TODAY AT 9:30 a.m. Wailuku Courthouse! Come over!
Clifford Kapono added 4 new photos.
So what do na kanaka learn from this OHA Trustee Apo political fiasco? Not a damn thing, is my answer. Apo an interesting kanaka who ...
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Mikilani Young
Prayer warriors coming together this day to unite in pule (prayer) for Mauna a Wakea and our world.
Prayer warriors coming together this day to unite in pule (prayer) for Mauna a Wakea and our world.
We have several people coming to share a prayer, a song, a dance, a word from different indigenous group's. If you'd love to share we'd love to have you.
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Autumn Rae Ness
On Tuesday, A&B is going to present their “diversified agriculture” plan to the policy committee. And by diversified ag., I mean their plan to hoard agricultur...
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Susan Rosier shared a link.
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Article from Star Advertiser (9-1-2017):
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Pua Case added 24 new photos to the album: Hauʻoli La Hanau Chief Caleen Sisk.
Sept 1 and Iʻm back online after a short break to wish my dearest Chief Caleen Audrey Sisk a beautiful birthday today and thrilled that I get to spend it with h...
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I was just playing this mele on my guitar and thought. Sharing is caring. KU KIA'I MAUNA

Rocky Kalani
Here is a song I co-wrote with Teresa Lee Salgado Nakama,. I then recorded, filmed and first time ever produced music video called "Warriors Are We" 01/15/2016
Aloha Aina.
Eddie died so that every single Hawaiian could have the courage to face the unknown.
Aloha Aina.
Eddie died so that every single Hawaiian could have the courage to face the unknown.
To fear taking risks for the greater good would mean tha...
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