Robert Ebanez commented on this.
1. On March 17, 1953 a SECRET meeting was attended by the US Department of Justice, US Department of Defense, the US Senate Committee on Insular & Territorial Affairs, and Representatives of the Hawaii Statehood Commission discussing amendment of the Statehood in a manner as NOT to alert the public that the Hawaiian Islands remain duly claimed by the Kingdom of Hawaii Ko Pae Aina.
Hawaii was admitted in 1959 without the public knowledge of the illegal meetings by the United States.
A. The Territorial claim had not included all lands desired by the US Supreme Court decision divulged that Palmyra and Oahu are NOT within the boundaries of the United States.
B. The US Supreme Court admission that the Kingdom of Hawaii Ko Pae Aina retains the sovereign nation under the metes and bounds of its defined territory.
C. The Domain of the Kingdom of Hawaii Ko Pae Aina is claimed under King Kau-i-ke-aouli - Kamehameha III as early as 1842 and the island of Palmyra , April 15, 1862.
D. The US FRAUDULENTLY claimed that it was within US boundaries to make Hawaiʻi a State of the Union, misleading the global community and particularly US and Hawaiian citizens.
E. The US Department of Justice investigation revealed that the territorial boundaries of the United States MUST remain 3 miles outside the coast of California , Oregon , Washington and Alaska because the United States has no Legal claim to the Kingdom of Hawaii Ko Pae Aina as part of the State of the Union.
The US Military coup and 124 years of Occupation are circumscript of :
1. Crimes against peace and humanity under the 1946 Nuremberg Charter, Article 6 sections a thru j of genocide.
2. War crimes under the 1949, IV Geneva Convention, Article 43, 49, 50, 55, 56. United States Charter ; Article 73 section e.
US Constitutional amendments 1 thru 6, 9, 11, 13 thru16.
US Constitutional amendments 1 thru 6, 9, 11, 13 thru16.
3. The 9th Article of the Confederation, Piracy and Treason on the High seas, and the US Sovereign Immunities Act.
The US Action also violates public and private International law and supranational law which principles are summarized in 1758 as The Law of Nations
The US Action also violates public and private International law and supranational law which principles are summarized in 1758 as The Law of Nations
All Kingdom of Hawaii Ko Pae Aina lands are preserved in perpetuity under the will of King Kamehameha III in 1855.
1. The US has no treaty of annexation and cannot occupy the Kingdom of Hawaii Ko Pae Aina.
2. The US Corporation is enacting US law outside the boundaries of the US.
3. Queen Liliuokalaniʻs protest to annexation received by the US Secretary of State on June 18, 1897 liens all Kingdom of Hawaii Ko Pae Aina land and trusts as certified by US National Archives.
4. Senate Bill 49, print 4, print 5, and print 6 of the US Library of Congress clearly reconfirms that Hawaii is outside the boundaries of the United States of America.
These are facts and the truth about our nation the Kingdom of Hawaii Ko Pae Aina.
Aloha Mana Kapu
Robert Ebanez Keliʻikanakaʻole
Robert Ebanez Keliʻikanakaʻole
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