Ecuador Hints it May Hand Over Julian Assange to Britain and the US
By James Cogan
May 13, 2018 "Information Clearing House" - Julian Assange is in immense danger. Remarks made this week by Ecuador’s foreign minister suggest that her government may be preparing to renege on the political asylum it granted to the WikiLeaks editor in 2012 and hand him over to British and then American authorities.
On March 28, under immense pressure from the governments in the US, Britain and other powers, Ecuador imposed a complete ban on Assange having any Internet or phone contact with the outside world, and blocked his friends and supporters from physically visiting him. For 45 days, he has not been heard from.
Ecuadorian Foreign Minister Maria Fernanda Espinosa stated in a Spanish-language interview on Wednesday that her government and Britain “have the intention and the interest that this be resolved.” Moves were underway, she said, to reach a “definite agreement” on Assange.
Are You Tired Of The Lies And Non-Stop Propaganda?
If Assange falls into the hands of the British state, he faces being turned over to the US. Last year, US Attorney General Jeff Sessions stated that putting Assange on trial for espionage was a “priority.” CIA director Mike Pompeo, now secretary of state, asserted that WikiLeaks was a “non-state hostile intelligence service.”
In 2010, WikiLeaks courageously published information leaked by then Private Bradley [now Chelsea] Manning that exposed war crimes committed by American forces in Iraq and Afghanistan. WikiLeaks also published, in partnership with some of the world’s major newspapers, tens of thousands of secret diplomatic cables, exposing the daily anti-democratic intrigues of US imperialism and numerous other governments.
For that, Assange was relentlessly persecuted by the Obama administration. By November 2010, it had convened a secret grand jury and had a warrant issued for his arrest on charges of espionage—charges that can carry the death sentence. The then Labor Party government in Australia headed by Prime Minister Julia Gillard threw Assange, an Australian citizen, to the wolves. It refused to provide him any defence and declared it would work with the US to have him detained and put on trial.
On June 19, 2012, under conditions in which he faced extradition to Sweden to answer questions over fabricated allegations of sexual assault, and the prospect of rendition to the United States, Assange sought asylum in the Ecuador’s embassy in London.
Since that time, for nearly six years, he has been largely confined to a small room with no direct sunlight. He has been prevented from leaving, even to obtain medical treatment, by the British government’s insistence it will arrest him for breaching bail as soon as he sets foot outside the embassy.
Now, for six weeks and three days, he has been denied even the right to communicate.
Jennifer Robinson, the British-based Australian lawyer who has represented Assange since 2010, told the London Times in an interview this month: “His health situation is terrible. He’s had a problem with his shoulder for a very long time. It requires an MRI [magnetic resonance imaging scan], which cannot be done within the embassy. He’s got dental issues. And then there’s the long-term impact of not being outside, his visual impairment. He wouldn’t be able to see further than from here to the end of this hallway.”
The effort to haul Assange before a US court is inseparable from the broader campaign underway by the American state and allied governments to impose sweeping censorship on the Internet. Lurid allegations of “Russian meddling” in the 2016 US election and denunciations of “fake news” have been used to demand that Google, Facebook and other conglomerates block users from accessing websites that publish critical commentary and exposures of the ruling class and its agencies—including WikiLeaks and the World Socialist Web Site.
WikiLeaks has been absurdly denounced as “pro-Russia” because it published leaks from the US Democratic Party National Committee that revealed the anti-democratic intrigues the party’s leaders carried out to undermine the campaign of Bernie Sanders in the 2016 presidential primary elections. It also published leaked speeches of presidential candidate Hillary Clinton that further exposed her intimate relations with Wall Street banks and companies.
As part of the justification for Internet censorship, US intelligence agencies allege, without any evidence, that the information was hacked by Russian operatives and supplied to WikiLeaks to undermine Clinton and assist Trump—whom Moscow purportedly considered the “lesser evil.”
In response to the hysterical allegations, WikiLeaks broke its own tradition of not commenting on its sources. It publicly denied that Russia was the source of the leaks. That has not prevented the campaign from continuing, with Assange even being labelled “the Kremlin’s useful idiot” in pro-Democratic Party circles. WikiLeaks is blamed for Clinton’s defeat, not the reality, that tens of millions of American workers were repulsed by her right-wing, pro-war campaign and refused to vote for her.
Under conditions in which the Ecuadorian government has capitulated to great power pressure and is collaborating with British and US agencies to break Julian Assange, there is an almost universal and reprehensible silence on the part of dozens of organisations and hundreds of individuals who once claimed to defend him and WikiLeaks.
The United Nations Working Group on Arbitrary Detention, which in February 2016 condemned Assange’s persecution as “a form of arbitrary detention” and called for his release, has issued no statement on his current situation.
In Britain, the Labour Party and its leader Jeremy Corbyn have said nothing on the actions by Ecuador. Nor have they opposed the determination of the Conservative government to arrest Assange if he leaves the embassy.
In Australia, the current Liberal-National government and Labor leadership are just as complicit. The Greens, which claimed to oppose the persecution of Assange, have not made any statement in parliament or issued a press release, let alone called for public protests. Hundreds of editors, journalists, academics, artists and lawyers across the country who publicly defended WikiLeaks in 2010 and 2011 are now mute.
A parallel situation prevails across Europe and in the US. The so-called parties of the “left” and the trade unions are all tacitly endorsing the vicious drive against Assange.
Around the world, the Stalinist and Pabloite pseudo-left organisations, anxious not to disrupt their sordid relations with the parties of the political establishment and the trade union apparatuses, are likewise silent.
The World Socialist Web Site and the International Committee of the Fourth International unconditionally defend Julian Assange and WikiLeaks. If the ruling elite can haul him before a court, it will hold him up as an example of what happens to those who speak out against social inequality, militarism, war and police-state measures. His prosecution would be used to try to intimidate and silence all dissent.
If Assange is imprisoned or worse, and WikiLeaks shut down, it will be a serious blow to the democratic rights of the entire international working class.
Workers and young people should join with the WSWS and ICFI in demanding and fighting for the immediate freedom of Julian Assange.
Julian Assange ‘BANNED from taking visitors and phone calls' in Ecuador embassy
ECUADOR has banned Wikileaks founder Julian Assange from taking visitors and phone calls in a further crackdown on the Wikileaks founder, it has been claimed.
By Isabel van Brugen
- Fri, May 11, 2018 - The Wikileaks Twitter account wrote that the Ecuadorian embassy in London was refusing Mr Assange most forms of contact with the outside world.
Mr Assange has been living in the embassy since June 2012 when he faced extradition to Sweden to face questioning over allegations of sex crimes, which he has always denied.
The Swedish investigation was dropped in May last year.
However, Mr Assange, who was on bail at the time when he walked into the embassy, faces arrest by the British authorities for breaching his bail terms should he step outside.
Mr Assange says the real reason for his legal troubles is the fact that WikiLeaks published United States diplomatic and military secrets.
He fears that if he leaves the embassy he risks being extradited to the US.
But the Wikileaks founder is being subject to increasing isolation inside the embassy, with officials announcing in March that he was having his internet access cut off.
ECUADOR has banned Wikileaks founder Julian Assange from taking visitors and phone calls in a further crackdown on the Wikileaks founder, it has been claimed.
By Isabel van Brugen
- Fri, May 11, 2018 - The Wikileaks Twitter account wrote that the Ecuadorian embassy in London was refusing Mr Assange most forms of contact with the outside world.
Mr Assange has been living in the embassy since June 2012 when he faced extradition to Sweden to face questioning over allegations of sex crimes, which he has always denied.
The Swedish investigation was dropped in May last year.
However, Mr Assange, who was on bail at the time when he walked into the embassy, faces arrest by the British authorities for breaching his bail terms should he step outside.
Mr Assange says the real reason for his legal troubles is the fact that WikiLeaks published United States diplomatic and military secrets.
He fears that if he leaves the embassy he risks being extradited to the US.
But the Wikileaks founder is being subject to increasing isolation inside the embassy, with officials announcing in March that he was having his internet access cut off.
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Comments (97)![]()
"Never be afraid to raise your voice for honesty and truth and compassion against injustice and lying and greed. If people all over the world...would do this, it would change the earth." - William Faulkner
Assange should have left earlier, the rhythm of these times is one of deepening authoritarianism and the abandoning of civil liberties and rights over time, the climate was not going to get better for him. I don't know what the law is but maybe he could appeal to a European Court while Britain is still in the EU, Britain is going to become even more illiberal than it already is once they withdraw.
Unfortunately the US rules & the US is a bully towards "free speech".
Countries that vote against the US at the UN as Nikky Haley has openly stated are punished. The US may be compared to a powerful Mafia Family that one must remain good friends with.
Mr. Assange, you exposed His Utter Filthyness, now he wants to speak with you......
"The so-called parties of the “left” and the trade unions are all tacitly endorsing the vicious drive against Assange."
Not sure about the "parties" and "trade union" leadership, but all decent people around the world support Julian Assange and the need to expose government corruption.
The New World Order does not tolerate dissent and protest.
Whistleblowers are not protected either. They are the only ones that allow to KNOW what is really going on. Some leaders need to grow some balls and call out the BULLIES. Everyone knows who they are!!
The Skirpals have "disappeared" in May-Broad-Daylight. I'm afraid the same fate awaits Julian Assange.
If Assange is extradited to the empire via its vassals, the end of freedom of speech (and “democracy) will be accomplished. The police state will then begin to tighten the gauntlet on the masses.
The only good that could come to Assange being turned over to the US is that the utter destruction of the US would be expedited. His extradition would spark massive asymmetrical attacks on the US and in the US to free him.
This article overlooks the fact that the Obama administration kept the Grand Jury sitting for many years (they normally conclude their deliberations in one) looking for evidence to indict Assange / Wikileaks and failed to find any.
The Jurors concluded that what Wikileaks did to obtain and publish scoops was the same as what NYTimes and WaPo do. The only difference was the MSM does it for reward whereas Assange and Wikileaks do it for humanity. That's the crime. Some commentators above have called for action on the streets. The proximate cause of Assange's detention is British insistence on enforcement of its bail terms. Can they do that? The arrest warrant must have lapsed with the cause of its issue, the Swedish prosecutor's allegations. The Judiciary was obliged by the executive last month to allow a magistrate of doubtful ability to aver a crime. This shows how once the Tories got onto the lawless bandwagon it grew and grew until now they cannot exculpate themselves from crime.
Damn the cowardly, servile government of Australia for treacherously abandoning their citizen to this blatant corruption of justice.
Dennis Morrisseau USArmy Officer I REFUSED ORDERS TO VIETNAM Lieutenant Morrisseau's Rebellion LIBERTY UNION founder Second Vermont Republic, VFM POB 177, W. Pawlet, VT 05775 802 645 9727 9727
damned banker criminalsand their agents across this planet
may they all rot in hell's damnation-The people need to rise and take back their freedom from shylock and the evil nazi state imposed by massmurder in the Palestine of Jesus
Wikileaks has probably still got a ton of dirt on western shenanigans that we have not yet seen. If Assange is extradited to the U$ it will be the end of him, but I hope it sparks a massive release of whatever document Wikileaks still has up its sleeve. I wouldn't be surprised if it's already set up to go the moment Assange is extradited.
Perhaps the time has come for the Christians to forget about forgiveness and "love thy neighbour' [the elites of Britain, US, in Equador and elsewhere], and like them, lacking humanity, admit that the Jews were right all along with their "Eye for an Eye". If that's the game they want to play".
Lets hope the rage of the people becomes so great and their frustration with apparent powerlessness in the face of the contempt the ruling classes have for us that this wrath will spillover. And the growing disillusionment of the people of the world with these tyrants becomes manifest in action. But the elites, it seems, persist in digging their hole deeper and deeper, to defend and perpetuate their privilege. What's that often quoted, quote of the "righteous' taken from their saviour's warnings? "What if you gain the world and lose your soul ... et cetera". But seeing they don't seem to have one - or have lost it already - what they value above all [the golden calf] is for them to lose their wealth and power before these insane fanatics take us all down with them! That is up to the people! Otherwise, as someone once said 'We will be reduced the a retched mass beyond salvation". I will let you guess who that might have been?! More likely as Pete Seaker wote; "WE WILL AL BE CREMATED EQUAL." Len
In 2016 the UN Tribunal ruled in favour of Assange and against further detainment by England and refuting the Swedish charges. This was a legally binding judgement.. how has everyone forgotten? the UN will have to defend him.
Still waiting for that non Stalinist Trot revolution! If only we'd done it like the Trots had said we'd all be living in socialist paradise now,
Bloody Stalanists ruined everything! What the hell is Plaboite by the way!
To paraphrase Shakespeare in his play Othello Asange has done the World no small service in bringing to light the workings of powerful countries in extending their power into relatively weak countries. This should be open information in helping voters in countries that have have an electoral process in choosing whom to vote for. This is all about “ the truth will make you free.”
The time has come for all good people to stand up for justice and free Mr. Assange. Is there going to be some leadership to help Mr. Assange? I want to help but I'm not sure who to do so. I need some direction. Leslie Davis, Minneapolis, Minnesota
I will forward this information to The Green Party and Amnesty International as I am member of both , and feel it is of the utmost urgency to do some thing positive to help Julian Assange.
He has shown enormous courage in exposing corruption. I have in the past joined the protests out side the Ecuador Embassy, and will do so again. Ann Garrett
several key people from Wikileaks died "mysteriously" shortly before Assange 'mysterious' food poisoning and him being taken out by ambulance. Since than not even one balcony appearance and photo comparison does not match with original Assange. Probably real Assange was done with and today's one is just double and anything happening since than is just scripted events.
Sorry to inform all of you, but ...
Death to the truthteller...that's what the US is good at doing. Julian is one of the very few and rare people who dare to speak truth to power. The fact that the oligarch elites have reacted so strongly against him is unequivocal testament to the veracity of his reporting. And we, the common people, who have so much to gain with Julian alive, are just so much chattel, cannon fodder, to be ignored and abused. So many lies, so many deaths, so many overthrown governments of poor nations, so much poverty so many tortured, so many this really worth it? Is this what has become of America? The leaders and senior members of both parties are as responsible as any others for the pain and suffering across the world. They are no better than skanky street thugs. Yet Americans blissfully believe their government will protect them. Placing one's faith in a bunch of hoodlums who call themselves our leaders is a phenomenal risk, one for which US citizens will end up paying in extreme measure and to their extreme great surprise. That will be the ultimate price Americans must pay for allowing their own government to be overtaken by evil criminals. Just like the Germans have paid.
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