
Friday, September 1, 2017

Vol VI No. 666 Part 1h

 Robert Ebanez
See the web site above for the Mahele claims, click on Guest and type in your families name.
I spoke to the Native Hawaiian Legal corporation yesterday about my legal case on my tutuʻs allodial lands and the fact not only those lands, but the crown lands, Government lands, and Kuleana lands for the Kingdom of Hawaii Ko Pae Aina I want to pursue . They still need 2 more weeks to review my case again.
I went to them years ago and they said the Keliʻikanakaʻole is not my Keliʻikanakaʻole, and besides they cannot go beyond the overthrow of 1893. WTF was that all about. The land we had was in Volcano National Park in Kaʻu LCA 09157 Royal Patent 5434 one of 7 Mahele claims we have. In 2007 I got a letter stating that my tutuʻs land in the Volcano National Park in Kiao Kaʻu was condemn , so the Park can expand itʻs operation and we can do nothing about it. The US government has taken over our land. Fuckers.
Ed Case was the attorney for the Government. I want to know the truth about the case.
We shall see in 2 weeks. I will definitely say something about the Native Hawaiian Legal corp.
The lands we have under Keliʻikanakaʻole are as follows:
1. LCA 01282, RP 0406 Oahu Kona Kapalama Kalawahine
2. LCA 05795 , RP 7979 Hawaii North Kona Holualoa TMK 3-7-6-06 Kamakapaia, Kapio, Kuahina
3. LCA 06510W , RP 4303 Molokai Kona East, Halawa TMK 2-5-5-03 , and on Maui Hamakualoa Kula Wauwau, Lawau
4. LCA 06813, RP 2139, Oahu Koolaupoko, Kailua Kamakalepo TMK 1-4-2-13, 14 This had more than 14 parcels ,but the TMK an American system of land division had only 2 parcels whereas it should have been 20 parcels broken up and subdivided and taken by the Government both Federal and State and sold hundreds of acres to a Japanese Corporation to build the Royal Hawaiian Golf course on Oahu. This is how they steal the lands by assigning TMKʻs to allodial lands.
5. LCA 07486 , RP 7065 , Hawaii North Kona Puapuaa, TMK 3-7-6-16, Ililoa Probably Luxury Hotels in North Kona.
6. LCA 07521, RP 1027 , Oahu Koolaupoko Heeia Kaneohe, Kikiwela, Kumupali, this is under Windward Mall Kaneohe , Owned by Kamehameha Schools, Why? they are not heirs to Keliʻikanakaʻole our family are the heirs and beneficiaries NOT Kamehameha Schools Bishop Estate. They know this and they just donʻt give a shit because they occupy the property and claim ownership. This all will change soon.
7. LCA 09157 , RP 5434 , Hawaii Kaʻu Kiao ,Ilikahi, Haleokane, Volcano National Park, TMK 3-9-3-05 stolen by the Federal Government with no compensation to our family. They are making Millions of dollars thru the National Park.

The Native Hawaiian Legal Corporation (NHLC) is the only non-profit, public interest law firm, concentrating in the unique area of Native Hawaiian Rights law. NHLC provides legal assistance to families and communities engaged in…

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Robert Ebanez Document Document Document your records..Certified and Notarise....

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James Manuwai Oh my head hurt. Ill figure out something my gf has 4.0 grade average she did look though n she found some shit ill let her know about the 2009 hawaii code good info though she can use in searching.

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