by Amelia Gora (2018)
Kanaka maoli/Kanaka Hawaii Maoli/kanaka Hawaii maoli have been defrauded over time by those who have conspired against our people.
See: HAWAIIAN REPORTS 1851 - The King v. Anderson and Russell case "every fraudulent combination, mutual understanding, or concerting together of two or more, to do what is obviously and directly wrongfully injurious to another, is a conspiracy....they were guilty."
"a mutual concert in cases like this, could seldom if ever be proved, otherwise than by circumstances, as conspirators do not call in witnesses to their undertakings".
Every kanaka maoli/kanaka Hawaii maoli should use this case as a case precedence.
Amelia Gora16:04 hi Kaukaohu Wahilani... watching

Amelia Gora20:38 Keli Akina has Protective Orders and everyone's names can be added too.... malama pono.........
Amelia Gora kanaka maoli/kanaka Hawaii maoli have alodio titles which is the Paramount /Superior titles.... the Kapule descendants must show their Royal Patent, Land Commission Award(s), and Survey Notes with their genealogies... the case precedence: (1) Kekiekie vs. Dennis case 1851, HAWAIIAN REPORTS - No one can take your lands away... "for the people's lands were secured to them by the Constitution and laws of the Kingdom, and no power can convey them away, not even that of royalty itself." (2) Jona Piikoi et als. vs. Jona Kapena case 1857, HAWAIIAN REPORTS - owners returned/occupied lands, the case closed because Jona Kapena families returned on the land ---applicable to those --who have genealogies connected to the lands... in this case "If the Plaintiffs (Coco Palms) took possession without the consent of the owner, that owner (Kapule/ Kaumualii descendants/heirs) had a right to resume possession at pleasure" John Kapena et. als. had returned to his alodio land.....therefore, ask for their title and show your title. (3) Kalama vs.. Kekuanaoa and John Ii, guardians of Vicgtoria Kamamalu - the evidence of ownership needed: Royal Patent, LCA/Land Commission Award and Survey Notes Ref" HAWAIIAN REPORTS 1859 - Supreme Court Law Library/Archives/Main Library, ... FilPolice Honolulu, Oahu, Hawaii
Amelia Gora Point is that the owners exist with Superior Titles/ Paramount titles...file police reports and prosecutors office reports suggested by the Supreme Court attorney(s)...I have a letter stating that "such claims must first be asserted in a court having original jurisdiction, such as the land court or the circuit court." the kool part of this is that the "original jurisdiction" is the Kingdom of Hawaii courts
Remember that U.S. President gave Hawaii back to Queen Liliuokalani 2x/twice in 1894 then in 1897...illegal actions since because there was no annexation ...reference: IOLANI - the Royal Hawk news on the web/researches and important Williamson Chang also Kaukaohu Wahilani I'll document that you and others are helping to protect our families interests as well because I am one of Kaumualii's descendants as well Kaumualii had Kinoiki 1 who married Kuhio and had Kapiolani/ Queen Kapiolani, Kapooloku/Princess Poomaikelani who had Haili who married Kaluakini the hanai father of Kapiolani/ Queen Kapiolani and had my grandmother Elikapeka Kaimiola who married Joseph Gora and had my dad John Gora (and siblings) he married Mary another Kaumualii descendant, Kamehameha descendant and my siblings and myself. Kinoiki 1 and Kuhio

Amelia Gora also had Kinoiki 2 who had the Kuhio's and Kawananakoa... and found in research that they also had a son named Kapali/ Kapaliuweloa whose descendants includes the Lopes.....son of Wilfred and Lei whose also with you folks... meaning he's a Kaumualii descendant...awesome if they're with you too...........Royal persons are Not subject to the laws reference: Victoria Kamamalu Probate pages 14-15. Anywayz will send a Legal Notice out........malama pono... remember we remain a neutral, friendly, non-violent nation... if that "wooly bully" aipolani King wannabe shows up, file Police reports....the Police did assign me a Police Number 98-271435 AF-CF regarding genocide activities in Hawaii in letter dated July 23, 1998...about a thousand people have been entered on that report which includes the names listed by our Judicial Tribunal Judges/members showing the conspirators/pirates/racketeers/frauds applicable to Article XIV of the 1849/1850 Treaty of the Kingdom of Hawaii and the United States.....also I filed an Affidavit/Lien no. 96-177455 (281 pages) showing genealogies, history, premeditation/conspiracy issues, names of Crown Land owners which includes Kaumualii's descendants, et. als. Malama pono.
Note: the Kingdom of Hawaii/Hawaiian Kingdom still exists today. Reference: Williamson Chang's films on
Noelani Josselin Amelia Gora have you any information , history on Wailuanuiahoano, the lands of KAPULE, KAMUALII, MANOKALANIPO that can help retain these SACRED Lands in linial descendants hands?
Amelia Gora Yes, of course....Deborah Kapule was a grandaughter of Kaumualii her father being Kahekili/Haupu. Deborah Kapule married Simon Kaiu and had a son. All of Kaumualii's children's lines can move forward to assist because he had a number of children: Kealiiahonui, George Humehume, Kinoiki 1 (w), Haupu/Kahekili, Kuheleaumoku, Kahai, Kanekoa, and Kaulia, Kahinu.....Deborah Kapule married Kaumualii and became a stepmother of all of the Kamehameha's because the link was Kaumualii's marriage to Namahana/Piia, the sister of Kaheiheimalie, and Kaahumanu. Deborah Kapule was part of the Royal Families.....there is a land testimony which states that Kaumualii died in 1824....and her marriage to Kaiu resulted in a son..... many of us can help....I gave two guys a copy of MAKA ALA the Sleeping Giant no. 4 and I guess those guys didn't understand the importance of the docs... keep in touch....I am one of the descendants of Kaumualii in two (2) lines: Haupu/Kahekili and Kinoiki 1 ...all of the Kamehameha's, Kalaniopuu's, John Young, Isaac Davis descendants can help too...... there are case precedence laws that lock the lands in our ohana, also, Royal Families are Not subject to the laws....Reference: Victoria Kamamalu's Probate pages 14-15..... her father Kekuanaoa became heir and he was married to Kalima his last wife....both Kekuanaoa and Inaina were siblings...their connection to Inaina.....Inaina was married to Kaumualii's son Haupu/Kahekili....and had Kalima/ Kalimakuhi....Inaina was married to Nahiolea the parents of Kekuanaoa..........Kekuanaoa married Pauahi who was one of the wives of Kamehameha II - L;iholiho....Kekuanaoa also became a stepfather of the Kamehameha's because Kamehameha II - Liholiho was also married to the widow of his father named Kekauluohi/Auhea.....due to the marriages many of the Royal Families are connected.....the whole intent to keep Hawaiian Lands in Hawaiian hands am at can provide case precedence too... there are many of us....and those on Kauai can also be physically there if they dare to step forward and help too

Amelia Gora posted this thread on the IOLANI - the Royal Hawk news on the web........fyiManage
Noelani Josselin MAHALONUILOA Amelia Gora !!! The decendants who are here on ManokaIanipo have done an amazing job of "stepping forward' to PROTECT ROYAL SACRED LANDS.The "fake state judicial system Judge Soon is trying to apply Hawaiian Kingdom "tenants" and "kuleana" rights to this EJECTION case (which is being appealed and being taken to Land Court. I have read somewhere that you mentioned certain (land) laws did not apply to royalty ? Would you happen to have any reference to this matter that would stand in the FAKE states court system? Our young royal warriors got "railroaded" so I am looking for "lawful" information that they can apply in their appeal . The courts / attornys for cocopalms developer have prepared a writ , ordering direct linial decendants of KAPULE to VACATE ( "State property" )that's being LEASED to developer .
Amelia Gora Noelani Josselin Hi.... there were two (2) guys who I talked with at the Bureau of Conveyances and gave them a (soiled) copy of MAKA ALA THE SLEEPING GIANT no. 4 it possible for you to ask for that copy or a copy of that of the guys has skin issue and I told him to drink papaya juice to make the ezema go away because that's what our family did for a "cure".... now, there are a number of people with Protective orders which gives them immunities under international laws... importantly Royal persons are not subject to the laws reference: Victoria Kamamalu Probate pages 14-15, Archives, Honolulu, Oahu.....have more than 1,000 Protective Orders out around the islands due to my elected position as Acting Liaison of Foreign Affairs which is the temporary Minister of Foreign Affairs position. The House of Nobles which came together more than 8 years ago is made up of Kamehameha descendants, including Princess Poomaikelani's descendants, and the true Trustees of Queen Liliuokalani aka's......the point is...the packet that I gave to the two young alii is very important and every kanaka maoli/ kanaka Hawaii maoli should have. Did not want to post this publicly because there are Lots of criminal deviants who have been actively concerting conspiracies against our people..... apply the case to what's going on now.... Contact Keeaumoku Kapu because he recently won his case....... Listen Up Alii because this is what you must have and yes you have the right to remain on the properties based on genealogies, Royal Patent, Land Commission Awards, and Survey Notes - obtain at the Archives for survey notes, Royal Patent and Land Commission Award for that parcel can be obtained at either the Archives or the Bureau of Conveyances. Now, these are the cases that you must pull up: 1) Kekiekie vs. Dennis 1851 HAWAIIAN REPORTS - No one can take our lands away (summary) 2) Ioana Piikoi vs. Jona Kapena 1857 - owner returned/occupied the lands, and the case was closed. 3) Kalama vs. Kekuanaoa and John Ii, guardians of Victoria Kamamalu 1859- evidence of ownership: Royal Patent, LCA/Land Commission Awards, and Survey Notes ... links to the HAWAIIAN REPORTS can be found at there's much more which is why that we connect on email's all good what you folks are doing and just hang in there.....we'll rooting for you folks! Importantly the case the King vs. Anderson and Russell 1851 shows that conspiracy against our people shows that they are guilty! keep in the many posts at the IOLANI - the Royal Hawk websites including the recent Kaeo's information.......Kue, Kue, Kue - with palapala of course from a neutral friendly non-violent nation ......aloha 

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