Reclaiming Your Tutu Aina
Part 7 http://theiolani.blogspot. com/2014/05/vol-iv-no-494- part-7.html (How to Reclaim Your Tutu's Aina)
Online Research Resources for the Lahui
| ||||
Here's the links to the Information that help us...that may help you as well...please do share
- Video Dr. Keanu Sai, lecture on "Kamehameha III and the Transformation of the Land Tenure System." Part 1 and Part 2
- Book Link Title Searching for the Non-Professional... By Jackie Mahi Erickson
- Video Michael Kumukauoha Lee breakdown on alodio and ano alodio lands
- Video KUMU MIKE LEE ~ Allodial Titles Class 1. 11-7-14
- v=tSqwNv3u5CA
- Video KUMU MIKE LEE" Allodial Titles 12/12/14
- v=oyzZejoswi4
- Video Link to Live Feed Allodial land title training with Mike Lee in Hanapepe.
- ia.alongi.cowden/videos/101558 00623...
- Bouvier's law dictionary and concise encyclopedia by Bouvier, John, 1787-1851; Rawle, Francis, 1846-1930; Volume 1
- Reports of Cases Argued and Adjudged in the Supreme Court of the United States, Volume 8 [Foster and Elan vs. Neilson, 2 P. 253]
- books?id=gDNAAQAAMAAJ&dq= Foster%...
- Video Who Owns Hawai`i's Lands? - A Visit With Joyclynn Costa
- v=_9sWNMe-PMI
- aii-land-documents.html
- Land Commission Awards (LCAs): NOW AVAILABLE!
- Buke Mahele (MAs) : NOW AVAILABLE!
- Native Testimonies (NTs) : NOW AVAIlABLE!
- Foreign Testimonies FTs) : NOW AVAILABLE!
- Papakilo Database
- Native Registers (NRs) NOW AVAILABLE!
- Foreign Registers (FRs) NOW AVAILABLE!
Other Resource Links Genealogy, Maps etc.
Hawaii State Archives - https://digitalcollections.
Links to Vested rights of native tenants, kanaka maoli.
- Link to 'Umi's dissertation (no need to purchase) "Kuleana : a genealogy of native tenant rights"
- Link to purchase 'Umi's dissertation
- 'Umi Perkins Kuleana: A Genealogy of Native Tenant Rights and Presentation used in Video
- 'Umi Perkins Hālāwai Kūʻokoʻa – Presentation on Native Tenant Rights
- 'Umi Perkins Abstract for Kuleana: A Genealogy of Native Tenant Rights
- "UA KOE KE KULEANA O NA KANAKA" Reserving the Rights of Native Hawa...
- Introduction to the Hoa'aina and their Rights By Davinna Pomaika'i ...
Land Commission Awards
"Distinguishing Significance of Land Commission claims and Royal Patents
The Land Commission awards are the legal title of the land holder, and that claimant, his heirs or assigns (present owners), has/have legal standing in a court of law concerning that piece of land. It also provides information about the land and those who occupied it. Even when claims are not awarded, the claimant’s heirs have legal standing in a court of law concerning burials and artifacts uncovered. The importance of the Royal Patent for the land holder, is that the Government (whether Kingdom, Republic, Territory, or State) relinquishes its interest in the property (J. Achiu, 2004 and Jon J. Chinen, 2002) subject to qualifications, Since Statehood these qualifications have multiplied."
Important Note: The false statement above "his heirs or assigns (present owners) is erroneous/hewa. The true wording is "heirs and successors" --- heirs and successors are related and have Alodio titles. Assigns (present owners) are mostly Aliens and not related to the Alodio owners. See Kamehameha III - Kauikeaouli's speech of 1851 to see what he said and documented. Research at the Archives to see the records. The Archives was shut down for two (2) years after the criminal dethronement of Queen Liliuokalani in 1893, which means it gave time for tampering, criminal conversions, frauds, etc. entered onto the books of the Kingdom of Hawaii.
The INDICES OF AWARDS book did mischievously manipulate/maneuver to change the Alodio and Fee Simple into "Alodio in Fee Simple" which gave the appearance that there was ONLY Fee Simple in the Hawaiian Islands. This change resulted in defrauding All Kanaka Maoli.
The Truth of the Matter is that Kamehameha III - Kauikeaouli granted Alodio to his people and to Aliens he gave Fee Simple or less than alodio. Aliens can Never own Alodio titles. This is what All Kanaka Maoli needs to know. and this is why all kanaka maoli needs to claim their tutu's aina, charge rents for those sitting on the lands if they are not the descendants/heirs or successors of the Alodio Titles, the Superior Titles/Paramount Titles...... added by Amelia Gora (2017).
See the following References for these statements:
Most widely held works by Hawaii
Ke kumu kanawai : a me na kanawai o ko Hawaii pae aina : ua kauia i... by Hawaii( Book )
2 editions published in 1841 in Hawaiian and held by 24 WorldCat member libraries worldwide
2 editions published in 1841 in Hawaiian and held by 24 WorldCat member libraries worldwide
Laws of His Majesty Kamehameha III, King of the Hawaiian Islands : ... by Hawaii( Book )
2 editions published in 1851 in English and held by 13 WorldCat member libraries worldwide
2 editions published in 1851 in English and held by 13 WorldCat member libraries worldwide
Investigation by command of the King and Premier of the Hawaiian Is... by Hawaii( Book )
1 edition published in 1846 in English and held by 8 WorldCat member libraries worldwide
1 edition published in 1846 in English and held by 8 WorldCat member libraries worldwide
A supplement to the statute laws of His Majesty, Kamehameha III, Ki... by Hawaii( Book )
1 edition published in 1936 in English and held by 6 WorldCat member libraries worldwide
1 edition published in 1936 in English and held by 6 WorldCat member libraries worldwide
Kanawai o ka moi, Kamehameha III, ke alü o ko Hawaii Pae Aina : i ... by Hawaii( Book )
2 editions published in 1851 in Hawaiian and held by 4 WorldCat member libraries worldwide
2 editions published in 1851 in Hawaiian and held by 4 WorldCat member libraries worldwide
The laws and resolutions passed at the Annual Council of the Hawaii... by Hawaii( Book )
1 edition published in 1843 in English and held by 2 WorldCat member libraries worldwide
1 edition published in 1843 in English and held by 2 WorldCat member libraries worldwide
Na kumu kanawai a me na kanawai o ko Hawaii Pae Aina / na Kamehameh... by Hawaii( Book )
1 edition published in 1841 in Hawaiian and held by 2 WorldCat member libraries worldwide
1 edition published in 1841 in Hawaiian and held by 2 WorldCat member libraries worldwide
The King's speeches at the opening of the Hawaiian legislature, fro... by Hawaii( Book )
1 edition published in 1854 in English and held by 2 WorldCat member libraries worldwide
1 edition published in 1854 in English and held by 2 WorldCat member libraries worldwide
Supplement to the investigation at the palace by command of the Kin... by Hawaii( Book )
1 edition published in 1846 in English and held by 1 WorldCat member library worldwide
1 edition published in 1846 in English and held by 1 WorldCat member library worldwide
Kanawai i kauia e Ka Moi, e Kamehameha III, ke Alii o ko Hawaii pae... by Hawaii( Book )
1 edition published in 1846 in Hawaiian and held by 1 WorldCat member library worldwide
1 edition published in 1846 in Hawaiian and held by 1 WorldCat member library worldwide
Audience Level
| |||
Audience level: 0.73 (from 0.61 for He kumu ka ... to 0.95 for Kanawai i ...)
- Hawaii
- Charlton, Richard -1852
- Great Britain Consulate (Honolulu, Hawaii)
- Kamehameha III King of the Hawaiian Islands 1813-1854
- Ballou, Howard M. (Howard Malcomb) 1866-1925
- Edward E. Ayer Hawaiian Language Collection (Newberry Library)
- Jones, Thomas ap Catesby 1789-1858
- Catholic Church
- Kamehameha V King of the Hawaiian Islands 1830-1872
- Kaahumanu Queen, consort of Kamehameha I, King of the Hawaiian Isla...
Associated Subjects
Catholic Church Charlton, Richard Constitution (Hawaii : 1840) Constitutional law ConstitutionsDiplomatic relations Hawaii Hawaiian languageHawaii--Honolulu Hawai i--Oahu Kaahumanu,--Queen, consort of Kamehameha I, King of the Hawaiian Is... Kamehameha--III,--King of the Hawaiian Islands, Land titlesLaw Missionaries Mission s Politics and government Proclamations Sessi on laws Trials (Forgery) Trials (Impeachment) United States
Links Hawaiian Kingdom Law E-Books
More Links
Court Cases in the Hawaiian Kingdom
- Kekiekie vs. Dennis, 1 Haw. 42 (1851) Native Tenant Rights
Links for Crown Lands and Hawaiian Govt. Lands...Annexation/Joint Resolution
- 1864 Constitution Granted by His Majesty Kamehameha V., by the Grace of ...
- 1865 An Act to Relieve the Royal Domain from Encumbrances, and to Render... Fee-Tail Estate
- 1893 Liliuokalani Agreement for U.S. President to administer Hawaiian Ki...
- 1893 Cleveland-Lili'uokalani Agreement to Restore the Hawaiian Kingdom g...
- 1897 Liliuokalani Red Ribbon Letter
- Link to Willy Kauai's dissertation "The Color of Nationality: Continuities and Discontinuities of Citizenship in Hawaii"
- Link to Professor Williamson B.C. Chang Publications
- Testimony of Johanna Kamaunu and Kaniloa Kamaunu
- wrm/rights/object/GEN-Kamaunu. pdf
- #showmethetitle https://www. 276509092547278
Professor Malia Akutagawa (Konohiki Fisheries – Past & Present Part 1-4)
news/local/hawaiians-claim- ownership-of-... -
story/35465935/coco-palms- land-dispute... -
news/local/crime-and-courts/ group-occupy... -
felicia.alongi.cowden/videos/ 1015572813439... -
news/local/hawaiian-men-claim- title-to-c...
36 Attachments
Preview YouTube video KUMU MIKE LEE ~ Allodial Titles Class Leeward Comm. College 1. 11-7-14
Preview YouTube video "KUMU MIKE LEE" Allodial Titles 12/12/14
Preview YouTube video Kumu Mike Lee ALLODIAIL TITTLES by GEORGIE on the go.
KUMU MIKE LEE ~ Allodial Titles Class Leeward Comm. College 1. 11-7-14
"KUMU MIKE LEE" Allodial Titles 12/12/14
Kumu Mike Lee ALLODIAIL TITTLES by GEORGIE on the go.
Views: 3
Replies to This Discussion
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- Preview YouTube video Who Owns Hawai`i's Lands? - A Visit With Joyclynn CostaWho Owns Hawai`i's Lands? - A Visit With Joyclynn CostaModern Konohiki -- A Visit With Ke`eaumoku KapuLaie Kuleana Occupation pt1.m4vD
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- Preview YouTube video Konohiki Fisheries – Past & Present (Part 2 of 4)Konohiki Fisheries – Past & Present (Part 2 of 4)Konohiki Fisheries – Past & Present (Part 3 of 4)Konohiki Fisheries – Past & Present (Part 4 of 4)Native Hawaiian Speaker Series Guest: Malia Akutagawa
Preview YouTube video Kilikina Teaches Hidden Hawaiian History 2/2/16Kilikina Teaches Hidden Hawaiian History 2/2/16Mark Zuckerberg Sued Native Hawaiians For Their Own Land | Direct From With Dena Takruri - AJ+Meet The Native Hawaiians Fighting U.S. Occupation | Direct From With Dena Takruri - AJ+Ku`e Wainiha: Wedneday IntroKu`e WainihaMauna Kea TraskKu`e Wainiha: Keola WorthingtonWailua Nui Ahoanu walk w/ Kim Souza about reclaiming Royal Patent lands from Coco Palms HyattOnline Research Resources for the Lahui - Part 2
S. Santos (cont.I just uploaded to Google Drive Doc No. A56750871 NOTICE OF PRESERVATION AND VESTED HEREDITARY UNDIVIDED LINEAL INTEREST OF TITLE so anyone who has the link can get a copy directly for FREE.Just added the link in the comments section to your following videos:KUMU MIKE LEE ~ Allodial Titles Class Leeward Comm. College 1. 11-7-14 v=tSqwNv3u5CA"KUMU MIKE LEE" Allodial Titles 12/12/14 Mike Lee ALLODIAIL TITTLES by GEORGIE on the go.Kumu Michael Lee Iolani Palace 1-17-16Here's the link for you to use and share freely...Copy of Doc No. A56750871 NOTICE OF PRESERVATION AND VESTED HEREDITARY UNDIVIDED LINEAL INTEREST OF TITLEMahalo E Ke Akua No Keia la,Shanelle Santos
UPDATES:Michael Lee
Jul 7 (3 days ago)to Association, Hui, Lori, Lori, Daniel, Glen, Thomas, Lucy, Lucienne, Peter, Peter, Leon, Lancelot, Poka, Cruz, Jo-Lin, Lei, Michele, Hulu, Gerald, L eona, Poka, Pono, Kioni, Kalai Aloha Friends what a bussy week please enjoy these Kauai Allodial title videos.Mahalo;Kumu Mike Lee
On Friday, July 7, 2017, 9:07:48 AM HST, Shanelle Santos a href="" target="_blank">kaehuokalani17> wrote: Aloha e Kumu Michael,Below are the links to the videos from Hope Kallai of Lokahi Path and Felicia Alongi Cowden's facebook Live recently uploaded to Youtube. I had condensed my mass compilation of online research resources, along with your Notice of Preservation Doc. and had the ladies add it to the video descriptions for viewer access.Mahalo a nui loa,Shanelle Kaehuokalani SantosLokahi Path VideosKumu Mike Lee - Hawaiian Allodial Title Workshop: Part 1Kumu Mike Lee Hawaiian Allodial Title Workshop: Part 2Kumu Mike Lee - Hawaiian Allodial Title Workshop : Part 3Kumu Mike Lee - Hawaiian Allodial Title Workshop : Part 4(Pending)Felicia Alongi Cowden - Facebook Live VideoKumu Mike Lee Allodial Title workshop KauaiAdded to all Video DescriptionsFREE DOWNLOAD - Copy of Doc No. A56750871 NOTICE OF PRESERVATION AND VESTED HEREDITARY UNDIVIDED LINEAL INTEREST OF TITLE D54SBeKpcmFsb2VPWFRnc2sHawaii State Archives Genealogy Ancestral Visions of Aina - Land Commission Awards (LCAs, Buke Mahele (MAs), Native Testimonies (NTs), Foreign Testimonies FTs) NOW AVAILABLE! Database --4----text...Papakilo Database - Native Registers (NRs) & Foreign Registers (FRs) NOW AVAILABLE! 'Aina - Mahele Database, Royal Patent on Land Commission Award, Land Grants (Govt. Lands) & Boundary Commission Kingdom Law E-Books
Ka Huli Ao Center for Excellence in Native Hawaiian Law, William S. Richardson School of Law E-Books gbs_simil...Hathi Trust Digital Library Court Cases in the Hawaiian Kingdom
Hawaii Reports: Vol 1 v=onepage...Hawaiian reports: Vol 2 v=onepage...Hawaii Reports: Vol 3 v=onepage...Hawaii Reports: Vol 4 v=onepage...Hawaii Reports: Vol 5 v=onepag...Hawaii Reports:Vol 6 v=onepage...Hawaii Reports: Vol 7 v=onepage...Hawaii Reports: Vol 8 v=onepage...Hawaii Reports: Vol 9 v=onepage...Hawaii Reports: Vol 10 v=onepage...Hawaii Reports: Vol 11 v=onepage...Hawaii Reports: Vol 12 v=onepage...Hawaii reports : Vol 13 Hawaiian%20Re...Hawaii Reports: Vol 14 v=onepage...Hawaii Reports: Vol 15 v=onepage...Hawaii Reports: Vol 16 v=onepage...Hawaii Reports: Vol 17 v=onepage...Hawaii Reports: Vol 18 v=onepage...Hawaii Reports: Vol 19 v=onepage...Hawaii Reports: Vol 20 v=onepage...Hawaii Reports: Vol 21 v=onepage...Hawaii Reports: Vol 22 v=onepage...Hawaii Reports: Vol 23 v=onepage...Hawaii Reports: Vol 24 v=onepage...Hawaii Reports: Vol 25 v=onepage...State of Hawaii Department of Accounting and General Services - LAND SURVEY Search gov/survey/fpindex.pdfhttp:// regindex.pdfhttp://dags. hhlindex.pdfhttp://dags. of Kauai’s Real Property Tax Website kauai - ******************************
****************************** ******************* - note: some of the above presenters have research that is questioned by your due diligence.
- Kamehameha's Love to his people is his Giving of lands, "in allodial title".... Important: Keep For Your Records...
Research References
RESEARCH REFERENCESAlexander, William A BRIEF HISTORY OF THE HAWAIIAN PEOPLE (1891)Allen, Helena G. SANFORD BALLARD DOLE Hawaii’s Only President 1844-1926 (1988) The Arthur H. Clark CoAllen, Thomas B. WAR GAMES(1987) Berkeley Publishing Co.Allport, Gordon W. THE NATURE OF PREJUDICE (1958) Addison- Wesley Publishing Company, Inc.American Institute of Banking STANDARD BANKING (1928)Appleton, D. –Century Company THE NEW CENTURY DICTIONARY OF THE ENGLISH LANGUAGE (1946) D. Appleton – Century CompanyBailey, Paul Dayton THOSE KINGS AND QUEENS OF OLD HAWAII (1975) Westernlore PressBarratt, Glynn THE RUSSIAN VIEW OF HONOLULU 1808-26 (1988) Carleton University PressBarrere, Dorothy B. THE KING’S MAHELE The Awardees & Their Land (1994)Bishop, Reverend Sereno E. WHY ARE THE HAWAIIAS DYING OUT? Or, ELEMENTS OF DISABILITY FOR SURVIVAL AMONG THE HAWAIIAN PEOPLE (1888)Bishop, William Henry ONE OF THE THIRTY PIECES from STORIES BY AMERICAN AUTHORS (1902) Charles Scribner’s SonsBlack, Henry Campbell BLACK’S LAW DICTIONARY (1968) West Publishing Co.Bobley Publishing Corp. ILLUSTRATED WORLD ENCYCLOPEDIA (1977) Mer-Fried Corporation; Bobley Publishing Corp.Bolton, Herbert Eugene HISTORY OF THE AMERICAS A Syllabus with Maps (1928) Gin and CompanyBoswell, Douglas ALL ABOUT HAWAII combined with THRUM’S HAWAIIAN ANNUAL AND STANDARDGUIDE (1962) Star-Bulletin Printing Co. Inc.Boyle, Donzella Cross QUEST OF A HEMISPHERE (1970) Published by Western IslandsChar, Tin Yuke THE SANDALWOOD MOUNTAINS (1975) by The University of Hawaii Press of HawaiiCommittee on Interior and Insular Affairs HAWAII STATEHOOD – Hearings on H.R. 49; S. 156; S. 1782 United States Government Printing OfficeCordy, Ross A REGIONAL SYNTHESIS OF HAMAKUA DISTRICT – Island Of Hawaii (1994) Historic Preservation Division, Dept. of Land and Natural ResourcesCostain, Anne N. INVITING WOMEN’S REBELLION A Political Process Interpretation of the Women’s Movement (1992) The John Hopkin’s University PressCraig, Robert D. HISTORICAL DICTIONARY OF HONOLULU (1998) Scarecrow Press, Inc. Craven, Avery and Johnson, Walter THE UNITED STATES Experiment in Democracy (1950) The Athenaeum Press De Vries, Julian LIVES OF THE PRESIDENTS (1940) The World Publishing Co. Doughterty, Michael TO STEAL A KINGDOM (1996) Island Style Press Faragher, John M.; Buhle, Mari Jo; Czitrom, Daniel; Armitage, Susan H. OUT OF MANY A History of the American People Volume II (1994) Prentice-Hall Inc. Forbes, Rev. A. A CHRONOLOGICAL TABLE OF REMARKABLE EVENTS (1865) Fornander, Abraham CHRONOLOGICAL TABLE OF EVENTS IN HAWAIIAN HISTORY out of HISTORY OF THE HAWAIIAN PEOPLE ANCIENT HISTORY OF THE HAWAIIAN PEOPLE (1996) Mutual Publishing Frontier Press THE STANDARD DICTIONARY OF FACTS (1922) The Frontier Press Garraty, John A. A SHORT HISTORY OF THE And McCaughey, Robert A. AMERICAN NATION (1987) Harper & Row, Publishers Inc. Gessler, Clifford TROPIC LANDFALL – The Port of Honolulu (1942) Country Life Press Gora, Amelia K./ Gora, Amelia AFFIDAVIT/LIEN (1986) filed at the Bureau of Kuulei Conveyances No. 96-177455 (281 pages); 12/17/96; Honolulu, Hawaii KAOLEIOKU- Kamehameha’s Oldest Son His Descendants And Heirs (1997) by Author MAKA ALA THE SLEEPING GIANT (2000) by Author CHRONOLOGICAL HISTORY OF HAWAII, ABROAD, AND TE UNITED STATES 350A.D - 2001 A.D. (2001) HAWAIIAN GENEALOGY INTRODUCTORY GENEALOGY CHARTS OF THE ROYAL FAMILIES CROWN LANDS PEARL HARBOR AND THE RECIPROCITY TREATY- THE TRUTH KAMEHAMEHA’S DESCENDANTS, HEIRS AND TERRORISTS HISTORICAL EVIDENCE AFFECTING ALL LANDS IN HAWAII MAINTAINING QUEEN LILIUOKALANI’S CLAIMS, ETC. HANA, MAUI HUI – JOINT OWNERSHIP WITH QUEEN LILIUOKALANI PIRATES OF THE PACIFIC: CHARLES RED BISHOP AND FRIENDS WARS, CONFLICTS AND GENOCIDE HAWAIIAN ABC’S WILLS 1 – 180 – OUT OF HAWAII’S ARCHIVES ROYAL SCHOOLS STUDENTS 1839-1847 – THEIR DESCENDANTS AND HEIRS -for Kamehameha descendants/heirs only- MAINTAINING CLAIMS TO HAWAII BY QUEEN LILIUOKALANI’S AND THE HIGH CHIEFS GENEALOGIES HAWAIIAN/KANAKA MAOLI HANDBOOK Handy, E. S. Craighill THE POLYNESIAN FAMILY And Pukui, Mary Kawena SYSTEM IN KA-U (1972) Charles E. Tuttle Company, Inc. Hawaii Historic Preservation Staff HISTORIC PRESERVATION IN HAWAII (1976) Grant in aid Funding from the Department of Interior, National Park Service Hawaiian Mission Children’s Society MISSIONARY ALBUM (1937) Honolulu Star Bulletin, Lmtd. Hawaiian Mission Children’s Society PORTRAITS OF AMERICAN PROTESTANT MISSIONARIES IN HAWAII (1961) Hawaiian Mission Children’s Society Hunter, Charles H. INDEX PUBLICATIONS OF THE HAWAIIAN HISTORICAL SOCIETY (1968) Hawaiian Historical Society Hutchins, LL.B. Wells A. THE HAWAIIAN SYSTEM OF WATER RIGHTS (1946) Coop between the United States Department of Agriculture and the Board of Water Supply, City and County of Honolulu Icke, David AND THE TRUTH SHALL SET YOU FREE (1995) Bridge of Love Publications Ii, John Papa FRAGMENTS OF HAWAIIAN HISTORY (1959) Bernice Pauahi Bishop Museum Joesting, Edward TIDES OF COMMERCE (1983) First Hawaiian, Inc. Jones, Walter S. THE LOGIC OF INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS (1991) Harper Collins Publishers Kamakau, Samuel M. RULING CHIEFS OF HAWAII (1992) Kamehameha Schools/Bishop Estates Kelly, Marion and Quintal, Sidney Cultural History Report of Makua Military Michael Reservation and Vicinity, Makua Valley, Oahu Kent, Harold CHARLES REED BISHOP (1965) Landoll, Inc. WEBSTER’S DICTIONARY (1997) Landoll, Inc. Lea, Homer THE VALOR OF IGNORANCE (1909) Harper and Brothers Liliuokalani, Lydia Kamakaeha HAWAII’S STORY BY HAWAII’S QUEEN (1898)Tuttle Loomis, Albertine TO ALL PEOPLE A History of the Hawaii Conference of the United Church of Christ (1970) Kingsport Press, Inc. McNeil, Genna Rae HISTORICAL JUDGMENTS RECON- And Winston, Michael R. SIDERED (1988) Howard University Press Missionaries at Lahaina MEMOIR OF KEOPUOLANI, Late Queen of the Sandwich Islands (1825) Crocker & Brewster Publishers Moores, Litt.D. Charles W. LINCOLN ADDRESSES AND LETTERS (1914) American Book Company Morgan, James OUR PRESIDENTS (1930) The Review of Reviews Company And published by arrangement with The Macmillan Company Morison, Samuel Eliot THE OXFORD HISTORY OF THE AMERICAN PEOPLE (1965) Oxford University Press Niblack, William C. TORRENS IN THE UNITED STATES; THE TORRENS SYSTEM ITS COST AND COMPLEXITY (1903) Brown-Cooper Typesetters Co. Native Hawaiians Study Commission NATIVE HAWAIIANS STUDY COMMISSION Volumes I and II (1983) Norton, Thomas James THE CONSTITUTION OF THE UNITED STATES Its Sources and Its Application – A Handbook for Citizens and Public Officials; Oath Taken by all Officers elected or Appointed to Civil or Armed Services (1947) America’s Future, Inc. Pukui, Mary Kawena and HAWAIIAN DICTIONARY(1986) University of Elbert, Samuel H. Hawaii Press Sai, David Keanu EVOLUTION OF HAWAIIAN KINGDOM LAW Honolulu, Oahu, Hawaiian Kingdom (1997) (note: bibliography use only – not affiliated) Schmitt, Robert C. THE MISSIONARY CENSUSES OF HAWAII #20 Dept. of Anthropology; Bernice Pauahi Bishop Museum Spoehr, Anne Harding THE ROYAL LINEAGES OF HAWAII – Bishop Museum Special Publication 84 (1989) Bishop Museum Press Stanley, David MICRONESIA HANDBOOK(1989) Moon Publn. Stone, Irving CLARENCE DARROW FOR THE DEFENSE (1969) New American LibraryTwain, MarkTHE FAMILY MARK TWAIN (1935) Harper and Brothers PublishersWells, H. C. THE OUTLINE OF HISTORY (1949) Garden City BooksWilliams, William Appleman THE TRAGEDY OF AMERICAN DIPLOMACY (1962)World Publishing Company**************************** THE MASTERS OF CAPITAL by John Moody (1919) Yale University “BIBLIOGRAPHICAL NOTE The literature covering special phases of the development and growth of capitalized industry and “high finance” in the United States during the past half century is plentiful enough. Scores of volumes have been written on the Trusts, on particular industries, and special combinations of cpital. But no exhaustive study appears to have been made of the broad trend toward the concentration and control of industry and finance by Wall Street financiers, during the remarkable period culminating in the aggressive antitrust legislation afte the financial crash of 1907. Among the best popular books on the Standard Oil Trust may be mentioned: WEALTH AGAINST COMMON WEALTH by Henry Demarest Lloyd (1894); HISTORY OF THE STANDARD OIL TRUST, BY S.C.T. Dodd (1894); RISE AND PROGRESS OF THE STANDARD OIL COMPANY, BY Gilbert Holland Montague (1903); HISTORY OF THE STANDARD OIL COMPANY, by Ida M. Tarbell (1904). To supplement these books, bringing the facts relating to this great business aggregation down to later dates, reference should be made to government exhibits, such as the report of the United States Industrial Commission (1900 and 1902); the testimony in the Supreme Court suit for dissolution (1910 and 1911) and the report of the “Money Trust Investigation” made by the Committee on Banking and Currency of the House of Representatives in 1913. These latter are a real mine of information regarding the activities not only of Standard Oil magnates in business and banking fields, but of others as well during the preceding decade. The story of the Morgan banking house has never been full told, though the LIFE STORY OF J.P. MORGAN, BY Carl Hovey (1911), presents a fair outline. Consult also, FORTY YEARS OF AMERICAN FINANCE, BY Alexander D. Noyes (1909) which contains interesting chapters on the government financing undertaken by the firm. The facts of Edward H. Harriman’s remarkable career can be culled only from the current financial publications of the period. Government reports, such as the testimony in the Supreme Court suit for the dissolution of the Northern Securities Company (1904) and the report of the Committee on Banking and Currency, show the general activities of the Harriman financiers and their connections with Wall Street. The rise to power of the steel and iron magnates and the growth of allied industries have been presented to the public in various forms. A valuable but biased work is the INSIDE HISTORY OF THE CARNEGIE STEEL COMPANY, BY James H. Bridge (1903). THE ROMANCE OF STEEL, BY Herbern N. Casson (1907) is a very readable story. On the specific subject of Wall Street mechanism and finance, THE WORK OF WALL STREET, BY Sereno S. Pratt (1912), ad WALL STREET AND THE COUNTRY, by Charles A. Conant (1904), will be found interesting. THE TRUTH ABOUT THE TRUSTS, by John Moody (1904), is a statistical exhibit of capitalized industry and finance as it existed at the apex of the merger movement. On the general subject of industrial trusts and combinations scores of volumes have been written, some of value and many worthless. Among the informing, popular books of the past two decades may be mentioned: THE STORY OF LIFE INSURANCE by Burton J. Hendrick (1907); TRUSTS, OR INDUSTRIAL COMBINATIONS AND COALITIONS IN THE UNITED STATES, BY Ernst von Halle (1895); CORPORATION FINANCE, by Thomas L. Greene (1908); THE CONTROL OF TRUSTS, by John B. Clark (1901); TRUST FINANCE, by Edward Sherwood Meade (1903); THE TRUST PROBLEM, by Jeremiah W. Jenks (1900); and INDUSTRIAL COMBINATIONS AND TRUSTS, by William H. Stevens (1913). But to learn the full story of the great masters of capital of the last generation, one must depend chiefly on financial and investment periodicals. Chief among these are the COMMERCIAL AND FINANCIAL CHRONICLE, THE WALL STREET JOURNAL, and the New York JOURNAL OF COMMERCE. For purely banking subjects, the BANKERS MAGAZINE is the best source of information. For full light on the subject of the control of life insurance funds by the powers of Wall Street, nothing better can be found than the report of the joint committee of the New York Legislature appointed to investigate life insurance companies (1906). The facts regarding the dissolution of the Standard Oil Trust and the American Tobacco Company are to be found in the testimony in the Supreme Court suits against those companies. The best popular description of the panic of 1907 is contained in Alexander D. Noyes’s FORTY YEARS OF AMERICAN FINANCE.”
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