
Thursday, September 14, 2017

More on the 1933 Bankruptcy of the U.S., etc.

Clair Amante and Kahala Lei Azuma Maui shared Kika Lomi Waialae's post.
Kika Lomi Waialae
Shhht, American, read this...
Published on Aug 11, 2017
This NOTICE is from a private non-citizen national pursuant to 8 U.S.C. § 1101(a)(21) under Common Law Jurisdiction. "U.S. adopted common laws of England with the constitution." See Caldwell v. Hill, 178 SE 383 (1934).
Any and all documents provided with my opinion cannot be construed as legal/lawful advice in any manner, but for information purposes only. Any actions you take from the information provided is your sole responsibility; research the laws pertaining to your jurisdiction.
First, you need to remember that the original Republic of United States was a compact and alliance of the individual states; each state was recognized as a separate nation under international law. The original United States functioned similar to a chartered trade organization of member states, not as a 'country'.
This all changed when congressional representatives of the Southern states abandoned their posts in 1861, congress dissolved taking the Constitutional republic of the United States with it; the Southern states signed the Articles of Confederation, which in effect split the 'country' into two separate organizations; the union and confederacy, with the people as shareholders.
After the civil war, under the Military Reconstruction Acts, a new United States corporation, which formed in 1871. Google: Organic Act of 1871; this can be also confirmed by referring to United States Code, Title 28, Chapter 176 under Federal Debt collection procedures.
Section 3002 (15) states that legal definition of “United States” means:
(A) a Federal corporation;
(B) an agency, department, commission, board, or other entity of the United States; or
(C) an instrumentality of the United States.
Note that this legal definition does not include any reference to a constitutional republic, country, nation, compact of states, geographic area, or people!
The definition only refers to agencies and instrumentalities of the United States corporation.
The UNITED STATES corporation went bankrupt in 1933, resulting in establishing a federal bankruptcy trust; the FEDERAL RESERVE SYSTEM is the 'Public Trust', and all property of the UNITED STATES, which also applies to the 'states', are held in trust under bankruptcy law; this property includes all land, all real estate, and even the PEOPLE, are held as the collateral for the debt owed to international central bankers/ investors in the (BIS) Bank of International Settlements.

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