Hawaii...Legal Rights of Kanaka Maoli"native tenants" or Why Defenders and Supporters of Mauna Kea, Haleakala Cannot Be Arrested
Wed, 07/01/2015 - 19:20
Hawaii...Legal Rights of Kanaka Maoli"native tenants" or Why Defenders and Supporters of Mauna Kea, Haleakala Cannot Be Arrested
Hawaiian Kingdom Records No. 2015-0630 - Legal Rights of Kanaka Maoli/"native tenants"; Invoking the 1850 Treaty of the Hawaiian Kingdom and the United States of America; Reminder of the Judicial Tribunal Opposition to Building on Mauna Kea by the Owners, Kamehameha's Heirs and Successors Who Exists; Protection of All Kanaka Maoli, Family, and Friends of Kanaka Maoli from Arrest, Harrassment, etc.; Notice of
Amelia Gora /span>theiolani@gmail.com>
6:20 AM (0 minutes ago)
to president, comments, Switzerland, Irish, info, Office, john.maguire, mayor, Shan.Tsutsui, info,
http://i55.photobucket.com/albums/g126/hawaiianbill/Hawaiian%20Flag..." class="CToWUd a6T"/>
[Kanaka Maoli flag]http://www.crwflags.com/fotw/images/u/us-hi_1.gif" class="CToWUd a6T"/>
https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcRZwXcWrQYVqsG..." class="CToWUd"/>
U.S. President Obama,
Secretary of State - John Kerry
Governor Ige, et. als.
Hawaiian Kingdom Records No. 2015-0630 - Legal Rights of Kanaka Maoli/"native tenants"; Invoking the 1850 Treaty of the Hawaiian Kingdom and the United States of America; Reminder of the Judicial Tribunal Opposition to Building on Mauna Kea by the Owners, Kamehameha's Heirs and Successors Who Exists; Protection of All Kanaka Maoli, Family, and Friends of Kanaka Maoli from Arrest, Harrassment, etc.; Notice of
This is to inform you that I, Amelia Gora, one of Kamehameha's descendants/heirs and successors, Acting Liaison of Foreign Affairs, House of Nobles, Judicial Tribunal, Hawaiian Genealogical Society Member, Konohiki, did inform and notify many of our people/ kanaka maoli/Kanaka Maoli and friends, also under duress, stress, usurpation, coercion, intimidation, etc. of the following information as a Legal Notice, etc:
This is to further inform you that this evidence supports our people/kanaka maoli/Kanaka Maoli and friends that they have legal rights and may not/cannot be arrested. Kanaka Maoli have rights of "native tenants".
Our Royal Families are the owners of the Crown Lands, the Private Properties of Kamehameha III - Kauikeaouli, the Government Lands, etc. because we make up 2/3 of the Permanent Parts of the Three (3) Part Government which is part of the Permanent Part of the Hawaiian Government. See References below from Rex vs. Booth case, First Circuit Court and recorded in the HAWAIIAN REPORTS/HAWAII REPORTS, Honolulu, Oahu, Hawaii.
Heir and Successor Genealogies of Our Royal Families, a few corrections were made:
I, Amelia Gora, am one of the land owners of Mauna Kea, Hawaii/Big Island, Hawaiian Islands, Hawaiian archipelago, Ko Hawaii Pae Aina/Hawaiian Kingdom/Kingdom of Hawaii/He Mokupuni Pae Aina o Hawaii and oppose the building of the Telescope on our Royal Families properties.
Genealogical Interests= 6 Ancestors through Kamehameha:
As one of the land owners of Mauna Kea, Hawaii/Big Island, one of Kamehameha's descendants and heirs through his four (4) children: sons 1) Kaoleioku; 2) Kauikeaouli/Kamehameha III; 3) Kalanihelemaiiluna Paki; daughter 4) Kanekapolei, Am also descendant and heir of two (2) of his adopted children: 1) Hueu Davis and 2) Peke Davis.
Genealogical Interests -4 ancestors through Kalaniopuu:
As one of the successors of Kamehameha through Kalaniopuu, uncle of Kamehameha whose children were the step children of Kamehameha because Kalaniopuu's widow Kanekapolei married Kamehameha and linked the Royal Families together of whom I, Amelia Gora am a descendant and heir of four (4) of Kalaniopuu's six (6) children: 1) son Kiwalao; daughters: 2) Kalaipaihala; 3) Puali Nui/Pualinui and 4) Manoua.
Genealogical Interests - 2 ancestors through Kaumualii:
As one of the successors of Kamehameha through Kaumualii, King of Kauai because Kamehameha's wife Namahana/Piia married Kaumualii and had children. I, Amelia Gora descend/heir of Kaumualii. through his son 1) Haupu/Kahekili; and through his daughter 2) Kinoiki, full sister of Kealiiahonui/Aarona Kealiiahonui.
I, Amelia Gora, deny that the State of Hawaii is the "successor of the Kingdom of Hawaii" /Hawaiian Kingdom etc. because the entity is based on the treasonous part of the three (3) part Hawaiian Government. They are an entity and Not related to our Royal Families and are identity thieves documented. See the 1912 Pa Pelekane Case, Hawaiian Reports, Honolulu, Oahu, Hawaii.
The Nature of the State of Hawaii is based on Fraud, deceit, pillaging, piracy, identity theft, genocide, etc. and must be replaced through an American Embassy.
Notice was served to you with the list of guilty persons, parties, entities, (includes those who perpetuate their ancestor's crimes, etc.) who criminally pirated, pillaged lands belonging to our Royal Families, and kanaka maoli. The Treaty of 1850 - Hawaiian Kingdom and the United States of America article XIV was utilized as the basis of documenting the pillagers, pirates, etc. over time.
The following Notice has been posted for all to see, review, etc.:
Legal Notice, Instructions/Directive/Information Support from Amelia Gora, Acting Liaison of Foreign Affairs, House of Nobles Member, Judicial Tribunal Member, Hawaiian Genealogical Society Representative, Researcher, Konohiki, Royal Family Member
Governor Ige CANNOT Arrest Kanaka Maoli on Mauna Kea, Haleakala etc. Which is Part of the Government Lands
Researched by Amelia Gora (2015)
The following information was found at the Archives, Honolulu, Oahu.
The purpose is to empower our kanaka maoli for they have rights as "native tenants".
Additionally, they cannot be arrested as documented in the Legal Notice which protects them. Additional coverage to protect their friends was also posted in :
Hawaiian Kingdom Records No. 2015-0623 - Invoking the 1850 Treaty of the Hawaiian Kingdom and the United States of America; Reminder of the Judicial Tribunal Opposition to Building on Mauna Kea by the Owners, Kamehameha's Heirs and Successors Who Exists; Protection of All Kanaka Maoli, Family, and Friends of Kanaka Maoli from Arrest, Harrassment, etc.; Notice of
Notice was sent to the U.S. President, Governor Ige, et. als.:
The following are the important documents affecting our Hawaiian Kingdom/Kingdom of Hawaii/Hawaiian archipelago/ Hawaiian Islands/Hawaii/Ko Hawaii Pae Aina/He Mokupuni Pae Aina o Hawaii lands, etc.:
Maintaining our Neutral, Friendly, Non - Violent Nation since the time of Kamehameha III - Kauikeaouli, our ancestor:
Kamehameha III
King of the Hawaiian Islands (more...)
June 6, 1825 – December 15, 1854
Reference: https://www.nationallibertyalliance.org/hawaiilegal-rights-kanaka-maolinative-tenants-or-why-defenders-and-supporters-mauna-kea-haleakala
Health, Love, Peace, and Happiness to all!
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ASRb-m1_4a4 pretty upsetting...watch the court personnel pick up the tutu and drop her.... the Kekaualua family needs to file Police reports on all the personnel in the court.....charge them with assault, etc.!
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2014 Will Bring More Social Collapse -- Paul Craig Roberts
In America punishment falls more heavily on the innocent, the young, and the poor than it does on the banksters who are living on the Federal Reserve's subsidy known as Quantitative Easing and who have escaped criminal liability for the fraudulent financial instruments that they sold to the world. Single mothers, depressed by the lack of commitment of the fathers of their children, are locked away for using drugs to ...block out their depression. Their children are seized by a Gestapo institution, Child Protective Services, and end up in foster care where many are abused.
In America punishment falls more heavily on the innocent, the young, and the poor than it does on the banksters who are living on the Federal Reserve's subsidy known as Quantitative Easing and who have escaped criminal liability for the fraudulent financial instruments that they sold to the world. Single mothers, depressed by the lack of commitment of the fathers of their children, are locked away for using drugs to ...block out their depression. Their children are seized by a Gestapo institution, Child Protective Services, and end up in foster care where many are abused.
Read more:
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1101 17th Street NW
Washington, D.C. 20036
See Morehttp://www.paulcraigroberts.org/…/2014-will-bring-social-c…/
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By Allan Parachini - The Garden Island - Saturday, December 30, 2017
Like many incidents in courtrooms where a situation erupts suddenly into a physical struggle, an interruption at Friday’s session of the trial to decide whether Native Hawaiians who have occupied the Coco Palms Resort property in Wailua should be thrown off the land arose suddenly.
During the morning session, in which the legendary Coco Palms performer Larry Rivers was being asked a seemingly endless series of questions completely unrelated to the case, the courtroom audience grew restless.
First, Punohu Kekaualua, of Wailua, made a remark out loud questioning the judge’s authority, for which he was ejected and his cell phone confiscated. His mother, 70-year-old Debra Kekaualua, of Anahola, came to his verbal defense and she, too, was ejected.
A half hour or so later, when court reconvened after a recess, Punohu Kekaualua got into an argument with a court bailiff about whether he had been thrown out of court for the entire day’s session. Court personnel checked with Judge Michael Soong, who told them both Kekaualuas were banished all day.
But Debra Kekaualua had different ideas. She spoke up, objecting loudly to her son being thrown out of court. Bailiff Lee Jeal decided he had heard and seen enough. He ordered all spectators to leave the courtroom. But before people could reach the doorway, he walked into the back corner of the very last bench, where Debra Kekaualua was sitting.
As she continued her verbal protest, Jeal picked her up and, as she struggled, carried her a few feet and then appeared to drop her back onto the bench. Things got really ugly after that.
Angrily, Jeal summoned additional uniformed security officers from the Hawaii Department of Public Safety — the sheriff’s office. They succeeded in getting everyone out of the courtroom and closed and locked the door.
But it wasn’t over yet.
From the hallway, Debra Kekaualua could be heard screaming. She was being, as the incident could be pieced together later, handcuffed and taken to a holding cell.
By this point, the tension in the courtroom and the hallway was palpable and threatened to get out of control of court personnel. Kauai Police Department officers were called. Since the courthouse is directly across the street from police headquarters, KPD arrived within a few minutes, in force — five patrol cars and about 10 officers, including at least one lieutenant.
Debra Kekaualua emerged from the courthouse, having been freed by the court security officers. She was bleeding from both wrists, as well as her ankles. She said she sustained the injuries when she was cuffed and removed. She said she was told no charges would be filed against her. She went off to Wilcox Memorial Hospital.
As incidents in courthouses that get a little out of hand go, this one was unusually unfortunate. Jeal might have chosen an action different from picking up a very slightly built older woman and then dropping her as a couple of dozen spectators looked on and shouts of indignation became deafening. The optics, as they say, could probably not have been worse.
It being 2017, the incident was captured by numerous cell phone videos shot by spectators, getting to Facebook and other social media outlets within minutes.
The Garden Island’s Bethany Freudenthal caught the action on video, as well.
KPD officers later questioned witnesses after Debra Kekaualua complained she had been assaulted. They said they would review witness accounts to determine if any law enforcement action was required. There was no immediate announcement of whether the court or the sheriff’s office would conduct internal investigations.
The episode could be just another distraction in a case that appears to be proceeding in parallel universes. The plaintiffs —Tyler Greene and Chad Waters, the would-be redevelopers of Coco Palms — argue that the Native Hawaiian occupiers are on their property illegally and must be evicted under applicable Hawai`i and United States law.
The defendants, Noa Mau Espirito and Kamu Hepa, argue that Kingdom of Hawai`i land use law should prevail and they have repeatedly questioned whether the court has jurisdiction. They back that argument up by citing, among many other things, so-called royal patents, ownership documents involving land, awarded during the Kingdom days. They claim ownership of the property.
Unfortunately, that ignores the judge’s reality, which is that he has no choice but to apply applicable state law, which, experts in Native Hawai`i law have said, may render the royal patents essentially meaningless.
Confoundingly, Judge Soong has ruled he has no jurisdiction over whether the Coco Palms developers hold legal title to the property, which, he said, would need to be decided by another judge in another court.
Coco Palms, on the other hand, argues that establishing they have a legal title is unnecessary since all the resort property needs to prove is they have a deed and title insurance and are in legal possession.
Under Hawai`i law, there is apparently sound basis for this seemingly incongruous division of authority between two courts. But this is one example of how our legal system may make perfect sense to lawyers and judges, but leaves ordinary lay people puzzled. To put it mildly.
So it is, perhaps, not entirely surprising that Friday’s incident boiled over into a 70-year-old woman being picked up, then dropped, by a bailiff in the courtroom where the case is being tried as the proceeding devolved.
Many people have trouble understanding how the court system works. When the elements of disputing the jurisdiction of that court system mix with what was, at the very least, an undignified response to a woman expressing her opinions critical of the court, it is little wonder that the episode deteriorated so completely, and so quickly.
So in about 10 minutes on a Friday morning, disagreement over what the law is and what it means collided with operation of a court system many people simply don’t understand.
By Allan Parachini - The Garden Island - Saturday, December 30, 2017
Like many incidents in courtrooms where a situation erupts suddenly into a physical struggle, an interruption at Friday’s session of the trial to decide whether Native Hawaiians who have occupied the Coco Palms Resort property in Wailua should be thrown off the land arose suddenly.
During the morning session, in which the legendary Coco Palms performer Larry Rivers was being asked a seemingly endless series of questions completely unrelated to the case, the courtroom audience grew restless.
First, Punohu Kekaualua, of Wailua, made a remark out loud questioning the judge’s authority, for which he was ejected and his cell phone confiscated. His mother, 70-year-old Debra Kekaualua, of Anahola, came to his verbal defense and she, too, was ejected.
A half hour or so later, when court reconvened after a recess, Punohu Kekaualua got into an argument with a court bailiff about whether he had been thrown out of court for the entire day’s session. Court personnel checked with Judge Michael Soong, who told them both Kekaualuas were banished all day.
But Debra Kekaualua had different ideas. She spoke up, objecting loudly to her son being thrown out of court. Bailiff Lee Jeal decided he had heard and seen enough. He ordered all spectators to leave the courtroom. But before people could reach the doorway, he walked into the back corner of the very last bench, where Debra Kekaualua was sitting.
As she continued her verbal protest, Jeal picked her up and, as she struggled, carried her a few feet and then appeared to drop her back onto the bench. Things got really ugly after that.
Angrily, Jeal summoned additional uniformed security officers from the Hawaii Department of Public Safety — the sheriff’s office. They succeeded in getting everyone out of the courtroom and closed and locked the door.
But it wasn’t over yet.
From the hallway, Debra Kekaualua could be heard screaming. She was being, as the incident could be pieced together later, handcuffed and taken to a holding cell.
By this point, the tension in the courtroom and the hallway was palpable and threatened to get out of control of court personnel. Kauai Police Department officers were called. Since the courthouse is directly across the street from police headquarters, KPD arrived within a few minutes, in force — five patrol cars and about 10 officers, including at least one lieutenant.
Debra Kekaualua emerged from the courthouse, having been freed by the court security officers. She was bleeding from both wrists, as well as her ankles. She said she sustained the injuries when she was cuffed and removed. She said she was told no charges would be filed against her. She went off to Wilcox Memorial Hospital.
As incidents in courthouses that get a little out of hand go, this one was unusually unfortunate. Jeal might have chosen an action different from picking up a very slightly built older woman and then dropping her as a couple of dozen spectators looked on and shouts of indignation became deafening. The optics, as they say, could probably not have been worse.
It being 2017, the incident was captured by numerous cell phone videos shot by spectators, getting to Facebook and other social media outlets within minutes.
The Garden Island’s Bethany Freudenthal caught the action on video, as well.
KPD officers later questioned witnesses after Debra Kekaualua complained she had been assaulted. They said they would review witness accounts to determine if any law enforcement action was required. There was no immediate announcement of whether the court or the sheriff’s office would conduct internal investigations.
The episode could be just another distraction in a case that appears to be proceeding in parallel universes. The plaintiffs —Tyler Greene and Chad Waters, the would-be redevelopers of Coco Palms — argue that the Native Hawaiian occupiers are on their property illegally and must be evicted under applicable Hawai`i and United States law.
The defendants, Noa Mau Espirito and Kamu Hepa, argue that Kingdom of Hawai`i land use law should prevail and they have repeatedly questioned whether the court has jurisdiction. They back that argument up by citing, among many other things, so-called royal patents, ownership documents involving land, awarded during the Kingdom days. They claim ownership of the property.
Unfortunately, that ignores the judge’s reality, which is that he has no choice but to apply applicable state law, which, experts in Native Hawai`i law have said, may render the royal patents essentially meaningless.
Confoundingly, Judge Soong has ruled he has no jurisdiction over whether the Coco Palms developers hold legal title to the property, which, he said, would need to be decided by another judge in another court.
Coco Palms, on the other hand, argues that establishing they have a legal title is unnecessary since all the resort property needs to prove is they have a deed and title insurance and are in legal possession.
Under Hawai`i law, there is apparently sound basis for this seemingly incongruous division of authority between two courts. But this is one example of how our legal system may make perfect sense to lawyers and judges, but leaves ordinary lay people puzzled. To put it mildly.
So it is, perhaps, not entirely surprising that Friday’s incident boiled over into a 70-year-old woman being picked up, then dropped, by a bailiff in the courtroom where the case is being tried as the proceeding devolved.
Many people have trouble understanding how the court system works. When the elements of disputing the jurisdiction of that court system mix with what was, at the very least, an undignified response to a woman expressing her opinions critical of the court, it is little wonder that the episode deteriorated so completely, and so quickly.
So in about 10 minutes on a Friday morning, disagreement over what the law is and what it means collided with operation of a court system many people simply don’t understand.
After the unwarranted violent arrest of a Kupuna anger erupts at a Kaua'i Courtroom. Mahalo Kaiulani Mahuka for keeping us updated.
From September 13, 2007 —
Article 3
...Continue Reading
From September 13, 2007 —
Article 3
...Continue Reading
Article 3
...Continue Reading
Shanell Dedman shared a link.
Peoples' International Tribunal Hawai'i 1993 Produced by Na Maka o ka Aina. http://www.namaka.com Charge 6- Economic…
Peoples' International Tribunal Hawai'i 1993 Produced by Na Maka o ka Aina. http://www.namaka.com Charge 6- Economic…
Amelia Gora
In the SLAVE LAWS...a person who lied got their ears nailed to a post, cut off... read this outrageous, yet truthful book which includes Negroes, Indian Lands, Robert E Lee, the Confederacy and more!....the Confederate mentality is the kind of people who operated in Hawaii...the usurpers, etc. very interesting:
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